Everything posted by halz
Turn signals: present or not?
Scanning through the numerous picture of 240Zs on this site and others I've noticed a difference between some cars: On the front guard panel (UK:wing), cars may or may not have a turn signal. All cars have turn signals below the front bumper but not all have the extra one on the guard. Is the presence of absence of this signal related to the year of manufacture or the market the car was sold in? Something else?
I have to agree with the previous post. Clear silicone is ideal. It will not damage the paint and you can 'adjust' the badge for a while after you stick it on to get the angle perfect. When you're happy, you can temporarily tape the badge while the silicone sets. To remove the badge in the future, simply run a piece of fishing line behind the badge and then rub off the remaiing silicone from the paintwork. I have used this method for years and never lost a badge. I can't imagine that double sided tape would allow the badges to sit nice and close to the paintwork..?
350Z racing in 24hr race at Bathurst Australia
I wonder if that will be its world competition debut?
speed cameras
Oh but they are 'attended' (see my original post). Usually by a fat copper reading newspaper and scoffing down a pie... So he might not notice the quick 'hotwash' you are suggesting!
speed cameras
Alfaog I'm sure of it. the radar and camera unit are mounted together...usually hidden at the bottom of a long hill behind some shrubbery. Just to blacken your mood, about 50m past the radar they place a temporary sign which reads: "You have just passed a speed camera, thankyou for driving within the limit" Its enough to get the veins on the temple throbbing!
speed cameras
Mike mentioned Autralia's use of speed cameras in another post...don't get me started. They are termed "revenue raisers" nowadays and most state governments plan their yearly budgets to include a healthy few million $$ from these devices. Interestingly, the powers that be contnue to quote statistics ad-nauseum about how the cameras have reduced the accident rate. As we who have befallen the speed cameras can tell them, the cameras only give an accurate picture on straight, flat, wide, open roads in good lighting conditions when there is only a single car in view. In other words, positive identifications of a car exceeding the speed limit can only be made in ideal (read: SAFE) driving conditions. So you may be tootling along at 65km/h in a 60 zone one fine Sunday morning all by yourself when *flash*, you are photographed. Your day will be spoilt because you know that in weeks time a fine will arrive in your mailbox for $135.00. If you try to contest the fine, Sergeant Bargearse, officer on duty at the time, will state that the camera was installed, tested and operating correctly (even though he was scoffing another pie and reading the form guide at the time- he's got a tough job!). Now tell me they are not revenue raising. In Western Australia, cameras are slightly differnent to the East. Cars can only be photographed from the front which means motorcycles (rear numberplate only) never get caught by cameras in the west. Incedentally, in W.A. the cameras are called Multa-Novas, which leads to the popular saying: "If you see a Multa-Nova, cross the kerb and run it over!"
Invasion of the body snatchers.....
what zvoiture is planning to do sounds a lot like 'rebirthing' as its called in Australia. This is where a stolen car or one rebuilt cheaply from many parts is given a new identity with new VIN numbers from a wreck. While I applaud the efforts we all go to to be able to drive the cars we like on the road... the law is the law. Your idea will take you onto a potentially very slippery slope.
My 73 240
Don't listen to them, you are sitting on the correct side of your car!
Only $AUD 295,000.00
WIMP!! Your car is good enough to be entered into a concours no matter who designed it. Perhaps an "unknown designer" would have his profile raised is more people showed their cars...
just curious..
Time to replace your rubber hatch seals.
I need info please '71 240z
Alan, I have my hoe and I'm ready to help plough the S30 furrow down here where the spotlight on the Z is a little dim! (mixing my metaphors? Oh well, long live RHD I say!)
I need info please '71 240z
USA ~60,000 240Z imported Aus ~3000 240Z imported. It makes things hard for us to say the least... even harder when our U.S cousins can pick up the paper and scan thru the list of 240zs for sale each week! We're lucky to see a new car for sale in a month... and that's in the whole country
I need info please '71 240z
Have a look at the "00091 for sale" post. Alan mentions that there are several chassis types: S30, PS30, HS30 and HLS30. ah of these were numbered sequentially. The car you are considering is the 14946th HLS30-car not the 14946th Datsun 240Z.
Only 240's ?????????????
Ok, ok, my preferences for a 240z aside... A lighter car with a 4-speed is not necessarily slower than a heavier, more powerful car with a 5-speed. I would suggest that the 4-speed gearbox has taller overall ratios than the 5-speed which the less powerful engine can cope with because the car is lighter. In a side-by side drag, the 4-speed car may launch slightly slower but it will go for longer between gearchanges than the 5-speed car and therefore catch up and/or overtake. More power and more gears does not necessarily=faster car.
Only 240's ?????????????
..In the meantime we'l all make do with the view of your receding headlights..
Only 240's ?????????????
Ooooa Alfadog - don't wound him with the TRUTH!
Only 240's ?????????????
Yes they have their attractions - the guards and bonnet ARE interchangeable with 2 seaters afterall! Racing? well, at least you will be able to take 3 friends along for the rideROFL
Only 240's ?????????????
hmmm, this IS www.240z.org....
carbon fiber Dashes now available!!!
Looks nice except that the instruments are on the wrong side
00091 for sale
So its looked after in an average way (not restored) and does not have its original engine. Does it have the orig toolkit, books, wheels, radio, interior..? It looks like the only thing to recommend it is the low build number... and that might be more of a curse than a blessing. There were numerous 'bugs' that were ironed out betweent 1969 and 1973. As for the 350-engined one, well you will basically be paying for a car that somone has desided to manufacture for themelves. I'm sure it goes well, but why change what the factory thought was the right design in the 1st place?
00091 for sale
Here's the ad: Datsun 240Z Price $14,000 Year 1969 DATSUN 240Z 1969 Chassis No HS30/00091 Build no 91. Australian delivery 5spd man, in storage 7 yrs, fitted 260 motor, red body in GC, Excellent original black interior RWCert $14,000 (0417) 786815 Pearcedale''' State VIC Source Private classifieds (Melbourne Trading Post) (search under classic/vintage on www.autotrader.com.au) Its a pity that it doesn't have the original motor... for that sort of $$ you'd want a complete/original/concourse condition car.
Z-club of W.A.
To the Western Australians out there. Did any of you see the ad in 'The West' a few months ago calling for people interested in forming a z-club? Did anyone attend? Does a club exist?
Hands up who's in Perth (or Australia...)
On the subject of clubs... I saw an ad in a Perth local paper a month or 2 back calling for anyone interested in forming a Perth z-club. Did anyone we know attend?
Hands up who's in Perth (or Australia...)
Now that you mention it, their page does lok a little different. Try this link: http://www.alphalink.com.au/~donhill/
Hands up who's in Perth (or Australia...)
I didn't. Just go to the site, open members cars - 240z. Click on the thumbnail for a full sized pic and then right-click to save to your desktop - voila!