Everything posted by Bill.Oakes
Indy Z Car Club Show
- Indy Z Car Club Show
Indy Z Car Club
Tricked out 240z engine
Indy Z Car Club
Here we go...
So where did you find these pix? Any news behind them??
240Z Race Car - BRE Replica
I WANT IT!!! I saw this item for sale at eBayMotors, The World's Online Marketplace TM, and thought that you might be interested. Title of item: Datsun : Z-series Seller: cannefax Starts: Apr-06-02 12:31:11 PST Ends: Apr-16-02 13:31:11 PDT Price: Starts at $6,500.00 To bid on the item, go to: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1819284847 Item Description: 240Z Race Car - BRE Replica Vehicle Description Fast, competitive and reliable SCCA or Vintage Race Car. Fully adjustable suspension - front & rear. Six-point roll cage/tube chassis. 8-gal Fuel cell. Strong motor with 2 race weekends. Spares include transmission and two differentials plus additional exhaust to meet sound regulations. Last raced in 1996 SCCA ITS Regional at Stapleton - 2nd place. 1994 Pace enclosed trailer available for additional $4K. Will not sell trailer without car, but will sell car without trailer. Vehicle Condition This car is NOY STREET LEGAL. It is a purpose built race car. Rear bumper is missing. Terms of Sale $2500 deposit on 2nd day after auction close. Balance due at time of pick-up or delivery. $500 delivery within Western States. Any amount of purchased charged to major credit card carries additional 2.7% fee added to total amount charged.
Bad Luck at Gateway
I posted a message to the email list and thought it should be logged here somewhere. Basically, I found out that the PO put a ZX dist. in my '73. He did it so it had a modern eletronic ignition. I'm pretty sure it's a ZX dist. because it has the IC built onto the dist. When it started dying on me "runs great then dies" syndrome I thought I'd try Kyle's GM module replacement instructions thinking that an old balast resistor shouldn't be hooked up with a ZX dist. Did the conversion and nothing worked. Took it all apart again, put the ballast back in and cleaned up all of the connections and it fired up right away. Drove it around for an hour and it seemed fine. So, two questions; - Could that stalling just be from poor connections? I replaced distributor and the coil about 2 years ago. - What are the differences between the distributors for the 240z, 280z and 280zx and when do you use the ballast resistor? Thanks - starting to learn more and more about these beasts! -Bill
Trouble shooting ignition troubles
Hi Gang, I posted a message to the list but thought I'd post here too so it's documented. Couple things; Car runs great then dies immediately - no sputtering, just dead, making me think ignition. Had this problem before, replace entire electronic distributor (from a ZX) and it's run great for almost two years. The PO converted it from points to electronic. Think the PO cut some corners on the conversion, it still had the ballaster resistor so I followed Kyle's instruction on putting in a GM module (http://www.sonic.net/~kyle/gmhei.html). Hooked it up, everything looked right, but still no spark. Sooo....what's the best way to troubleshoot? I just bought a voltmeter but what other good ways are there? I've seen some guys pull wires and hold them close to plugs or contacts to watch for a spark. Good idea?? -Bill
The "looks better than it runs" project Z
1972 240z found on a farm in Wisconsin. Body in great shape, needs paint and interior restoration. The engine is completely seized, PO said it happened on the highway a few years ago. Should be a fun project car.
Before picture #6
Before picture #5
Before picture #4
The PO bought a flawless dash with all guages - then stored it in a barn for years. By the time I got to it there was a hairline crack due to the years of no care - damn!
- Before picture #3
Before picture #2
Picking up the '72
Picking up the "looks better than it runs" Z on a farm in Wisconsin. The body was is good shape, the engine seized.
a very sad day for me
A HUGE cyber-toast to Zme! Great to see someone who has their priorities straight. All these toys we play with just don't mean much when it comes to our friends and family. I, too, would give up all of my toys to have my Dad back just to sit around with and watch a couple games on TV. Here's to you Zme, you're a good man.
Hi Guys, I'm getting close to pulling my first engine out (helped someone once before). What are your thoughts on pulling it with/without the trans attached? thanks -Bill
Nice looking '73 in OR
Yeah, then I'd have to figure out a place to put them. Just built a new garage and it's full! Can't complain about having a full garage, but man, sure would be fun to have a couple more!!
Nice looking '73 in OR
Why do all of you left coasters get all the good cars??? http://cgi.carpoint.ebay.com/ebaymotors/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?Viewitem&item=1804547207
The new Z in person - Chicago Auto Show
yep, flat space with a shock tower brace that runs over it. Not a lot of room, but heh, it's supposed to be a sports car....
The new Z in person - Chicago Auto Show
I'm 5'10" so that gives it a little scale, it's probably about the same size as a 2 door Honda Accord, maybe a little smaller. I'd really like to see it in another color, if you play around with the colors on the nissandriven site the car really takes on different looks. If the convertible shows up that should really be interesting....
The new Z in person - Chicago Auto Show
The new Z in person - Chicago Auto Show