Everything posted by moonpup
Trivia : How many?
Ahh.. Billy Boy, The point is, a friend of mine (whose car is in storage) is planning to replace all his panels and rivets. He called me wanting to know how many rivets were needed, so he could be prepared and purchase enough off ebay. Not knowing this tid-bit of info off the top of my head, I first did a search here to see if that number had been previously discussed. Couldn't find it, so decided to play this little game to 1. Get an answer for my friend and 2. Leave a trail on this board that might help someone else needing this number in the future. Head bolts = 14
Trivia : How many?
What is the total number of plastic rivets needed for the installation of the 240's interior panels?
1971 240Z 4-Sale
Since you have no digital camera available, perhaps you could be a little more descriptive with regards to rust, interior, drivetrain etc. Example..."The undercarriage is rusting". That's a good start, but are we talking huge gaping holes or a little surface stuff that could easily be knocked off? Having no camera sucks, but you gotta give us a little help here.
Oldest car to wear GT-R badge
Aaaahhhh... the Bridgestone 350's. Don't pay any attention to me, I just got a little nostalgic when you mentioned the 350 GTR. I had the 350 GTO version with it's upswept pipes and gold vs. red paint scheme. Man that was one quick bike. I beat every other 350 & some 500's that were out at that time. Here's a pic of one.
Is it just me or did you think the Steelers were handed the superbowl.
Screw the Steelers...Screw the Seahawks...Go Texans!
anyone got one of....
Yup I've seen them before, however they seemed to be more of a decorative item (for looks only) than something that could be of use. After all, Datsun did provide luggage straps for securing loose items.
Hello! Jani from Finland
Oh my bad.....didn't realize the selection list included the JDM and other export markets. So you mean there IS supposed to be a selection option for the 76,77,and 78 260Z's as well? There seems to be so many other possibilities missing.
Hello! Jani from Finland
JaniH First, welcome and I'm sure everyone is happy to see another Z enthusiast come onboard and second, you're correct in stating that the 83 280ZX was not a selection option available for you to use. (Don't feel bad, it wasn't there for me either!) I guess since there is no 1972 240Z available, then individuals with those models might wanna look elsewhere? And just why are we discriminating against these two models (83&72) when we let the ultra rare 75 260Z & the 79 280Z be included. Ease up Billy boy, there's enough room for everyone.
Its alive!!!..... well sort of
If you end up having to replace your oil pump, I'd recommend the 280ZX Turbo pump. I saw a considerable increase in pressure in my 240 when I changed over.
Expert Test - What's this?
Yup, it was a sad sight, especially watching your babies going up in flames and knowing there's nothing you can do to stop it. On a side note: the car on the left was HLS30-03548, mfg.4/70 and has/had a somewhat famous sibling. It's twin was also shipped thru the Port of Houston, is also a Dark Green/Butterscotch car and is #03547.......the car Wick Humble restored in his book. And that my friends is the rest of the story.
Expert Test - What's this?
Here's a picture of one being used as intended on this car currently listed on Ebay.(Well almost...doesn't quite cover the wiring as intended) Just curious, did they come on the later year cars or were they only on the early ones?
The find dreams are made of
That is truly one heck of a find! The fuelie alone, if it's all there, is worth a bucket load of bucks. Now you throw in the SS Camaro and 3 Z's, well I just don't believe I'll be able to sleep tonite!!!
Expert Test - What's this?
Great to be aboard. Thanks for the reminder about the search function. This however was more along the lines of a fun little test and not a personal search for an answer. Some of y'all might have seen my old car on the cover of Dr. Ben Millspaughs' book, ZCar-A Legend in it's Own Time. Have since sold that one and bought a Series1 for my next restoration. However it, a early71 parts car and 20yrs of parts I'd collected went up in flames 5 yrs ago. BUMMER! It wasn't all bad, I did manage to save all the NOS 240 parts that I'd bought out from a local dealership. YAHOOOO! Adios
Expert Test - What's this?
Way to go Victor, that was quick! I'll have to come up with something a tad more difficult next time. Adios
Expert Test - What's this?
Howdy y'all...New to the site, not to the carz. Thought I'd see if anyone could identify this early z part. It's approx. 7.5" tall and 9" wide. Same material used for handbrake cover. Answer will follow should no one answer correctly.