Everything posted by moonpup
The hardest part to find
I don't have a throttle knob for you, but now that you're back with us, what ever happened with "The find dreams are made of". http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20217
2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3
HA! San Antonio........Hell, I couldn't even convince the the club here in Houston to hold a convention much less which days of the week to put it on! BTW, the "general public" presents a good opportunity to recruit new members to your club. Never discount that!
2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3
First, not all conventions last a week, in fact I'd venture to say most are in the 4-5 day range. Secondly, the main event for "most" attendees at a "car" convention is the car show itself. It only makes sense to hold that event at a time that has the promise of attracting the most participants and attendees/visitors as possible. Anyone planning to attend and are coming from long distances know before hand that they will miss days off from work and have already accepted and planned for that. Therefore, the next goal should be to attract the most "on the fence" Z lovers, your average car enthusiast and the general public. Logically, that would be to have the show on the weekend when more people may be free to attend.
240Z fuel pumps - How many different OEMs?
Mike B .... I used your example only because it was the latest continuation of the one I posted and my statement had nothing to do with your contribution per se. I should have maybe used mine. :nervous:
240Z fuel pumps - How many different OEMs?
My attempt at coming up with a date code for these was just a WAG on my part and as fun as it has been, I seriously doubt that Nissan would have been able to put fuel pumps on these cars with date codes that perfectly matched the cars "production date", especially with so many examples of other parts that have dates where the month if not the year is different.
240Z fuel pumps - How many different OEMs?
Coincidence or date code? Arne ...... 7/71 -Nikki 1701 rtaylor.....2/71 -Nikki 1201 edit-Dang, you're too fast Arne!
New Front 1971 240 Z Bumper
Aren't the mounts different on the 62650-N3300 bumpers and therefore won't work for the earlier 240's?
New 240Z Door Panels 70-73
If I had to buy from one of the two....I'd choose our Canadian friend.
Front end 'spook' options..
Aren't you running out of platelets by now?
New 240Z Door Panels 70-73
Based on their description (not rust....adhesive), I'd say it's either someone who's a member here or a visitor who checked out this thread. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
New 240Z Door Panels 70-73
What do you know....already being listed on eBay! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-New-OEM-L-R-Interior-Door-Panels-Black_W0QQitemZ120371267593QQihZ002QQcategoryZ33696QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
New 260Z - Set Up and Shop Tools
These are just a few items off the top of my head and they aren't exactly Z/Datsun specific, but they're handy to have around when needed. 1. Good set of spring compressors to replace struts. 2. Clutch alignment tool. 3. Valve spring compressor for overhead cam. 4. Timing chain block/stopper. 5. Tie rod/Ball joint removal forks
Hood Emblem Fell Off!!
I don't have a hood emblem to show, but here are some pics of one of two NOS Series 1 metal quarter panel emblems I have. As you can see, new out of the box, it comes with both the barrel clips and adhesive tape.
Another " I'm Bored " Restoration!
Thanks Chris, but it's the 240Z that has my heart and soul!
Still searching for dogleg with no luck
If you're determined to get NOS Nissan, this may be your best shot. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-240Z-260Z-280Z-NEW-NOS-QUARTER-PANEL-OEM-RARE_W0QQitemZ120363306647QQihZ002QQcategoryZ33644QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Another " I'm Bored " Restoration!
Yeah, yeah I know, first the roto-tiller and now this.......I needs me a Z quick, afur I goes nuts!
Another " I'm Bored " Restoration!
I still haven't found my next Z resto project but while snooping around on craigslist, I found this old "vintage" hand wringer. I'd been looking for one of these for years and couldn't pass this one up despite it's rusted/nasty condition. (plus the $8 price was too good to pass! ) My dad had one for years while I was growing up and I remembered how great it was to wring out the chamois and towels after washing the family cars/boats. So. after a run thru the bead blast cabinet and a little paint, here's the before and after pics.
I REALLY wanted to win this Ebay auction!
Have you checked this one out yet? http://orlando.craigslist.org/pts/962608690.html
Arrrgggghhh...but the dash gives me the warm fuzzies!
Looking for engine L24-063102
Flat top SU float pin removal
Have these carbs been sitting up out of use for a period of time. If that's the case, they might just be gummed up and a little carb cleaner/solvent around the pin might be the answer you're looking for.
Rally Clock for sale on Ebay
Bonzi, I was going to let him know pretty much the same thing. BTW, I have what is considered one of the rarest Accutrons models out there. The 2186 "Direct Read". Problem is, it's rare mainly due to the fact that not many people liked them and thus not many were produced & sold.
Clunk elimination done, 95% victorious
Congrats, there's no better feeling than seeing your efforts end with positive results! Just one question though......wouldn't it have made more sense to post your results in your other thread so that readers in the future could see the outcome? :nervous:
"Yes we did!" It's finally over!
Therefore, Montezuma's response was equally legit. p.s. Include me in the "glad it's over" list!
Original Muffler Question
First, thanks to all for your responses, the picture's a little clearer now concerning the mufflers' finish but now I'm a little confused about the "finisher" on the muffler. Kats, I've always thought the "finisher" was permanently attached to the muffler but the way I'm reading/understanding your post, it seems you are saying that one can purchase it seperately. Is that correct?