Everything posted by beezee
P-79 head question
Cylinder head I.D.,s from Hybrid z showing 1981-1983 N.A. engines http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=129066
260Z with a TIU that needs to be heated...
I have a 260 auto car, the TIU has been removed and upgraded to a MSD . A simple and easy upgrade to an E12-80 electronic dizzy would be highly recommended. I do have 2 TIU,s E12-05 in my spare parts, guessing from man. trans. cars if interested.
How to check a brake booster.
Zak, I have a portable vacuum pump that could be connected to the booster off the car to simulate engine vacuum, just a matter of barb hose fittings and a vacuum gauge.
How to check a brake booster.
Zak, The FSM tells you how to check on the car with a vacuum gauge attached between the check valve and master-vac ,run the engine then shut off and maintain 20" Hg for 15 seconds no less than 1 "Hg pressure drop. Test 2 run the engine and shut off and apply brake pressure,should drop no more than 1"Hg. I have vacuum pump and gauges , we could simulate and test off the car. Rick
bounceing tach after msd 8920 hookup?
Hey Kurt ,glad this ones solved , grounding to the battery and another keyed power source,would be interesting to see the voltage input to MSD red and E12-80 "B" if its pulsing. Running an earlier electronic dizzy I didn,t have any problems what so ever.
bounceing tach after msd 8920 hookup?
Kurt,the symptoms of the tach not working indicates loss of power or voltage drop to the tach when the lights are turned on? Check voltage at the 10 amp instrument fuse with the lights on and off.
bounceing tach after msd 8920 hookup?
Take the white wire from the tach adapter and plug it directly into the tach output terminal on the MSD box. The white wire to C.
5-lug nut conversion?
Just happened to read about 4 to5 stud conversion over at Hybrid Z...http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=144533
can not get tack working with msd 8910?
The 260 tach is a voltage triggered tach using coil (-) as a trigger. Earlier 240,s I believe use a current triggered tach by use of coil (+) ,not sure of years?
dave letterman
can not get tack working with msd 8910?
Kurt, Did the tach work before the ignition upgrade? Looking at old msd 6 literature the Datsun- Hitachi electronic module connects the same as the points dizzy, the trigger white wire from the msd to the electronic module "C", 8910 tach adapter and the blue tach wire.Z-force wire diagram appears correct to the info I have. The tach is also fused and an inline resistor in the blue wire up in the passenger side footwell near where the main harness passes through the firewall.
can not get tack working with msd 8910?
Kurt ,the wire connections above is for the 8920 tach adapter and works in my 260 but I,m using the earlier mag pickup dizzy. I had the 8910 adapter when I was using the points dizzy.
can not get tack working with msd 8910?
Wire connections for the 4 wire tach adapter , black to ground, red to 12v switched power from key( black with white tracer) and MSD small red,white to MSD tach output terminal ,violet to blue factory tach wire
msd 6a do I use the e12/80 or not
The e12-80 can be used with MSD,and has the best performance timing curve compared to earlier dizzy,s http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24079&highlight=msd+e12-80
New Front 1971 240 Z Bumper
My 74 260 has the 72 bumper guards in place of the 74 rubber blocks
msd ingition?
You can use a MSD6a with an E12- 80 dizzy ,and you will have to also have to add a tach adapter. You may not notice any changes from an already proven setup. I,m running the MSD on my 74 260 to replace the factory transistorized ignition
260z seatbelt interlock trouble need bypass
My early 260 ,s interlock has been bypassed by previous owners.Looking in the FSM pages BE91,95&103 showing the interlock wiring ,locate the black wire with yellow stripe in the 3 wire plug into interlock relay under the hood,and connect directly to starter solenoid,should start.Make sure you also have good engine to chassis ground.
70´ 240Z burn-out just for fun
Your correct on the police part ,guess I,m guilty as well . A 260 z with 60,s musclecar performance and a heavily modded mopar will give that urge to drop the hammer... stress reliefLOLLOLLOL
70´ 240Z burn-out just for fun
- 0 to 60 & Highway HP - 260Z
Last spring I pulled my 260 automatic and replaced it with a 280 5 speed, F-54 block,P-79 head nicely warmed up with a schnieder stage 3 cam,msd ignition, 6-1 header and 2-1/2 exhaust Performance in the 280 z it was removed from dynoed 162 rwhp,162 rwtq, 1/4 mile @15.3 and 90 mph 2.0-60 ft. My 260 is lighter and some tuning expect easy 14,s I can already put a 2 car holeshot on my buddy,s 68 Dodge Dart 340. I,ve also picked up about 10 mpg...- MSD #8202 Blaster 1 Coil
Good read from Hybrid Z http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=77628&highlight=blaster+coil- Asspiring enthusiast says:Hey whats up!
Convert that price to around $4100.u.s.,sounds even better. I hired a local guy in Ont. to pick up a 260z in Pittsburgh ,12 hour round trip, processed customs etc.,for $ 800. A quote from an auto transport company was close to $2000.- Asspiring enthusiast says:Hey whats up!
If your into wide boots ,heres a project in Toronto , lots of money invested but still needs lots more work,will be killer car when done.http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-classic-cars-1974-DATSUN-260Z-PROJECT-W0QQAdIdZ92947490- Should I do anything yet?
I would look for a clean rust free hatch and colour match to your red. Repair costs probably wouldn,t be much different from clean rust free to a patched repair,painting the hatch costs the same either way.- MSD #8202 Blaster 1 Coil
I would just change the coil using the factory ballast if your car has the original transistor ignition - 0 to 60 & Highway HP - 260Z
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