Hey Guys, That is my car, thanks for the compliments. I am actually from Mooresville, NC. I dunno how they got my hometown mixed up. Ive been working on that 240z for the past two years. All the work was done at home in my garage. Including paint and engine work. I knwo you guys dont like modified cars here but I have tried to build something that is still classic japanese, Heres some links to the build: super un-updated build site: http://www.geocities.com/project photoalbum(updated):http://gallery.voodoo-people.com/austin As for the tunnel wreck that happend a few year back when I was in highschool. I actually didnt hit any cars, a 350z spun out in front of me putting me in a bad situtation and then I got rearended by a 350z. I hit nobody but 350z drivers messed my day up! Also on that same note there was nothing incrimenating about the video, it was a 'no fault' accident. I asked for it to be pulled, simply due to the fact that people wouldnt stop talking trash about the 15 second wreck clip at the end. I made it as a tribute to the car and people ASSUMED ALOT about me and the car from that short clip. Anyway the past is the past, hope yall enjoy the pics of my new car iIve but alot of time and sweat into it.