Everything posted by moonpup
rust in gas, bad running now
As long as you're sure that the needle assembly is debris free, then the only other thing that can be causing the float bowl to overfill would be the float itself being improperly adjusted. Just follow the instructions in your FSM on adjusting the floats and you should be ok. Tip: Use any bolt that your 14mm wrench will fit and with the float bowl lid upsidedown and level, place the head of the bolt sideways between the float lid and the float itself. Now as you lower the float on to the bolt head, at the point it just touches the bolt, the float tab should now be just touching the needle. If it doesn't, adjust the tab so that it does.
Series I metal fan - how bad is it really?
Garth, here's a pic of the one piece metal fan shroud. Just snagged it off the ebay listing for car #913. As you look at the pic, the top of the shroud is on the left. Now back to the main topic...metal fans should only be used for show.
Series I metal fan - how bad is it really?
Sorry Garth, I don't have any pics but I believe the part # was 21475-E4102. I've only seen a handfull in all my years of scouring junk yards. Akso, because they were kind of a pain to put on/take off, people tended to cut a section out of the bottom, so between that and rust, it's somewhat hard to find a nice example.
Series I metal fan - how bad is it really?
I wasn't aware that the 72 had a 2-piece shroud. If so, when did the 1-piece metal shroud end and the 2-piece begin?
Work wheels
The wheels look great, but I sure hope you have something besides 4 buckets holding that car up! I'd hate for someone to get hurt.
EBay Project ('F' Word) restoration car
Also included is a Series 1 radio face plate and I believe the combo switch is also Series 1.
List of parts for sale
You're right, its all gotta go........to the classifieds section!
Stinky seats
Here's something you might try....Get a couple large plastic bags that are big enough to completely encase each seat, put an odor absorbent such as charcoal/baking soda/etc. in the bag and seal tightly. Check for odor occasionally and replace odor absorbent as needed. Good Luck.
Restoring a 240Z steering wheel
Just an added note; living in Houston with the long hot summer months, I used a marine spar clear with a high UV rating to help protect the wheel from future sun damage. Still looked great 15 yrs. later when I sold the car.
Missing Tow Hook
It may have had a dual purpose, but my 1972 Owners Manual states; "If you find it necessary to have yours towed, it is important that the towing rope be fastened only to hook that attach the frame, as illustrated. The rope must be routed under the bottom edge of the bumper. Admittable load of the hook is less than 2,200lb."
#682 on e-bay
Don't know if this is the same scam or not. but this blue on blue 71 is way too nice for the buy it now price of $4,900. And wasn't that the same BIN on the second listing of the red one? If it's not a scam, someone needs to jumps on this! Hummm.. just noticed, Indiana plates and Calif. listing? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-240Z-1971-DATSUN-240Z-BIN-4900_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6187QQitemZ4617359145QQrdZ1
Weird Names
Boggus Ford in south Texas
Rare Parts on Ebay
Here's another nice item. Blue Series1 seats in Fla. Item number: 4616900634 Not exactly the color you need 26thZ, but might be close to you.
Rare Parts on Ebay
Seller has three items that are difficult to find. This, Item number: 8041914254 is a throttle control knob.( He's calling it a choke cable knob) He also has the rounded choke knob and a longtail fuse box (looks good) on his other auctions. Happy bidding.
Original Key Blanks
Wouldn't someone wishing to convert their non-locking fuel lid to the locking set-up also need to fabricate the u-shaped catch located just inside the lid?
Can't keep everything or can I?, #156 what's it worth?
Feel free to put this in the FWIW category, but about 20 yrs. ago I spotted #200 in a Houston salvage yard. Not much left, no engine and missing the entire rear clip. If I remember correctly, it was a silver car.
L 24 engine
Oop's.....I believe you just let a little of your own petard/agenda slip out!
L 24 engine
Let me break this down for you. An illustration was used by you that merely showed an S30, an oil cooling system and a valve cover among other things. 1 - An L24 was the topic of discussion and this clearly was not a L24 valve cover. (This suggested that the oil system shown might be for another engine.) 2 - Now pay attention here because this part is very important. No text stating that this was an L24 oil cooling system was printed on the illustration nor was any supplied by yourself at the time of your post. (For thousands of individuals that have never seen a factory system, how are they supposed to know it was for an L24 engine without some kind of text explaining it or an illustration 'correctly' linking it to a L24 engine? 3 - And finally your own words....see below I'm sorry, but all this still adds up to inaccurate in my book.
L 24 engine
Let me get this straight......I take to task someone who used an inaccurate illustration (and a self-described flippant remark) as the sole support of his argument to 'counter' another members post, the same someone who portrays himself to have quite a bit of knowledge and a "pretty big archive of data" available to him and someone who I therefore feel (right or wrong) should be held to a higher standard, and I'm the instigator/bad guy. Fine I can accept that. You on the other hand have jumped on me twice now for my post. (This second time after things appeared to be quieting down.) So what does that make you? That's not for me to answer, I'll let the other members judge your actions as mine are currently being judged. So, please don't take this as an attack on you, I'm merely questioning your apparent double standard.
L 24 engine
Hey beandip, thanks for the name change. Hope you didn't fry too many brain cells coming up with that. In the meantime, if you can't see who really had the agenda/axe to grind in all this I'm afraid I can't help you.
L 24 engine
Oh believe me Stephen I have plenty to say but I've seen how "discussions" with certain individuals go and I've choosen not to continue this one as I believe I've made the point that I intended to make. Now as far as throwing "bits and pieces" into threads, isn't that what a forum is all about? Thanks for you opinon, I heard it quite clearly.
L 24 engine
WOW... Are you a barrister? It's amazing how you can twist things! What I originally responded to was your penchant for jumping in to correct someone under the guise of "educating" them. Where's the education in: "Well, Here's a toast to the 00.0000003%......... " I don't even know where to begin with regard to your latest response and you know what, I don't think I will. Good luck with your "Education(of the american public)Agenda"
L 24 engine
No sir, you did not directly mention "the U.S. export/240z model" in your reply, however you indirectly implied that by wrapping the quote box around montoya_fan01's entire response. If you wished to respond to and reference only "99.9999997% sure it's aftermarket" then you should have wrapped that statement only. Who supplied the illustration? Who's doing the misleading? Huh? What does that have to do with this thread? We happened to be discussing a U.S. model. How is that ignoring the others? If you choose to start a thread about the JDM models and not mention any others (which you have) then are you not doing the exact same thing? The bottom line is this: NY " Z " originally asked if the oil cooler mounted on his 1972 240Z was a factory option. No it was not and nobody has proven differently. And until NY " Z " posts a picture of the system that's on his car, there is nothing incorrect in montoya_fan01's statements, including "99.9999997% sure it's aftermarket".
L 24 engine
Alan, I believe your self-imposed agenda to educate the world sometimes gets the better of you. And this reply by you is a good example. montoya_fan01 is clearly referencing the U.S. export/240z model in his reply. I don't think anyone could imply differently. Your response included a drawing of a S30 that quite obviously shows an engine (note: valve cover design) not available to the U.S. market and therefore should not be used to support your reply. Until you can supply documentation or "accurate" illustrations to back your response, I believe it is you sir that stands corrected.
Road trip sighting what is it
While there certainly are differences to be noted between said vehicles, I'm not really seeing anything different in the headlight bezels that Arne mentions. However, trailer car (TC) does have a couple of round chrome peices directly under the headlights that museum car (MC) doesn't have. In return, MC has what appears to be side marker lamps that are absent on TC. Also, the side chrome trim on TC in addition to being "fatter", appears to wrap around closer to the headlight than MC does. Now as far as the back goes, the tail lights are obviously different. TC has what appears to be a raised chrome pop-up fuel lid (could be wrong here), while MC has a body colored lid. What does all this mean? Arne could be correct and its a replicar or it could be just an earlier/later design as suggested by Alfa dog.