Everything posted by Love my 72 240Z
Cleaning up the enigine bay - beginner
Really just comes down to what you like - when doing a valve cover. The older I get the less I want to "customize" my Z. With that said (insert foot in mouth) I had my valve cover polished at a local shop - $75.00. It is not "show quality" but the guy did a really good job - especially if you saw it before he did his magic. Go with what you like but remember sticking closer to stock will fetch you more money IF you ever decide to sale your Z (forbid that would happen)
Best way to take on a restoration?
Threehz. Congrats! Unfortunately, with age of car and having "sat" so long - you should seriously consider a complete "refreshing" - if you cannot afford a "restoration" (which most of us guys cannot afford OEM parts for everything). Now that Z's are old and parts are harder to come by - you need to decide NOW what level of "refreshing" you are committed to doing. Removing parts, cleaning, blasting, priming and painting (POR 15 - if possible) will be standard moves. BTW, go ahead now and find you a donor car (same year or same style) and thank God that you have an "extra" car to cannibalize - you will not regret the investment in the long run. These days a nice street car (not a daily driver but a good weather and local car show driver) will run you close to $20,000 by the time you finish going over the whole car. 5thhorsemann is right - if you decide to do engine compartment do it FIRST then do engine and tranny, suspension, inside and leave paint and as many body seals (as you can) for last. Since the car has sat so long - please do not clean out fuel lines, add new filters and then seek to start it - you will regret it. Presently, I am towards the end of a "refreshing" (a nice street car for nice days - no rainy day driving) and I will tell you - you need more money and time than you think. I believe that if you decide to get it running and driving and try to work on it while driving you will never finish and you increase the chances of a wreck. In the end you do what you want to do. After owning Z for 25 years - the "inexpensive" Z cars of my late teen years - has gone far away. Anything that is over 20 years old is going to cost you to drive and maintain. This is the fun part of owning a Z having to maintain it. But, just like everything else in this world - they all keep falling apart - even in our well kept garages - the sad truth of living in a fallen world. Whatever you decide - enjoy doing it and you have many great guys here who can help you and give you great advice and good links for finding things. Get ready to learn a lot while having a good time.
Protecting my uncracked mint dash!
Ben, I got a '72 with a mint dash - I am listening if anyone has comments - Thanks. David
Eating Humble Pie in my '78 on I64. Yum! Failing pump? Fuel tank siphon tube leak?
Some of the guys with older 280's place header insulation around the rear rubber fuel lines to keep the heat away. Yesterday - saw a 260Z that had this same "covering" over the fuel hoses near the rear diff. BTW, if there are wires connected to a the fuel pump terminals make sure they have not been melted by heat from the rear diff - saw that a few years back on an early 280Z. Heat can be a cruel enemy :0
22100-E4603 or 22100-E4603RE 1972 Distributor Hitachi - Need one or need lead on one
Andrew, Thanks for info. I have looked at Cardone ("Reman") but really am trying to stick with Hitachi if possible - maybe I am asking for too much on a 40 year old car . Thanks again for the lead. Have a good evening. David Jacks, Fort Worth, Texas '72 240Z
22100-E4603 or 22100-E4603RE 1972 Distributor Hitachi - Need one or need lead on one
Guys, got Distributor problems :disappoin. I need to get a hold of a NEW or AS NEW 22100-E4603 or 22100-E4603RE. Contacted Nissan - (checked all USA dealerships) - NLA. Already have my Pertronix setup - just need a very worthy OEM Distributor to use as starting point. BTW, have plenty of used "cores" - I am looking for a really nice distributor and really desire to use OEM/REMAN. Any ideas? Thanks, David Jacks: Fort Worth, Texas 1972 240Z
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
finished refreshing both bumpers and got the new rubber on them. Added a fresh coat of chrome polish and now awaiting some rubber bracket pieces so I can put them on! David Jacks, Fort Worth, Texas '72 240Z
wheel cylinders
Charles, Yes different - unfortunately. Up to 5/72 the brake line enters the wheel cylinder at a straight 90 degree. 5/72 and up to 7/75 (I believe) the line enters at about a 35 degree angle. The complete wheel cylinders for 5/72 and up can be retrieved from Auto Zone for $39.95 each (I am not plugging AZ - just got them there and was shocked they had them) - Nissan is "NLA" on the wheel cylinders. I installed the "angled" ones on my 4/72 and had to gently "bend" the brake line but had no problems after that. Hope this helps. David, '72 240Z - Fort Worth, Texas
240 Z Front and Rear Bumper "Shims"
Dan, Thank you, thank you, thank you... these are the boys Also, looked around Banzai site and found some other goods... I am afraid I am going to spend some money with Dan at Banzai. Thank you again for saving me time and energy in acquiring these needed pieces. Have a great evening.
240 Z Front and Rear Bumper "Shims"
Alright, I am so close to being finished with "REFRESHING" my 72 240Z. I pulled the bumpers and media blasted the interior portions and then POR 15 the insides to make sure I never have rust problems. I was ready to put on the new exterior rubber trim pieces and noticed that the rubber pieces (that go between the outer bumper brackets and the fender - keeps bracket from scratching paint) were shot and had one missing. I have access to Nissan microfilm and found something that looked like a "shim" - called Nissan and they said "NLA". Any idea if these "shims" (if I have identified the right part) are available as "aftermarket" or have some of you crafty guys used "other things" to accomplish the purpose as original pieces were intended. Thanks for the help. David Jacks - Fort Worth, Texas P.S. I have the end cap "fillers" on the rear bumpers - so I am not seeking these particular rubber parts. Thanks, David
- Center Cap dia for older slott wheels?
- Center Cap dia for older slott wheels?
Center Cap dia for older slott wheels?
Good day. Have an older set of "slotts" for my 240Z and need center caps. My opening measures 3 1/8. Contacted Motorsports and they have a set with 3 3/16 opening (plastic material). Motorsport Rep did not know if this 1/16 inch difference would make a big difference. If they did not fit and I broke one trying to get it on - Motorsport would not accept a return on a broken part. Therefore, I will turn to the pros here: does anyone have any "educated guess" on whether these caps will work? Are caps available in "metal" instead of plastic? Or is there another place to order caps? Thanks, David Jacks Fort Worth, Texas 1972 240Z