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Everything posted by halz

  1. Guys, Does the car you are all obliquely refering to happen to belong to a certain TV vet? The NDSOC website displayes a picture of the car, names its owner and stts that its no.4. See attached pic.
  2. and I bet they can't cook either..!
  3. halz replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Interesting... it says csp311 at the top of the plate and I'm sure it only says sp311 on the bottom right...maybe that's just the chassis type..? Anyhoo... here's a picture:
  4. halz replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    sp311 on botom right (I can't read Japanese!)
  5. halz replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    i'd say its a roadster too. The "sp311" on bottom left of the plate is a dead giveaway. That makes it a late '65-early'67 with the 1595cc engine.
  6. Seen it. Its an early model and I think they had closer ratios than later models. Also, that car was sold to the present owner early in 2001 for under $5k (I'm guessing... it was advertised for $5K in March '01). The present seller gets cagey when questioned on how long he's had the car, who he bought it from etc..!
  7. AH-HA! so that's why there are no 240zs available in Perth: you've got them all! Did you look at that orange one in Dianella a few weeks back? The guy wanted $12.5k and claimed it was immaculate. It was a genuine 1-owner car but needed some work...
  8. EricB - did you get your webers sorted out by a pro? How's the Z running now? I'm sure we's all like to know...
  9. halz replied to morfirst's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    hmmm, my memory of SUs maybe a little off here... but don't SUs have a butterfly valve as well as the 'piston' which is vacuum operated ? If that is the case then putting stronger springs in the pistons would be a no-no as the vacuum generated under accleration would not lift the pistons as high as required. The throttle controls only the butterfly (correct me if I'm wrong... Alan?) and its that mechanism you should be checking. In a 'slide' carburettor, where the throttle action actually lifts the slides (there is no butterfly), stronger springs would be warranted. I had this very problem on my bike which had 40mm DelOrto carbs and had the alarming habit of maintaining high revs when you were hoping to back off for a corner:surprised (although this did improve my corneringLOL ).
  10. halz replied to bduprees's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I once owned '69 Monaro GTS which I had repainted in the original colour. This was good move no.1 because the time and effort involved in emptying the engine bay and cabin trim to properly change the colour was going to be OTT. After sanding and preparation, the 1st coat was applied (Sebring Orange FYI) and it looked great... from a distance. At about 6" away you could see the dimpled orange-peel effect (appropriate given the colourLOL ) which often results from silica or grease on the painted surface repelling the wet coat as it is applied. I was mildly horified but my panel man said that this was not unexpected and to regard the 1st coat as a good quality undercoat. It was rubbed back (lightly), cleaned and repainted. Well, the result was FANTASTIC. In fact it was too good! The car looked like an emergency beacon! Fortunately, the original spec called for dual black bonnet and side striping and once that was done and the badgework replaced the car was a gem. So... point of the story is (as Escanlon and other have said) for a A1 job a 'bare metal' strip is just not necessary.
  11. halz replied to CoastGuardZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hear hear Alan. Don't ever shut up and don't ever lose your soapbox! I'm sure our internet club hushes respectfully when ever we see one of your replies... keep it up!
  12. halz replied to Datzun76's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    For goodness sake do NOT modify your car! Please! It looks great just as it is. As you know most of the ones for sale out there have been irreversibly modified (L28, sunroof, Mags, custom paint, etc, etc.) Yours (apart from the wheels and speaker boxes inside) looks like its been taken from a time capsule. The horrible mods you just mentioned wil only devalue the car. (Buy a 1600 for that!)
  13. halz replied to Datzun76's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    oops, just found them - nice!
  14. halz replied to Datzun76's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Actually I'm not that big a fan of the G nose... from some angles it can make a car look sort of droopy! Any pics of your car on the site?
  15. halz replied to Datzun76's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Alfadog, is that your car under your name (the avatar)? I just ask because you don't see many G-nose cars around...
  16. Sounds like you've done most things I would do. I suggest turning it over by hand to mke sure nothing is sticking. Next disconnect the main distributor lead and crank the engine on the starter. This will allow oil to be pumped through the galleries without the engine bursting into life. When satisfied that the oils-a-movin, reconnect the distributor, set the choke and give it a whirl!
  17. I'm a Melbourne-boy thru and thru but work brought me to Perth years ago. I'm now in the mode of 'miss Melb when in Perth', miss Perth when in Melb'... some people are never satisfied :classic:
  18. OK, the more time I spend looking at this great website, posting gooffy questions and replies etc, the more Aussie members seem bob up. So far I think there are 4 of us in Perth (26ounce, Mr.Camoflage, Lee240zPerth and myself). Anyone else? If we know who we are we can all be collectively miserble about: a) the lack of decent Zs for sale withing a 2000km radius of Perth the lack of a spares/workshop for zs c)the fact that our U.S. cousins can pick and choose from the 60,000+ 240s that were imported to their land compared to the 2-3000 that came to Australia. But more to the point, we can share our hard won knowledge on z-survival downunder. If you're an Aussie, stand up and be counted!
  19. halz replied to Ed's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey alfadog have you driven a S2000? I have and I'm buggered if I could get the rear wheels to spin. I tried the old 1st gear, 6000rpm and slide the foot sideways off the clutch trick... but it just launched (and I mean REALLY launched!!) but no chirp of the tyres, no smoke, nothing. Technology has robbed us.:disappoin
  20. halz replied to Ed's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Ivan's got it right. The more revs you can extract from your engine, the more power it should produce... in theory. Unfortunately, the engine will need to have sound underlying torque characteristics to produce the expected power. So... when you're planning you engine mods, think torque not power. After all, its the torque that you really feel when driving.
  21. halz posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I have seen a pic of a '73 240z with a fluted bonnet/hood. I thought that the hoods with such slots were from later model cars (260/280) but the owner says that this is a 'rare factory fluted bonnet'... Is he right? Or has a previous owner dinged the bonnet and replaced it from a later model?
  22. halz replied to halz's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    As I said it was a long time ago... about 15 years in fact. I do remember sitting very low in a seat that seemed to wrap around me. The other thing I remember is that I could comfortably rest my left forearm (in a RHD car) along the console with the short gear lever falling neatly to hand. As for finding a 432 in Australia Gav, my advice is to talk, talk ,talk. Keep a list of contacts and express your interest to any enthusiast who will listen. Sooner or later you will pick up the scent. Someone will remember someone else who had this 'special 240z' but sold it to a mate in the Northern Teritory who raced it, crashed it and sold the wreck to the local postman who moved to Tasmania etc... you get the picture. Become a detective and, as Alan says, don't rely on 'official' governement records...they're easilly confused by things that aren't commodores, falcons or corollas.
  23. halz replied to halz's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    ...and I thought James Bond was being chased by baddies in the 2000GTs..? Does anyone know of any Z432s in Australia?
  24. halz replied to halz's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Gav, I once lived in Melb. but moved to Perth about 3 ears ago. I have rellos in Caulfield so I know where you are. As a matter of fact, have you heard of the Z-shop? Its in Glen Iris just off High St. So not too far from you. (zshop.net.au)
  25. halz replied to halz's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Hey Alan, I'm not taking the p@#$. These cars come up for sale so rarely and their history has such valid links to the 240Z that I thought it would be of general interest to the gang. As I recall, only about 200 were made so any seller can justifiably name his price. I'm interested to hear that you have driven one or two (in anger no less!). Curiously I also had an early 2000GT experience. When I was about 19 or 20 a mate's father owned a large Toyota dealership in Melbourne and had a very impressive collection of classis cars in several garages on his large country property outside Melbourne. After gawking and drooling my way through these, we finished up in the garage which was attached to the house. My mate drew back the cover to reveal the long svelte shape of a Toyota 2000GT. I sat in it and was impressed - this was what a true sports car looks and feels like, I thought. Needless to say that since then my standards have been impossibly high (read: unaffordable!) and I have been genuinely unimpresed by friends with new Porsches and the like. Nowadays I give myself a retrospective kick for not savouring the moment even more.. or perhaps having a photo taken with the car. Your comments on the SE Asian Peso are justified. A few GBP will buy a riverfront mansion with requisite 27-car garage in Perth these days. In fact, if I sold my house I'd have very little change after buying that Toyota... and I don't think my wife and daughters would appreciate the cramped new abode either!

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