Everything posted by halz
Triple SU's
Good point. I know that e-type Jags have a triple SU setup...
Only $AUD 295,000.00
I'm hoping... I sent the guy an email just to confirm.
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Guys, Just in case any of you are well-heeled enough, I thought you might be interested in the little Ad for a car in Perth, Australia. Perhaps you've heard of it... 1967 TOYOTA 2000 GT Reg: 2000GT Location VIC Australia Price AUD$295,000 Vehicle ID Code: UCP-012-205CP Description RHD, good condition, motor rebuilt to spec, new clutch, radiator. Fabulous, exotic, with Toyota reliability, country car, owner retiring, can accomodate overseas buyer. E-mail peterlflint@hotmail.com, Ph. (08) 9537 6879.
- 2+2 vs 2 Seaters
this may help if ur interisted
When I 1st started riding a bike, my friends and familly started noticing "all of the bikes on the road". Truth is the bikes had always been there, but now that they had a close contact (me:classic: ) riding, they became aware of just how many bikes were out there. Just think of all of the people who would see bikers if they really LOOKED! (and the accidents that would be avoided). Anyway that was my little rant for the day... Another thing riding makes you very aware of is the road surface. Coming into a corner you sweep you eyes along the blacktop (checking for water, oil, gravel, dead animals, <insert your favourite road detritus here>) and then commit yourself. When braking you think: what is the limit of adhesion on this surface? Even to the extent that you know how your bike will respond to different types of tarmac: the ultra smooth black stuff, great on a warm day but deadly in the wet; the coarse grey stuff, less grip in the dry but more forgiving in damp conditions etc etc. And after years of riding, passengers in my car will ask why I execute small swerves occaisionally for no apparent reason - its because I'd rather not drive over that steel manhole cover, bulbous bitumen repair, pothole or slippery white line. I noticed, they didn't. All this sounds obssessive when written but after years of riding its just second nature and I think my car thanks me for it!!
240Z in movies
Thought I saw one in a crash scene in "All saints" (Australian soapie) last night... Turned out to be just a 240K :sick: thank goodness!
vibration at speed
Has the car ever been in a prang? (before you owned it?). The fact that a reputable suspension shop found nothing and that you've tried different sets of rims and tyres suggests maybe the problem is deeper than suspension/wheels. Not sure of the right place to go...perhaps a panel shop which has a chassis jig. They should be able to check that the chassis is true and square. I guess what I'm saying is that having new or reconditioned suspension components is no good if they are attached to a bent chassis. Just a thought... (and I hope its nothing that serious:disappoin )
Fresh Paint - My 76 280
Nice, I love silver cars. What is with that rear bumper.. its soooo wiiide. Is that a result of some '70s US government regulation? I'd ditch it for one off an earlier model. Apart form that, nice car!
Firewall grommets
If its not too rude, can I ask what you paid for it? I'm trying to get an idea of what the market is doing. The price for cars ranges from about $2K for a wheelbarrow full of rust with a 240z badge attached to low teens for a properly restored original. If you don't want to generally broadcast the info, you could email me at hayden.long@bhpbilliton.com... thanks. Also, you should post a pic or two of you car!:classic:
Atmospheric Supercharging???
sure do - maybe he would have made it all-wheel-drive too!
How rev-happy are Zs?
Redline is usually set as a ceiling which can be reached for limited periods but generally not for continuous running. Racing engines are built with greater precision to allow for continuous running at high rpm (close to the danger zone). When you're certain that carburation, ignition, valves, cams and springs are all ok, the best thing you can do to enable safe high rpm running is to have the engine balanced.
Firewall grommets
My only experience with Delortos was on my Moto Guzzi bike which had a pair of 40mm ones. The trick to starting was about 4 twists on the throttle (and no choke). The carbs had accelerator pumps which gave a nice squirt of juice when ever they were snapped open! As for where do I get my parts... I'm a z-imposter here... I'm still looking for one! The one you bought almost fitted my criteria but it didn't have the original engine so (alas) it was out. Sounds nice though...:disappoin
clutch slipping
Alfadog, if you've got it floored and your foot is off the clutch pedal then a slipping clutch will mean the revs will rise without the car accelerating as much as it should.
Firewall grommets
...I just saw your signature, it looks like the car I thought it was. I think it was originally 4-sale at $14k, sounds like a good one. :classic:
Firewall grommets
Hey ozlime,when did you get your Z? There was a lime green 240 for sale in Brisbane a little while ago with a 280 motor and dellorto carbs - did you buy that one?
V8 Sounding Z
OK, there's probably an Australian term for these but...what are the 'twice pipes' you guys keep mentioning? Are you talking about a dual exhaust?
Atmospheric Supercharging???
Yep, his name was Albert Goertz. I believe he was also the designer behind the Toyota 2000GT and the original BMW 507 - both of which are very tasty looking cars.
intermittent starting trouble
(you will need a friend to help you). Turn the key to the start position and hold it there. Assuming the engine has not turned over, your friend (or whoever isn't holding the key in the start position) gives the solenoid a tap with a spanner or heavy screwdriver. This can help to jolt the solenoid into life. I've used this method on recalcitrant Corollas and Monaros, it should work on a 240Z. Of course its a pain in the backside but at least it will get you down to the auto parts shop (or your mate's house) for that replacement starter!
my RUST FREE baby 1973 240Z
D'OH! He's gone and primed it... So much for the bare metal look! Hey, why don't you paint it in the orange and black "Super Samuri" colours?
my RUST FREE baby 1973 240Z
Alfadog, a mate of mine may have a pic... I'll try to track it down.
my RUST FREE baby 1973 240Z
I saw a P-40 Mustang fly over last Sunday - big slow revving V-12 with a brutish supercharger whine...tasty! So... you could clearcoat it, fit the brownings(?), longrange droptanks, airscoop for the blower, variable pitch prop... Ahhh hang on, this it a car we're talking about... Just stick with the clear coat, I saw a XK140 Jag that had it done and it looked fantastic!
my RUST FREE baby 1973 240Z
Why not just clearcoat the brushed steel bodywork? Give it that old aircraft look..?
early vin#
I'm interested in interrogating VIN# codes to find our whether its possible to tell if a car was orginally an auto or a manual. Where in the zcar.com site do I look for the VIN# code info?
Guys, Thanks for your replies. The changeover job is about what I'd expected and if I go ahead I'll be sure to have all parts on hand before starting. I'm still curious about the VIN# coding and transmission type and will continue to do my homework on that one. If I find out, I'll post the info for the benefit of all. Inerestingly, I looked at another 240 on the weekend... a very straight and honest car... shame about the colour, it is the Orange 918 and a bit faded. I'm going to scan the gallery pages to see if I can spot a car of the same colour but with a bit of polish..!
Thanks, small drill holes I can cope with and the mechanical work is no problem for me. (btw, car is a '72) Does anyone know about the compliance plate?