Everything posted by Love my 72 240Z
Stainless Headers for 240Z .. made or available in USA?
SuferD ... thank you for the link. Makes me think that the ZStory stainless header is a steal (price wise)
ISO Total Seal Rings L24
ISO: Total Seal Piston Rings +0.020 Bore: 3.288 Top Ring: 2.0 Middle Ring: 2.0 Bottom/Oil Ring 4.0 Total Seal Set Number is S2875-20 Looking for best price ... looks like retail is all that is coming up. Thanks,
- ISO 240Z or L24 NPR Pistons +0.020 and NPR Rings
- ISO 240Z or L24 NPR Pistons +0.020 and NPR Rings
Stainless Headers for 240Z .. made or available in USA?
7tooZ. Thank you for the offer ... with ZStory being $585.00 for an unused header ... I believe I need to pass .... but thank you for the reply.
Stainless Headers for 240Z .. made or available in USA?
Would like to purchase a stainless steel header for my '72 240Z ... stock engine ... just wanted the longevity of stainless. Unable to find "state side" dealers that sale stainless headers. Anyone have suggestions or contacts? I looked at ZStory (nice product) but by the time I buy it and ship it it's +$700. Someone in the states needs to fill this gap with supplying stainless headers for the s30. Any leads appreciated. Thanks
L24 Engine rebuild parts list
Ok guys .... its been a while and life has gotten in the way .... but here is the list for a L24 "long block" rebuild. Hope it benefits somebody else. Thank y'all for your input and I have collected many of the parts needed to completely redo my engine ... looks like I will begin pulling engine in early October 2017. Thanks again. L24 Engine Rebuild Check List.doc
L24 Engine rebuild parts list
Time to rebuild the engine in my 72 240 Z. Thought someone may know of parts "check list" that has been created (with or w/o Nissan part numbers) for L24 engine rebuild? I am looking to acquire parts, and once all parts have been secured (checked off the list), THEN perform the rebuild. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
NEED or WTB: 17235-E4101 Fuel/Vapor recovery hose 72 240Z
Carl, Just sent PM. thanks! David Jacks
NEED or WTB: 17235-E4101 Fuel/Vapor recovery hose 72 240Z
Dave, Thank you ... great idea and exactly my back-up plan if I cannot find the OEM part. Also wondered if something off a later Z (280Z) may work if I had to splice it? Any ideas? Thanks again - great idea with the hose and metal tubing.
NEED or WTB: 17235-E4101 Fuel/Vapor recovery hose 72 240Z
Jim D "Zup", Thank you for the lead. The hose you pointed outs is one that I already have and is available through Nissan. It is similar in that it has a "crook" at one end but is shorter in length, does not have a second bend and is smaller in diameter. Thank you for checking this out on my behalf. Have a great day.
NEED or WTB: 17235-E4101 Fuel/Vapor recovery hose 72 240Z
Guys, I am looking to purchase a NEW vapor recovery hose for my 72 240 Z. There are three (3) and I have the other two (2) new in my hand. I am looking for 17235-E4101 (see pic) it has the largest inside and outside diameter of the three hoses. The following suppliers are presently out of stock: Nissan including Courtesy and Chesapeake; Motorsport; Banzai Motorsport and eBay. So now I turn to you the true professional parts finders Any help is appreciated. Thanks, David Jacks Motorsport! Fuel Tank Vent Hose, Vapor Tank to Fuel Tank, Rear, Short, 70-74 240Z-260Z - The Z Store! Nissan-Datsun 240Z-260Z-280Z-280ZX-300ZX(Z31/Z32)-350Z-370Z Parts
72' Z Heater Core?
Alright guys and Carl ... my cell phone just rang (10:45am CT) and the AMC Discount Parts folks CANNOT get the 2" (240Z) heater core and the reproduction facilities will only be making 2 1/2 (260Z & 280Z) from now on. Guys, looks like we are on our own. Thanks for all y'alls help. Have a great day.
72' Z Heater Core?
Carl, Just called, since the box has not been delivered to me. They are working trying to locate a 2" (240Z) instead of the 2 1/2" (280Z) all they had on the shelf was 2 1/2". I want to trust they are doing a good job ... but am growing more skeptical with each passing day I did remind the gentleman on the phone that if he could get more than one -- that you (Carl) would be interested in purchasing TWO (2) from him. maybe that will motivate him knowing a few more sales are waiting for him. BTW, if I have to drive over there in person I can ... it is only 1 hour from my house I will keep you updated - Thanks
72' Z Heater Core?
ZKars and Carl, Just called Graham, Texas and they had Two (2) in-stock @ $109.00 each. I went ahead and bit the bullet and snagged one .. it hurt to buy it for that price knowing (at some point in the recent past) the price was half, but I guess that is the way the ball bounces Thank y'all very much for info and I will put AMC Discount parts in my file. Thanks again.
- 72' Z Heater Core?
- 72' Z Heater Core?
72' Z Heater Core?
Looking to replace the heater core in my 72Z. OEM - not avail, local auto stores selling reproductions - not avail. I did check eBay and the price is double what local stores charge (when in stock). So looking to save some green if possible. Any other ideas on where to acquire a new one? Thanks. David
240Z Seat Belt Hangers?
Dan, thank you - that makes sense - I just haven't been around Z's for so long (over 20 years since my last car and before this "refreshing project" I am now doing) this refreshing project is upping my knowledge base on the 240Z . Thank you. Carl - 4/72 - with not seat belt warning light and yes horizontal defroster lines. I think Dan's info answers my question. Thank you for the input.
240Z Seat Belt Hangers?
Guys, My 72 Z does not have retractable shoulder seat belt straps, but instead has a "J" hook on the interior dog leg panel right below quarter glass. How does the shoulder strap attach to the "J" hook? Should there be an attachment on the shoulder strap that mates with the "J" hook? Or does the strap itself rest in the "J" hook? Thanks, David
Hot Air Hose from exhaust manifold to air filter box 240Z?
Bonzi Lon - great pic ... Thanks. I will seek to do something like that. Gary - thanks for tip - yes I do have Summer/Winter diverter. Great ideas guys - thanks.
weatherstrip kit
About a year ago I bought some after markets - regretted it from day one. Removed them and bit the bullet for OEM Nissan (as Walter stated above) and I have never regretted it since. The doors close easier AND CORRECTLY and the road noise was less - well as least as can be on a 40+ year old thin sheet metal car Jim is right --- Go with OEM on Doors, Windshield and rear hatch - if you have to skimp on the others then you must, but remember OEM works best. Hope this helps.
Hot Air Hose from exhaust manifold to air filter box 240Z?
Walter, Thank you for info. I too had your thought about clamping tubing around one of the header pipes Thought that maybe, by a long shot, there might be a "kit" (as you suggested) - I too could not find anything on a web search. I do not drive in the winter or rain or bad weather only a Sunshine driver and weekend "car shows". The only reason I am putting it back on is the 72 air box has the connector for the piping and did not want it left "open". Just trying to keep the external "stock stuff" in place - well that sounds contradictory since I have headers huh! BTW, if that is a pic of your car in your profile - that looks sweet! love the "spook" (front air dam) on front. I have the same car and color (112 - right?). I am within one month of finishing with the 3 year "refreshing" of my 240 - here are a few pics before I get the nice ones with everything cleaned. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150997206451280.477461.501876279&type=1 Thanks for sharing your ideas. Sincerely, David Jacks
Hot Air Hose from exhaust manifold to air filter box 240Z?
Wanted to hook up the Hot air hose from exhaust manifold to air filter box on my 240Z. I now have headers and would still like to use this hose if possible ... any ideas? Thanks, David
Hard to find S30 parts
Left hand is available through Nissan LH 80841-E4101 ($16.00 - $21.00) depending on dealer. RH 80840-E4101 is NLA