Everything posted by moonpup
what is the TRUE definition of "Series 1"
What about the dash differences, including the speedometer and oil pressure gages? I don't think they stayed through out the series, or did they?
Choke lever mounting
A little searching turned up this old thread that shows 2 examples of tunnel mounting, including MikeW's setup. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14577&highlight=choke+mount
Lifesize Crying child dolls
I guess it depends on where you work. :laugh: But for most folks, probably not.:disappoin
Lifesize Crying child dolls
Maybe these are what he's looking for! http://www.realdoll.com/
Seized Header Nut - Help?
Hi Arvin, PM sent.
What Part Do I Have?
My "Dealer Confidential Parts Price List" shows that part# 25230-89903 is a horn relay and it replaces part# B5230-E4185. However, the good news is when I looked up part# 25230-E4100, it shows it's a heater relay and is replaced by part# B5230-E4185. So therefore, 25230-89903 looks to be the correct replacement part for both the horn and the heater relay.
'70 240Z in Ohio for Parts (Restorable?)
Not even the 2400 valve cover or the super hard to find metal fan shroud? That ther's a piggy bank on wheels!
#490 Listed on Ebay
I believe all ID plates were originally riveted. #797 must have been removed at one time, possibly for a repaint. Look closer, and you'll notice besides the style of stamping, #490 different in both the printing and the placement of the stamping. Both the date of mfg. and the serial# are in the same section, while #797 has the DOM in the second section and the ser. # at the bottom section. ( Sorry, I meant all "Door" ID plates were riveted.) :stupid:
#490 Listed on Ebay
Here's #797, also currently on eBay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-Datsun-240Z-Jan-1970-VIN-HLS3000797-YES-THATS-797_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6187QQhashZitem190058934310QQihZ009QQitemZ190058934310QQrdZ1
Brushie1320022 Parts
1) I never questioned brushies' legitamacy, only why he was starting another thread just to say the same thing he had already stated in his other thread an hour and a half earlier. 2) I, and many others, have parts for sale and are also trying to help those looking for parts. However, I was under the impression that the classifieds section was the approiate means by which to accomplish this. His original thread in the forums section was not a dicsussion of the classic Z car but rather a thread opened up in an effort to sell parts. Mike then asked that this thread and another be moved to the classifed section. Great, brushie complied and stated where everyone could now find his parts but then started another thread saying the same thing. If everyone selling parts in the classifieds were to open threads in the forums section redirecting people to their ads, this would just clog things up and I don't think anyone wants that. So I merely called the second thread as I saw it....spam. 3) Aren't we all. Spam :laugh:
Brushie1320022 Parts
1. You stepped on the site. 2. I never asked for any parts.
Brushie1320022 Parts
Why start another thread just to say the same thing you just said in your other thread? SPAM!
240Z orig. radio - no brackets?
If the heater control face plate is still in, you really need to remove it also, as it will make it much easier to install the radio. To do this, first remove the fan switch. Take the knob off by unscrewing the small set screw that holds it. Then behind the knob, you'll find a flat nut, take that off and you're done with the switch. Next, unscrew the map light and pull the unit down enough so that you can disconnect the wires. Now the harder part. You'll need to remove the heater and vent control cables at the point where they connect under the dash. I believe there's one on the driver side and two up under the passenger side. Once these are disconnected, you're home free. (Just make note of how the cables are routed thru the dash so there won't be any kinks when you reinstall them.) Remove the screws holding the face plate and pull the unit from the dash. Before reinstalling everything, it'd be a good idea to clean and relube both the cables and the control mechanism. Good luck.
And Y'ALL thought Tail lights were EXPENSIVE!
Buy it now...and you won't have anything left to put in it! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150064240758&indexURL=0&photoDisplayType=2#ebayphotohosting
10 things we can all do...
Houston just has too many "Borat's" on the road! :sick:
Glad to see we're back
Me thinks Mike's definition of "brief" is close to Bill's "is"! Depends on what you mean by......
Question on Air Box sticker
Derek, I am assuming that Mike didn't know that the back plate was a used item as opposed to the front that is new. Therefore they are not a matched set per se and the front cover could still be from another market.
Read by wait to post...What original part of the S30 has the poorest design?
I'd like to add the cardboard glovebox to this list. Dang thing was a pain to get out and usually got messed up during the process. I eventually replaced it with a plastic one from either a 280Z or ZX, don't remember which. Anyway, I just cut the front sides, top and bottom to match the 240 box, and never had a problem since.
Restoring Origional Shift Knob
When I freshened one up that I had, a nice coat of clear made virtually all the fine cracks disappear.
'Refreshing' old braided hoses
While that may be true for those looking to just replicate the "look", the purist going for that Gold Medallion will still need the real thing and thus will probably have to fork out the necessary $$$'s for it. Shaker hood scoops for the Cuda have been replicated and sell for around $1000-$2000, but I've seen the real mccoy snatch over $10,000! :eek:
Need help with installation of molding
Get the original. This is probably the best option for anyone wanting to replace weatherstriping, at least until someone make a decent replacement. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-260Z-280Z-Rear-Window-Weatherstrip-70-78_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ10076QQihZ003QQitemZ130007156020QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V Door, hatch, windshield and others quite frequently pop up on eBay .
The B.S. Continues!!!
The media dung beetle is still pushing this big ball of crap! http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/News/articleId=117485 "BRUNKENSEN, Germany — Albrecht von Goertz, the legendary designer and German aristocrat, died on October 27 at age 92. Goertz was responsible for the design of such classic automobiles as the BMW 507 and the Datsun 240Z, as well as such well-known industrial designs as the Mont Blanc fountain pen. As an associate of Raymond Loewy and later as a New York-based freelance designer, Goertz designed furniture, cameras, appliances, boats, apparel, musical instruments and other products for such clients as Agfa, Custom Craft, Fuji, Polaroid, Puma and Rowenta. But it was his work on the 507 and later the BMW 503 that raised his stature in the automotive world. In the early '60s, Goertz would again gain acclaim as the talent behind the design of the original Z-car. His name also has been linked with the equally stunning Toyota 2000GT. BMW design chief Chris Bangle paid tribute to Goertz: "The entire design fraternity bids farewell to one of its most passionate champions, a man who was not only a car designer heart and soul but also creative and successful in every field of design." What this means to you: Goertz's reputation put him on par with the great Italian designers."
Clear Coat on 904 White?
Not sure about the original paint, but if you look at the pic of the front wheel from underneath the car, it looks like there's a lot of overspray from a fairly recent(?) paint job. I believe this is the paint process he/she is referring to. Hood hinges appear to have overspray also.
Heater Control Panel
Just an update.... Looks like eBay pulled the second listing. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-240Z-Heater-Control-Panel-Brand-NEW-240-Z_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33545QQihZ009QQitemZ190046997180QQrdZ1
OEM Tool Bag
Do you keep these in your Z for use in emergencies like the originals were intended? If so, I can see why you don't have room for other emergency items, you're too busy hauling around fire wood!