Everything posted by moonpup
Pictures of original 1971 spark plug leads
I've had several sets of D hubcaps, metal fan shrouds, splash pans, braided hoses, metal emblems and 2400 valve covers. However, in my many years of searching junkyards, dealerships, classifieds, etc., along with throttle cable set-ups, wiring harness covers, tool bag content lists......original dated plug wires are among the list of items that I've only ever found one of. If you have two virtually identical Z's competing for a Gold Medallion yet one has correct dated wires, I know which one would get my vote. Hang on to those, they're almost priceless!
Styling.....Porsche Cayman, 350Z & the 240Z...your thoughts?
Hi Larry, Welcome to the club....I see you've met Alan! I understand he is a person engorged with knowledge of early S30 history. It would be nice, however, if he would ocassionally impart some of that knowledge in an educational manner as opposed to what amounts to snobbish lecturing!
Heater Control Panel
Enrique: Ahhh.....the internet and the written word. Whilst I said "rip off", what I really meant was SCAM. I've seen it all too often. Someone gets big bucks for an item and all of a sudden the identical item shows up by a seller with little to no feedback. But hey, I could be wrong, he may have all these parts stashed and now just needs a little cash so he can afford to get a digital camera to take pics of all his other parts. Guess we'll find out soon enough. JMO
Heater Control Panel
Can you say rip off! This guy is using the same pic and most of the same text from the first auction. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-240Z-Heater-Control-Panel-Brand-NEW-240-Z_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33545QQihZ009QQitemZ190046997180QQrdZ1
OEM Tool Bag
Here's a couple pics of the only one I've ever found and that's after searching thru hundreds of Z's for more than 15 years. You'll notice it has a Japanese date stamp. This one, "49.7.10", is July 10, 1974.
sandblaster help
Mine clogs in the gun itself, right behind the ceramic nozzle in the small chamber where the air & media mix. This only happens on really humid days, despite having a good water trap and keeping the tank drained.
Mike, or anyone else
Arne.. Go to "Top Ten" and then just above the Top Ten forums listed, at the top right, there's a selection box that you can click and scroll down to the one you want. ( not sure about the top or bottom 50 though)
Mike, or anyone else
Some members with 1800+ posts are on " a distinguished road", while others with 40 are "off the scale"? Big brother is watching!
Color electrical diagram on ebay
How about the real thing? When I bought out a dealership 10 yrs. ago, I found these two items in their attic along with several service bulletins. The first is the largest and is a 3 page wall chart for the 77 280Z model. They're each about 28.5" x 40", with the exception of the final 3rd. chart. The other wall chart is for the 78 S30 & 810 models EFI system only. It's about a third of the size of the other charts. They would be great for referrence, unfortunately they have some discoloration and smell like rat wizz! :eek:
Waste & Tools
First off, you really only need to keep your anti-freeze/coolant and oils seperate. You can however mix the engine, tranny and diff oils with no problem. As far as a good container to put them in, there are probably lots of choices, but my favorite is the one I included a pic of. It's a 5 gal plastic container that restaraunts get their deep fryer oils in. Alot of times you can just check their dumpsters for ones that have been discarded or go in and talk with the employees and ask them when they usually change out the fryer oil and see if they will save you one or two containers, and then arrange to come pick them up. These are great containers as they hold alot, have a big handle and a large opening to pour the fluids in! And finally, most of your auto parts stores will have collection bins available and will allow you to dispose of your fluids at no charge.
Commandeered from ZCAR.COM...Muuhaaaha
If you are referring to the first parking challenge and you backed in, the clock will continue to run because you were instructed to park front first and therefore had not parked correctly.
Commandeered from ZCAR.COM...Muuhaaaha
How good can you park or rather how fast? http://www.107.peugeot.co.uk/peugeot.swf
My third 240Z
Those wouldn't be too bad a looking wheel if they had a really nice polish to them and if that inner flange could be removed without affecting the strenght of the wheel. BTW, I'm not wild about the paint either.
My third 240Z
Arne, When I bought my 72, it too had a sunroof that I didn't really care for but after searching for two years to find a fairly rust free car, I also put the sunroof issue on the back burner. Eight years later when it came time to restore my Z, I decided to change the color to Guards Red (Porsche color). Anyway, while I was at an auto glass shop inquiring about a new windshield, I noticed they also carried and installed sunroofs. This was in the late 80's and they had a new line that included dot matrix colored sunroofs which at that time included black, white and red sunroofs. Besides the fact that the red one was almost a perfect match to my new paint, it was their low profile that really sold me. I didn't have to replace my roof and I now had a sunroof that didn't stick out like a sore thumb! Even though I doubt you're gonna change the color of your beautiful Z just to match a sunroof, I'm throwing this out here for all the others who have sunroof issues and want other options to consider. Besides, you could always go with a lower profile sunroof in a clear or black dot matrix color. Here's a pic of my 72 and a link and pic from a company that carries these. I'm sure any local sunroof dealer can get these. Good luck, and enjoy your new Z! BTW..have you considered Libre's? http://gallery.bcentral.com/Gallery/ProductDetails.aspx?GID=4773613&PID=2284235&page=3&sortOrder=0
What year 240 Z
Check out the info over @ zhome.com. http://zhome.com/History/1970or1971.html
Paint supplier
Geeez guys...ease up a little, I know you're all trying to help him out but remember he said this was his first "whole car paintjob". Unless he's done alot of practice on old fenders and such, he's gonna make mistakes. That's the price you pay for experience. Why make them with high $$$ paint. Not everyone has a money tree in their backyard or for that matter wants/needs a show quality paintjob. He just needs to go through the process and learn from it. JMO FWIW
240z radio face plate painting
I just removed the lettering from the panel after I went to the local Art supply co. and got some transfer lettering that matched. Each sheet had the complete alphabet with individual letters in multiples of 4 or 5, along with numbers as I recall. It was more than I needed, even with the few mistakes I made. Be safe, don't remove your lettering until you've checked out the store and made sure they have both the font and size you need. Good luck.
Whats your most outragous kill story?
The fly.......or your dash? :tapemouth
For Interest Only (Toyota 2000GT)
Looking at the interior of the red car, a couple of things drew my attention. The seat upholstrey looked very familiar as well as the door panel with the chrome strip. Coincidence?
240Z orig. radio - no brackets?
FWIW...while the illustration pic was from the 73 manual, the actual dash pic i posted was from a 72. The link below, from Mr. Beck's site, shows (somewhat) the 70/71 dash compared to the 72/73 dash. http://zhome.com/Classic/Restore/dash.htm
240Z orig. radio - no brackets?
Enrique, I think the support bracket I pointed out in the illustration from the 73 manual is the same bracket you're talking about, I just think the illustration makes it look smaller and not as deep. Here's another pic, what do you think?
240Z orig. radio - no brackets?
Hey there 71orangecrate , I'm posting an image of the radio installation from a 73 manual. (looks bacisally the same as my 72 had) Not sure when the radios changed from the early ones to this model, but since your radio's the same as I had, this is the way I believe it is suppose to mount. In the first pic, the bracket circled should have a hole near the back on both sides that a screw goes thru to the bracket on both sides of your radio, that is shown in pic #2. Hope this helps you.
Teaching the young ones to restore!
1st time poster with a questions
First off, I'd like to thank KenshinX for posting the links to Vintagecarman's other forum participation. I'll start off with some quotes of his on this forum: I personally like #2 :sick: Now let's look at some quotes of his on the Acura and NSX forum concerning a vehicle he purshased for himself. Now I ask you, does this sound like a man that "know cars like the back of my hand" or for that matter knows "the difference between garbage and a diamond"? I'm pretty sure I won't need him to match me up with a car. Seems he can't even match himself up!
1st time poster with a questions
1. I'm sure you do as..... 2. All the apples are picked and now you're moving on to the plums! Is that how you got your newfound passion for Z's?