Everything posted by 280z1975
They found my stolen Z!!!
Back in 1999 I had my car broken into while in NYC ... I only had liability (I was 17 and made just about nothing with my job). So I figured my parents home owners would cover the claim. Well the deductible was 1% of the homes value ($1,300) and since they didn't believe that I had all of my bicycle gears stolen (or that they cost $55 each, and I had 11 of them!) they didn't pay out anything. Worst part was that because of that claim my parents were not able to get new insurance at a decent rate with another company because there was a claim filed (you have to wait 7 years). Insurance is a tricky thing that you really have to know the details of what you are getting and when and where and why it will pay out. The thing I hate is that if you ever use the insurance they start to charge you more. So most people don't claim the small things even when they can.
Z Stolen this Morning in LA County, CA
This thread got me thinking and googling ... this looks like a good and cheap option ... http://www.gpsonsale.com/vehicletrackingdevices/products/TrimTrac.htm You can use a T-mobile pre-paid plan (100 bucks a year) and it should cover you quite well ... also should bring down any costs on insurance and give those out there some piece of mind. As discussed before, a kill-switch, is another good idea ...
Old tmers disease...
Living in a country where just about everyone speaks 3 languages (dutch, French and English) (and often 4). The TV has English (UK) channels, US programs in English with dutch subtitles, Spanish soap operas... Dutch, German, Italian, French, Belgian-French stations. Engrish is here, but the funny thing is, I have friends here that speak better English than friends back in the US. Being a native English speaker I have been trying to use my Dutch (Flemish) more often when out here. I know I am speaking like a 10 year old, but I am trying. In the years I lived here so many people are more than happy to use their English to my "benefit" that it's made learning Dutch a bit hard. But I try. Even here the language of Flemish (which is like Dutch, but sounds different. Think someone from Alabama talking to someone from Wisconson). Differance is here you only have to go about 15 miles for the words to change. Makes learning difficult. Also, a lot of the people who learn Engrish, learn it from TV. The amount of improper usage is implanted with people who proliferate it's usage to those learning around them. It's happened with me. After living with my wife's Aunt here for two months while we got set up I learned a good bit of Flemish dialect as she didn't speak English. It was good for learning, but I still learned some words that were very 'slang' and it's been hard to break me of their usage. So in the end, I have a new appreciation for Engrish ... I still remember being 19 and in South Africa. First week I was there with my not so heavy Texas accent ordering a meal a dinner. The girl looked at me like I was speaking Chinese ... since then my accent has reverted to a very neutral tone that leads everyone to question if I am from Texas.
New kid needs some electrical help
You can find the 76 wiring schematic here: http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/electrical.htm in PDF or jpg.
Almost done /sharing some pics
My car, originally from my uncle when I lived in Texas, had that old classic car smell, but a fresh coat of paint and a lot of resto work and part of the smell is gone ... not all but a good bit ...
Atlantic Z anyone?
I don't have any experience with the Atlantic Z car club, but there are plenty of people around here who can help you check out any car that you might see on the internet and give you an un-biased third party opinion. You should also get in contact with Sailor_Bob, a member here, he is also a Newfie and is in the search for a Z car ... maybe the two of you can split the costs to transport a car. Just thought... Welcome to the club and good luck with your search ...
Almost done /sharing some pics
We should start a mailing list of all of us European Z members ... always nice to have someone who isn't a ocean away to talk to. Also we can arrange a container shipment with parts every couple of years and split the costs of shipping. Anways, good to see other Euro Z owners around.
electrical problems!!!!!!
Electraical problems can mean soooo many different things ... To start ... check all your fuses, replace any that look bad (or are bad) ... then check over all your connections that deal with your harness. Make sure they are clean and uncorroded. If they are corroded, clean them and add some di-electric grease to keep them that way (di-electric grease doesn't promote the electric signal, it just keeps it the connection clear of moisture and debris) ... look for any cuts or shorts in the harness, repair as needed ... check all your grounds ... ... search for the EFI Bible on this site and use the trouble shooting section to help see what is the problem of your 280z. ... be aware some wire will corrode internally and will have problems, electrical problems can be a nightmare, but are fixable. I hope this helps some, it's just some suggestions to start ... use the search feature of the site and then if you still have questions be sure to post them. good luck.
75 280Z project
that isn't that big of a hole, I would suggest you go the strip to bare metal ... cut out the rot area, then either weld up with a small patch (get a buddy to do it if you can't) or use some mess and proper body filler to plug up the hole and seal it, See these links: http://www.por15.com/prodinfo.asp?number=VC&dept=13 http://www.por15.com/prodinfo.asp?grp=RG&dept=10 I used these to eliminate my antenna hole on my 280z ... ... be sure to cover the bottom of the area with a good sealant. I used a roll on truck bed liner over my Por-15's bottom to repair the holes I had. The job is half a day and will cost you a lot less in money and time than taking it to someone else.
75 280Z interior redone
If the price includes removal of the tar I would say yes ... Tar removal took me at least 3 - 6 hour days to get it done right ... http://gregggermer.com/photos/280z/album/During/slides/during_repairs_06_%20015.html then my sound insulation was about $250, bquite.com Full Carpet kit was $250 Por-15 isn't included in the price but I will say should defiantly be used. So your paying around 500 bucks for him to do all the sound insulation and tar removal ... if done right it's about 24 to 28 hours of work (more or less depending on your level of perfection and degree at which you remove stuff. So you are looking at a rate of 20 to 17.80 an hour that you are paying him to do the work ... since this person has done hit before it will probably look better than if you did it. (I don't know who is doing the work, but experience makes things SOOO much easier) ... the short of the long, 1k sounds pretty cheap if you don't have the time and don't want to do it yourself.
Your pets
Here is our dog Belle ... she is an English Cocker Spaniel, but we have only just chosen her from the litter a week and a half ago. We won't get her till the end of the month. My wife has a little count down calendar in the kitchen till we get to bring her home.
Can't find inner tie rods! Please help ...
I have posted a request in the classifieds, but I am looking to locate these parts ASAP, so I have posted here ... I am really having trouble locating left and right inner tie rods for my 1975 280z. The are NLA everywhere I have called in the US and Z Barn hasn't returned two e-mails I sent. I am really in need of these parts. ... I can use the steering parts from any 74 and above car to 78. The Nissan parts numbers are: 48510-E8700 for the right side (Assy Rod Side RH) 46630-E8700 for the left side (Assy Rod Side LH) You can see Courtesy Nissan has them listed but not available. You can see the photo for reference. http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=48510-S30Z I would need these shipped to Belgium ASAP as I need to get my car re-inspected within the month. All i needed was the stupid tie rod boot changed but then we had the inner tie rod strip! ARHHHH :stupid: ... Thank you for the help ... you can always e-mail me at dbcyclist@yahoo.com with any leads on the parts.
1978 Electrical Diagram?
I'm in need of some tie rods (with the inner tie rod piece) at the moment. No one seems to have them new and I am looking to try and source them used at the moment. Stupid inspection people wanted the Tie rod boot changed and when the mechanic went to change it, the inner tie rod bold stripped! arrrgh ... I just want it registered so I can drive it legally (and something more than around the block to keep it running well).
6 hours of SPA photos ...
Sorry, no info on the GT 40's ... They were crazy fast on the race track ... when the race started we were on pit lane ... my wife wasn't prepared for how loud it ended up being! Should have warned her ... the best was seeing a golden retriever wearing kids ear sound muff ... LOL
6 hours of SPA photos ...
Went out to the 6 hours of Spa this weekend ... great time, snapped some nice photos (not as many as I would have liked as my camera battery was dieing!) and meet some cool people. Can't wait to go again next year. I was hoping to have the Z running as you can get free parking if you bring a classic car, a 5 buck discount on entry and 1 lap around the course during a car parade before the main 6 hour race. Grrrrr ... if only they didn't want some stupid bellow on the tie rod changed! I guess there is next year ... Here are the photos: http://www.gregggermer.com/photos/2007%206%20Hours%20of%20Spa/index.html
Part number help - Tie Rod Assembly
Thank you for the help ... that will be quite handy in trying to locate the part here (if possible)
Part number help - Tie Rod Assembly
I need to try and locate the part numbers for Nissan for the "Tie Rod Assembly" that is the Tie Rod and also the Inner Tie Rod for a 1975 280z (north american model) ... the tie rod bolts on mine are seize and I have to change the tie rod boots for the car to pass inspection. Thank you for the help.
280z going for over 6,000 on ebay ...
Carl, you are right ... I agree 100% with what you say,I just kinda implied the whole "seller must accept" ... anyone can offer a number and anyone can demand a number, but it's going to take two to tango and agree on the dance.
280z going for over 6,000 on ebay ...
Not to nit pick, but for 45k, I want some windshield wipers! I noticed they were taken off for the nicer photos I looked at ... :lick: I think it *might* get 40k at one of the big auto auctions ... put some nice flash chrome wheels on there (the red matched ones are overkill in my opinion) and it could do well. It's certainly a show car ... The car is worth what someone is willing to pay ... there are people out there that love these cars from their youth and want a flash looking one without all the restoration hassles ... this is how the big dollars are gained for the cars of that era ...
What does the Dove Tail do for the doors?
Thanks for the help everyone ... learned something new today (like most days with these cars) ...
Need someone to look at a car
He is in Halifax now (a ferry captain) but his wedding is in a small town called St. Jones Within which is north of St. John's. He use to live in St. Johns when he was going to school.
Need someone to look at a car
England is closer ... when I live in Toronto my brother in law was on the rock (Newfoundland) and it was a shorter distance for me to fly home to Houston, Texas to see family than it was for him to go back home. Sailor Bob, I hope the car works out for you, just be sure to get some good suspension, I hear the roads there are really bad ... I'll find out next year in July for my brother in laws wedding.
What does the Dove Tail do for the doors?
http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/SBC1B04E/30-2331 When you go to the Z Store home page they are listed only as fitting 70 to 76 year models. I guess they weren't important enough for the cars to have them for 77 and 78? They were on both sides of the car ... I can't say for sure what they should align to as my car is at the mechanics getting the last little thing they government wants done for it to be road worthy. Like I said, it shuts and opens easily and without problem ... still wondering what those little buggers do ... I can post some of my own photos once the car is back (between now and Friday I hope). If you search for "dove tail" on the site there is surprisingly little on these ...
What does the Dove Tail do for the doors?
Here is a photo of the dove tail:
What does the Dove Tail do for the doors?
I had a half-broken dove tail on my door when I got my car and took it off, the passenger side never had one. My doors close well and never seem to have any problems ... so why are they part of the door? I'm putting together a list of things that need replacing on the car and want to know if these are something to drop 20 bucks each on? Thanks for the help.