Sad to see all these beautiful Z's rustin away
Well said and very true
New guy & 260 or 280...purchase advice.
I highly suggest you keep looking. You can find a good Z if you take your time and look.
New guy & 260 or 280...purchase advice.
I highly suggest you keep looking. You can find a good Z if you take your time and look.
240z Portuguese Restoration
Excellent work. Can't wait to see the final product!
EBay "Scam" 240z??
There's a pic of the vin plate.
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
Checking in with 00903.
High freq. vibe above 70mph
Thanks for your input. I am willing to try anything at this point. The car runs like a well oiled machine as long as you keep her below 70mph.
Watch my Z video!!!
Excellent. Thanks for sharing!
High freq. vibe above 70mph
Thanks all, I don't believe the problem is caused by the rims and tires since this is the second new set that I have replaced in two months (trying different syles of wheels.) I suspect that the u-joints or bushings might be a good place to start as suggested here. I had a mechanic at one of the shops that specializes in Zs tell me that the problem is caused by the drive shaft being too short from the factory and that the fix is to replace it with a 73 shaft. That seems a bit far fetched to me. I don't think the Z would have been such a success if they came from the factory with the type of vibration mine has.
High freq. vibe above 70mph
Hello all, How common is it to experience high frequency vibs above 70mph in a 70z? The entire drive train has been rebuilt but I can't seem to get rid of the vibe.
What On Earth Is This ? ? ? ?
Dunno... but looks like $h1t to me.
1970 Universal Blue
Do you still have your plate frames from them?
1970 Universal Blue
Yes I had the color matched from the spare tire well. The color it had before was not universal blue. I wanted to bring her back to her original color.
1970 Universal Blue
I just keep at it... color me anal...
1970 Universal Blue
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