Hello all,
This is my first post, but I have been lurking for the past three weeks.
So the quick version about how I aquired my Z. My uncle has been a Z car lover for a long time and had a 75' Z in his garage (it's been there as long as I can remeber) and recently at Thanksgiving I said I wished I had a stereo with an audio line-in. He said, "You can have the one out of the Z before I have it towed away" I was like :cross-eye and asked if I could have the Z. I was looking for a second car for me and my fiancee to use and I would rather put 2,000 into a Z and save it than buy some used hunk of junk.
The car has a completely rebuilt engine (done by my uncles friend who done drag engines) and was only drivin a little bit for a year after the rebuild. The body is in 'ok' shape, most of the rust on it is from a neglectiful mechanic who let it sit outside for three months with the windown partially down! (prevention is such an easy thing). Overall it's a great car and I can't wait to get it to a quality state (I am not going for a full refurb or show car as I want this as a daily driver and frankly I don't have that kind of money at the moment (a new house to be bought and a wedding are preventing that from happenting)
Anyways, I have attached some photos of the passenger side frame rail (it is rotted through) and would like to know the best course of action. I searched for past articles and couldn't find anything.
I plan on cutting away the rot, brushing away the rust, using chemical rust removal and Por-15 (sandblasting if I can find a place to do it) then welding on new frame rails. That's the short version.
Thanks for the help in advance. I will be posting more once the holidays are done.
-Gregg Germer-