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Everything posted by halz

  1. halz replied to NY " Z "'s post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    And here we go again... American idioms do not apply , as people from outside America sometimes actually do use the internet - it behoves us all to show a little tolerance and understanding when dealing with other cultures. (and in Australia, getting "laid into", means being <what's the American term?>, being "beat up on"). Alan, I understood what you meant.
  2. halz replied to NY " Z "'s post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    And if there's one person who knows Datsun/Nissan better than Carl then its Alan Thomas... (sorry, you asked for it )
  3. halz replied to NY " Z "'s post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    ...still no picture of the alleged oil cooler in-situ...
  4. halz replied to NY " Z "'s post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    1. For sale: World's finest hair splitter - guaranteed to prolong an argument way beyond its useby date (even in the face of all facts). 2. For Sale: Stick grabber - slightly worn but has a better than average chance of picking up the wrong end of any stick you desire. These items work on both sides of the Atlantic (and Pacific!) but should be used with extreme discretion and only after thorough training! :cheeky:
  5. halz replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Well done Lachlan (and co.) Its gives you a great feeling of satisfaction to complete a large project like that - I remember doing similar engine/trans swaps on early kingswoods, premiers and monaros when I was younger - great fun! You need to give us another update on the new driving experience...that's the best bit!
  6. halz replied to s130's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Use Autosol - its by far the best chrome/metal polish I've ever used. It should also remove your silicone residue.
  7. halz posted a post in a topic in HISTORY
    A friend recently visited the National Motor Museum in England and took these photos of a 1935 Type 14 Datsun. Interestingly it was imported to England by Sir Herbert Austin to investigate a possible patent infringement - this is somewhat interesting given Austin cars were later build under license by Datsun in Japan...maybe Sir Herbert recognised a superior product when he saw it!.
  8. halz replied to kyteler's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    ..so the guy that did that to you, is he out of intensive care yet?
  9. Sounds like you are well on the way to solving your problem, but I'd like to offer one more piece of advice... I had an incurable front end vibration for a long time. Replacing tyres, bushes and tie-rod ends helped a little, but the problem was completely cured by having the wheels balanced on the car. By doing this, the whole rotating mass (wheel tyre, hub, disk etc) is included in the balancing operation. After this relatively quick and cheap operation my Z is as smooth as silk. The only thing to remember is to replace the wheels in the same stud position if they're ever removed...
  10. The cylinder heads on crossflow engines sometimes tend to be wider than non-crossflow heads. This is especially true of twin cam crossflow heads where valves are often paired at 90 deg to the line of the crankshaft. In L-series engines, the valves are paired parallel to the crankshaft...narrower head, less metal, lighter, cheaper to make....
  11. halz replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    ...if he sells, its good for all of us - right?
  12. halz replied to OrangeZ's post in a topic in Introductions
    $8 grand US is about $10.5 grand in Australia. If the car is as you describe and has its original engine, interior and is the original colour with complete badgework then the price is good as far as I'm concerned. (cars in this condition in Australia go for AU$15k plus). However, caveat emptor applies - let the buyer beware. You should satisfy yourself that all claims are true... If so, go for it - you will be buying yourself an increasingly rare thing - an unmolested z-car!
  13. halz replied to halz's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    I never got a ticket due to my antics in the tunnel (your turn now!) I did get my first ticket in the Z on the Mitchell Freeway heading south from Joondalup - 112 in a 100 zone...$100. BTW Chris, I uset to have a Moto Guzzi 1000S with fairly open pipes - it sounded great in the tunnel too!!
  14. halz replied to FERLINE's post in a topic in RACING
    The L6 is a heavy engine. You could put in an alloy V8 (eg Rover) and it would be lighter than your current 6-cyl.
  15. Here are a few picture that took... (I especially like the handsome green 240Z!)
  16. I like the flares, rear spoiler (which should really be black) and headlight covers. The wheels, scoop and air dam are out of place...also a shame about the dent on the front left of the hood.
  17. halz posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Check out the price for this old japanese car... (of course, it hasn't sold...yet) http://carpoint.ninemsn.com.au/DesktopDefault.aspx?UsedCarID=1175482&TabID=3328&Alias=carpointau
  18. halz replied to zman525's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Personally I'd repaint it in whatever the original colour is. Unless you strip the interior and engine bay and completely change the car's colour, you will seriously reduce its value by changing the colour. Maybe you think the original colour is a bit old fashioned? I personally think its worth preserving all of the lary '70s colours..!
  19. halz replied to HS30-H's post in a topic in RACING
    A recent edition of 'Wheels' magazine in Australia has an article on Peter Brock and his VK commodore at Goodwood - I didn't know it, but he has/had quite a following in the UK On another note, I just bought the Goodwood Festival of Speed 2005 DVD... and got my wife to put it away for Christmas (boy that was tough!). Has anyone else viewed this DVD? Does Big Sam get a mention?
  20. halz replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    I'm all enthusiastic about renovating the 240Z again after our succesful Z-day (see pics at www.wazcars.com). Bought a NOS interior tailgate trim on a recent trip to the USA and I just need to get it painted. The next job is to replace the Console and radio (I have replacements in excellent condition) and have the dash re-skinned. Unfortunately, the console and dash work mean the car will be undrivable for a while...and its coming up to corporate freebie golf season here in Perth..
  21. halz replied to Sean Dezart's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I've got a fire extinguisher handy in case Alan bursts into flame..
  22. For all you Western Australians out there, a friendly reminder of the next Sunday's Z-Day. This will be the 4th (I think?) annual Z-day should be a great afternoon out. Last year some 25 Z-cars turned up - wil there be more this year? For more details, visit www.wazcars.com or read below: Z Day 2005 Sunday 18th September 12:00pm– 4:00pm Wireless Hill in Ardross (entry via Telefunken Drive from Macallum Cres or Almondbury Drive) Events: All comers 240Z & 260Z 'Peoples Choice Competition' 240Z & 260Z REGISTER web site 'SUPPORTERS PERPETUAL TROPHY COMPETITION' Informal tours by the OWNERS of selected 240Z & 260Z's. If you own a 240Z or 260Z and would like to show your car at Z Day please contact Vaughan (vaughan@wazcars.com ). Z Day 2004 was very successful, with approximately 25 Z cars in attendance.
  23. until

    Z Day 2005 Sunday 18th September 12:00pm– 4:00pm Wireless Hill in Ardross (entry via Telefunken Drive from Macallum Cres or Almondbury Drive) Events: All comers 240Z & 260Z 'Peoples Choice Competition' 240Z & 260Z REGISTER web site 'SUPPORTERS PERPETUAL TROPHY COMPETITION' Informal tours by the OWNERS of selected 240Z & 260Z's. If you own a 240Z or 260Z and would like to show your car at Z Day please contact Vaughan (vaughan@wazcars.com ). Z Day 2004 was very successful, with approximately 25 Z cars in attendance.
  24. halz replied to HDC's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Whoa there - ease up on bashing the '73 model. You do not state what part of the world you live in - if you are outside the USA, then in my opinion the '73 model is probably the best, as its the most highly developed iteration of the 240z. If you do live in the USA, many '73 model cars have had their troublesome 'emission control carbs' swapped out for earlier ones... so don't discount the '73 model year.
  25. halz posted a post in a topic in United States
    I'm currently holidaying in eastern Canada and I spotted a mauve (light purple) 240Z. It was in the carpark of a shopping centre on the main drag (rue principale?) in Bathurst NB. Does anyone know it? It was there all day so I'm guessing the owner is a local...

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