Everything posted by 280z1975
Engine parts Identification of year/type help ...
Sweet ... that is some good news to know! Thanks for the help ...
Engine parts Identification of year/type help ...
I went and looked at the engine in my car, it has an N42 in it with a stock exhaust manifold. The engine I just got has a P90A with a 6-2-1 header. Now is this an easy swap out or a bit more complicated? I would really like to use this new exhaust system as it is quite nice, but my old engine has had a fresh rebuild. I am not that mechanicly inclined when it comes to engines, so bear with me if I ask some stupid questions.
Rust under rear seat mounts...
Hey guys, well I already cut and did the repairs I wanted to do on the reat seat mounts. See the photos below for the progress. I used a dremel (went through three cutting wheels) one each. Then used wire brushes and the dremels small wire brush where I could, then a couple of rounds of metal ready and finally an arse load of Por-15 to seal it all. I am happy with the result. Now onto the underbody and wheel wells.
Engine parts Identification of year/type help ...
My original engine was just rebuilt, so I won't be rebuilding the new one. I bought it more for some parts I would need and extra parts if something was to break. I figured 255 bucks now would save more than that if I needed something down the line.
Engine parts Identification of year/type help ...
The header is a P90A. The first photo is of the 6-2-1 header on the engine I won and the next one of the one on my car. I think I labled the file names to help identify the photos. Next time I will add text in my photos to help. The engine is also supposed to have a set of Performance Cams (MSN # 17033 priced at 160 bucks) and a Performance Valve Spring Set (MSA # 102011 priced at 100 bucks) in the engine. But I will wait till I have the engine and parts taken out at the mechanics for painting to verify this. The real question is, what was taken out of this car or off the car then sold separate before the PO sold the car. I also got a K&N air filter with this kit which I really wanted to get, but just didn't want to drop the cash, so that was an extra bonus! I will try to get a different picture of the alternator ...
Slighty Off topic: Synthetic Oil after using regular
Ok, this is slightly off topic, but still has a Z angle and twist to it ... On Wednesday I am going to be driving 1,600 miles to bring my 96' Nissan Sentra to where my fiancee lives. The car has been on regular oil for a while now 135,000 miles (85% highway) but I would like to switch over to synthetic. I was looking at Mobil 10w-40 high mileage blend. Is this a good idea, or should I stick with my old oil because switching over could lead to leaks? Now for the Z angle ... my 75' 280z. I want to run synthetic on it when it's all put back together. The engine was rebuilt only one year before it was parked and was only driven to school or work by the PO. Which oil route would you guys suggest? Thanks for the help.
Engine parts Identification of year/type help ...
Engine parts Identification of year/type help ...
Hello everyone, I have a couple of different questions all relating for the same subject. This past weekend i picked up an complete drivetrain that I won off of Ebay for a 75' 280z (the same year as the one I have). I got a whole lot of stuff with it for a good price of 255 bucks :laugh: There are a couple parts that I can't tell what type they are and if they are any better than the ones I already have on my 280z. First off is the header. One reason I bought this was for the muffler (which I had to replace). The new one looks to come with a 6-2-1 (I think) which is made to go with the muffler and exaust. How much better is this one than my other one on my car. (referance pictures below and sorry for the bad shot on the header in my car, it's the best I could do) Second, I have a reciepts that came with this engine and one of them is for a short shifter. How can I tell if I have this option added to the trans? How hard is something like this to remove and add to my car? Third is the transmisson. The one I have now is also a 5-speed, but I would like to know if this one is anything special (I am pretty much a newbie to engine stuff, but I have included two pictures below to help) Fourth, I have tried to tell what type of alternator is on the new engine but i haven't been able to tell, the referance lable is worn and i was hopeing someone here could help identify it. I have been wanting to upgrade to a ZX alternator, so if this is one, then I saved myself an extra 60 bucks. Thanks for all the help ...
Hagerty Insurance "What's it Worth" features Z Cars
Thanks 26th-Z ... you just helped prove the value for money that are the Z cars idea I stated. Of all the cars on that list, it was the cheapest to afford and I am sure to maintain. Now all we need to do is just buy every Z we see (like we aren't already trying) and turn them into a diamond-style market where we all control the flow :laugh: . Then we can start demanding better and higher prices for them! hehe ...
70 Z Bought on EBay...ROAD TRIP!!
Are there any problems to using a tow dolly with a Z. I remeber reading something about disconection the rear diff. to prevent damage? I am going to be doing a similar road trip when I move and would definaly like to know if there are any problems. If i can use a tow dolly I will be saving myself about 125 bucks for the trip.
Barrett Jackson Auction, Scottsdale
Having just just joined the ranks of Z ownership I have to say that I am sorta happy at the costs of the old Z cars because I can afford one! About ten years ago when I was looking at getting my first car I was a HUGE first generation Camero fan. (I still am, but have been coverted to the Z-side :lick: ). Back then you could find nice first gen. Cameros for about 3-6k's, well done up and partialy restored for just under 10k. Now, they are at least 23k to 28k range. These are not fully restored, but more very well done up. Now take the Z (which I also wanted to buy from my Uncle 10 years ago, but he wouldn't sell. Just had to wait ten years for him to give me it :lick: ). My 75' will be worth about 5k to maybe 6k grand when done (I am not doing a full retore, but a very good one and not keeping everything stock) and I am going to put in 3,500+ into the car in material alone! I got the car for free, so that was a big plus to a profit, but I am not restoring mine for a profit. Still, what other high-preformance sports car can you find out there for the prices the Z's are going and be as much fun to drive! It's all about perspective. Most of us here would like to have our cars be worth a ton of money, but frankly, if they were, a lot of us wouldn't be able to afford a Z. I know I wouldn't. It's a buyers market for Z's now (and will be for a long time I think), but for the moment, it's one of the best new or used bang-for-your-buck sports car out there. Many of of the people here have two (and some lucky bastards got three of them). What other kick arse car could you get three for under 25k! As far as the nostalgia. Most everyone I have talked to has at least one cool memory that involves a Z car. So in another 10 years, maybe our babies will be worth more. Either way the prices go, I'm keeping my Z for a while. Hell, when I move to Europe in three years I'm putting her on a ship and she's coming with me.
Anyone use a hidden / windshield antenna?
So I was thinking today about what to do about my semi-working stock antenna and got to thinking I would really like to have a hidden or windshield antenna added to my Z. I have a rust problem from the old one leakin and would like to keep the lines on my Z clean by eleminating the antenna all together. There doesn't seem to be a lot of antennas out there, but one I did find was this one on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/TT1E-TUNE-TRAPPER-HIDDEN-AM-FM-ANTENNA_W0QQitemZ8032351006QQcategoryZ38655QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I also found a boat one that uses clear tape, but costs just a little more: http://www.shakespeare-marine.com/antennas/specs/4353ant.htm Any opinons on either? I plan to mount it behind the rear view mirror tucked up against the trim and painted black to hide it well.
My dealings with the local HOA ...
I never said it was a neighbor, I said it my HOA. It is his/her job to keep things in order, but they don't. That was part of my reason behind the post. And none of my neighbors have a problem with what I am doing. In fact one of them came over to see how things were going today. The post was just what it was, a post about the stupidity of my HOA. No offence or personal attack taken. And I have written about it on the little mini-diary I keep tracking my cars restoration, it just hasn't been uploaded. I never wanted sympathy, just a way to vent some of that anger directed my HOA for it's supidity.
My dealings with the local HOA ...
The situation is far from confrontational. I did give the lady a peice of my mind when I called, but it wasn't uncivalized. I was just a bit nasty to her because they claim to have this great HOA but never do anything about the 'real' problems .... I was told "Vechicles Non-daily driven vechicle must be out of street view". Hell that applies to EVERYONE at some point. I never work on my car after 7pm at night (my job allows me other times to work on the car, mainly noon to 6pm). So that isn't the problem, nor is junk cluttering the street. It's also not my neighbors (I know them all), but is in fact someone involved in the neighborhood or Management company that does drive arounds and inspections of the subdivision. Mike, if you haven't read the letter attached in a previous post you can get the full scope of how vauge it is ... With that said ... in 6 weeks this will be a mute point as the car will be refreshed and finished and I will be moving. I'm done with the subject, I need to spend my time working on my car and not worrying about the letter writing, but very powerless HOA we have. If I can find our HOA I will post some of the more inate rules they have written It's not possiable to have it in my backyard as there is no way to get it there ...
My dealings with the local HOA ...
After reading through most of this tread I guess it would be of note that I wasn't complaining about my breaking of the rules of my HOA, but more that my car was away from public site and covered with a nice new car cover and yet my neighbors car has stood in the same place for two weeks directly behind my driveway. It's not just my neighbor either, there is a VERY rusted truck that hasn't moved for TWO months on the street across from mine ... if they are going to complain against me, they need to get these other guys (or gals) to complie to ...
My dealings with the local HOA ...
I to have heard about this happening from friends, also saw a 20/20 special on a flight back from Europe about it. The do have some serious power, but in the case of my HOA I am dealing with, I don't think they have anything to back up thier letters. They have sent up multiple "you are parking on the grass" letters and no fines. And from talking with my neighbor they don't do fines ... In fact, the 'violation' is so vauge and broad that I would assume about half of the people in my neighborhood are guily of it ... "Vehicles must be driven daily or stored out of street view - Blue car" The letter is attached for those interested ...
My dealings with the local HOA ...
The reason for the letter was about not parking a non-daily driven/ non-working car in the driveway. The car works, but isn't being driven as I have it torn apart at the moment. I only work on the car from about noon to 6pm on any given day. The post was not so much a plea for advice about dealing with my HOA (It's my parents home, I just had my offer on my first home in Hamilton, Ontario accepted two days ago, so this HOA is not a concern for me). The whole reason for posting about our HOA is cause it's so pointless, they send letters, but never do anything. They like to send me or my parents letters about how we park on the grass. Well the driveway that was installed in our home buy the builders they chose won't let a regular size car pull up on the right hand side even with the front bumper to the garage door (my Nissan Sentra just fits with all four wheels). Anyways, I moved the Z into the garage this evening not so much to appease the HOA as to be able to work on it when the rain happened this afternoon. I looked for a copy of our HOA online, but there is none ... I like a lot of the things they have in there, but then again, there are some stupid rules in there. Back to my original point (I have to much free time this evening). If the HOA wants me to comply to their rules they better have my neighbors also comply to the same rules.
Help finding source of roof crossmember rust ...
I had looked at the hatch hinge area quickly, but not well enough. There was no visiable sign of rust when I looked, but a second check showed very brittle metal and I am sure that is the problem area ... I still have the hatch on the car but it's coming off tomorrow now. Still, this is only number 5 for bad area's on my Z for rust ... I don't think there will be to many more as there isn't much more I can strip off the car :cheeky:
Help finding source of roof crossmember rust ...
Hello all, I have a bit of a dilema ... I have some rust in the crossmember of the roof between the headliner and the rear hatch on the passenger side. I have tried to think of a source of this problem and have yet to find the reason. The car is generally rust free (compared to other Z's) as it's a Texas car and has been garaged for most of it's life ... Anyone out there care to speculate where this is sourced so I can stop it and fix the situation? See attached photo of the damage.
My dealings with the local HOA ...
So after less than a week of working on my Z I get a nice letter from the HOA (Home Owners Assosiation) that I can not have my Z parked in my driveway. Now my Z is pretty much dismantled to the shell and on jackstands. But the thing is I always cover it with a car cover and the driveway is cleaned up everytime I am done. It's also parked at the front of my driveway with three cars behind it. So why does this bother me so much ... cause my neighbor has 9 (yes that reads right) cars in a house that is supposed to be a single family home. Normally there are three cars in the street with another 5-6 in the drive and partialy on the grass. One of the thier cars has been sitting right behind our driveway for the past two weeks and hasn't moved (see photo) and is a huge POS ... and they complain about mine having a car cover ... The real kicker of it all is our HOA has lots of rules, but little ways to enforce them. I not so kindly told the lady who sent me the letter if they get the POS moved from behing my driveway I will move my Z ... the other car hasn't moved yet
Ebay H4 headlamps ...
Anyone out here bought any of the many H4 headlamps you see when you search Ebay. I would like to replace mine while I have all the parts off but I wanted some opinions before I dished out some cash. I also wanted to know if I should upgrade my headlight harness when I upgrade my headlamps? Read something somewhere about a member who makes a plug and play relay but couldn't find the post or link. Thanks for the help ...
Warning! - WIAT can strike you
umm, I drove it like 4 miles from the mechanic to home after I got it running ... does that count? At least every once in a while I will start her up to hear the car purr ... one nice advantage to keeping the engine in tact while doing the work. Also handy for moving it around.
Warning! - WIAT can strike you
I have the same fear, so that is why I am doing they IMAW while I still have a DD to use. I have 7 weeks to get the Z ready before I move and my fiancee takes over my DD as her own. I am lucky in the fact that my job is pretty low key for the next 3 months and I have time to work on my Z each day. It's down to the frame, suspension and the engine at the moment, but as soon as i finish the interior and inside of the car I will be over the hill and can finally see the end of the tunnel. BTW, IMAW and WIAT (or WIAI) should be a registered problem for car-o-files and have it's own support groups :squareeye
Por-15 pre or post welding?
In my case I am going to be welding new frame rails on ... and I will be able to coat the insides of these before I weld them on. If I destroy the por-15 on the inside it's not to big of a deal because 98% of it will still be intact ...
Identification of wheel...
Well if they aren't popular would anyone out there like to sell me a wire wheel and cap cheap so I can at least complete my unpopular collection :lick: ? As far as cost in refurbishing them ... I was only going to spend time on cleaning the wheels up and painting them when I painted my car (not much extra effort) then polishing up the wire wheels. While I would love to get a new set of rims I don't have the money at the moment for new ones (Got things that are truely broke to fix) and the tires on these wheels still have a lot of life in them ...