Everything posted by halz
Early car for sale in Queensland
No, but a fool and his money are soon partedROFL
Early car for sale in Queensland
Personally it would be my weekend car. However, since we are talking about 30 y.o. cars, they are not new and have probably had an engine rebuild or two in their lives. So, why not drive them, care for them and overhaul them as required.... just don't do any mods that aren't reversible.
Early car for sale in Queensland
OK? I agree with your 3rd paragraph. i'm not quoting you, I'm quoting zed240au.
Early car for sale in Queensland
...I don't think there are any rules against driving your car if it is in original condition.
Early car for sale in Queensland
People will always modify their cars to suit their personal tastes and this can be done subtly or otherwise. A for affecting your car's resale value, well I have to disagree. In a market where all Z-car prices are rising, you might not notice the impact of customisation on your car's sale price. However, a car with recaro seats, 6 speakers mounted in the door and hatch trims, autotechnik shifter and steering wheel (etc, etc) will not rise in value as much as the same car with its original equipment. I do not dispute that it will increase in value, just that it won't be as much as the original car. Picture two such cars side by side in your mind's eye, which one would you pay more $$ for?
Early car for sale in Queensland
HS30-00091 , the $12k car, does not have its original engine - it has a 260 engine. IMO this makes the price even more unrealistic. Prices of around $12k are what you'd expect for an "almost-nothing-to-spend", original example of a 240Z. The owner of this car planned to use it for Targa/Classic racing but when the rules were changed, he lost the percieved advantage of a light, 1969-model car with a hot 2.8 litre engine...not that that sounds too original in my books anyway! Speaking of low numbers, I saw HS30-00038 here in Perth a fortnight ago. It is engineless, has a sunroof and looks pretty rough in general.
240z shell!! help -australia
Try Ian (idredge@iinet.net.au). He lives in Perth, owns about 15 Z-cars and may be able to help you. He regularly advertises on ozdat.com
260z head
The '77 260z I looked at last weekend had a N42 head. Why do you ask? Is this your 2+2?
260 z on ebay
Looks like a 2+2 to me.
Abandoned 240z
Yep, I'm planning to go if I can
Early car for sale in Queensland
emailed him...waiting, waiting, waiting...
Early car for sale in Queensland
whats the address?
Early car for sale in Queensland
Hold you horses Alfa. The guy selling it has taken a dposit from a 'young bloke' who will come up with the balance on Monday. He said I should check on tuesday if the deal has fallen thru or gone ahead...pay no attention to us dezperadoez!
Early car for sale in Queensland
<snooty voice> young man, you should focus on the car you HAVE! Seriously, there always seem to be a lot of Zs bobbing up in QLD
Early car for sale in Queensland
Hmmm, 2 minites away eh? If the sale falls thru, maybe you could look at the car for me :devious:
Early car for sale in Queensland
mmmm cheeeap toooo....!
Early car for sale in Queensland
The car is currently under offer but if the deal falls through you Queenslanders might like to check it out... http://members.optusnet.com.au/~coljane/gallery.html
Abandoned 240z
Heh, heh! How about "Keep lookn!"
Abandoned 240z
Hey 26, Was that car a 240? Next time you see it, you could leave a note on the windscreen on my behalf! Haydn.
Abandoned 240z
mmmm, how long has it been there?
Abandoned 240z
Craig, Is that the one Cuong was talking about? Is it metallic brown/copper in colour with 260Z alloy wheels? Where on the freeway? Hayden.
How wide is too wide?
I like the look of the white car, the Green and Gold looks too much like a Camaro!
Bought another Z
Steve, I have the details of the 260z...I'll get them to you soon. The #38 car really does exist - I saw the chassis number. It is engineless at the moment but was running as recently as 3 months ago. It is silver in colour, has a vinyl roof and sunroof (yuck!) and generally in tatty condition. However, it is in better shape than other 'low-number' cars I've seen in Perth.
Bought another Z
$7850.00. Look for Datsun 260Zs in www.autotrader.com.au
The Fast and The Furious
As with car drivers, its the few bad eggs that give a that spoil it for everyone. I rode a bike for 12 years and gave up the fast and silly phase early on. Who needs it? Its enought to know that your 1000cc totally stock pushrod engined machine will blow 99% or tintops into the weeks... no need to prove it. Something else observed amongst my mates was that riding bikes made us better car drivers - more alert, more aware of our surroundings and the road conditions. I've often thought that drivers should do a compulsory rider training course to sharpen their skills...