Everything posted by tbdean
1970 Datsun 240Z Group 5 Rally Car For Sale
Sorry Julie, I uh, I guess I should've updated this thread. I sold that Z back when I posted this thread... 4 and a half years ago. It's up in Canada now. At least, last I heard. Back where it was originally built up to be rally ready so I hear she's in good hands.
1970 Datsun 240Z Group 5 Rally Car For Sale
Make an offer. My brother is moving to Georgia on the 15th and will be driving, maybe he can help bring the car out on the way. Lack of regisration kinda sucks, but you can always do a DMV search with the bill of sale and get registration. But SCCA Club Rally / Pro Rally doesn't require "registration", just that the car be street legal and insured. The car has been raced for years this way using California and Washington 3 Day Trip Tickets.
1970 Datsun 240Z Group 5 Rally Car For Sale
It's been a LONG time since I've been here, can't believe my logon name still worked. Anyway, I'm selling my rally car. Never got a chance to race her. All the details are here: http://TeamTDY.com I'm in Southern California, in the 909. Thanks, Brad
Front Side
Yeah, I bought it just for rallying, after seeing it here: http://vintagerally.com/cars/hintz240.htm Of course, I'm still trying to get it back into racing form. I've got a website for the car here: http://TeamTDY.com ~Brad
- Front Side
Front Shot
- Interior
The rally computer, light, and the big mess of wires that is my Z. On the bottom left you can also see the switches that activate the lights, horn, fuel pump, etc.
Cage And Halon
- Side Shot
Carb Question
Another question fom the IE5.5-less Eric Bauer: _ I've seen quite a few DCOE Webers carbs for sale and although they can sometimes share the same diameter (ie 40mm, 45mm, etc), there's a second number that rarely matches. ie in the name: 40mm DCOE 18 for example what does the 18 stand for? _ Here I am looking at some detailed pics of the Fairlady 432 with its S20 engine and triple Webers. Now of course we know that the S20 cylinder head is a cross-flow where our stock L24 ones obviously aren't. What I was wondering about is why on the S20 the carburetors are bolted directly to the cylinder head? None of the triple carb setups for US 240/260/280 that I have seen ever come without a manifold (be it Cannon or otherwise). So what's the story there? Is it simply because the S20 has a crossflow head that they can get away with ultra short runners (ie carb attached to head) or is there another reason I don't understand? Doesn't it make sense that the longer the intake runner the higher the velocity of the air/fuel mixture entering the combustion chamber and thus the more punch?? Someone enlighten me please. -e