tell me about it !!!
No sorry , I pull the engine out , I am making the engine stronger , better rods, pistons , etc .. and I am not using MegaSquirt anymore , I am using MicroTech now , sorry ...
Well I have to say thanks for the info , it is very helpfull to know that there's another way around it , but to be onest , I like things simple . And I have to say that there in Autralia there a lot more stuff when it comes to Skylines , here it's not that easy to find parts or ecu's , online you can find anything but there expensive as hell , I find that MegaSquirt it's very friendly when it come to tuning (if you know what your doing) I have a wide band o2 and EGT and that does the work for me vey well , or and one more thing MegaSquirt is a bacht fire system where the stock ecu is sequential , I wont need as much fuel pressure or bigger injectors , I am running the stock injectors at 15 psi and the duty cycle it's not even at 60% and I am sure that if I want to use more boost the stock injectors will do the job only it will be stupid from me to do it just beacuse the car will not handle the power , is it is the car have no traction at all , the car is too light for the power . The wiring I did my sealf and there a web site link to the MegaSquirt website where you can get the wiring or the cables stamp for MegaSquirt very nice ...
Well first because you can tune the car for how ever u want , and remenber you can have several seting in the ecu , you can have a save file for low boost and one for high boost , that you cant get with the stock ecu , and one the thing that I like must is the cost of the parts ,to give an example , my crank/cam sensor went bad and to get one original cost around $400 or 350 from a 300zxtt , now with the MegaSquirt crank sensor it's only $25 see the different. I dont know but it matter to me .... What do you think ?
Yes I did them my sealf , But if you want to use ones from another car you would have get the motor & tranny mounts from Z31 200 , in japan the Z31 , known here in the US as the 300zx , this car in japan came with a RB20DET , the RB20DET and the RB25DET are the same engine only different displacement , only to get them is not easy . Good Luck ..
I dont have one right now , but I'll take some this weekend , and post them here ...
No Im using MegaSquirt for ignition too is call MegaSquirt'n EDIS , check it out http://megasquirt.sourceforge.net/extra/index.html Here you can use any option for spark , I used EDIS from Ford is very simple , the wiring is the pain in the arse , but it works perfect . Just read and let me know what you think . I am here for any help if you need to . Peace ..
I have to say MegaSquirt is the s**t !! , What I like most about the MegaSquirt is the information available in the net. I had a ignition spike and I couldn't find what it was until yestarday I resaearch on MegaSquirt web and links and figure it out , today I drove the car for the first time with my foot all the way to the flor in first and secong gear , WOW it feald good , only at 5 PSI , the car is too light for the amount of HP , so for me it's the best thing (MegaSquirt) for the money . Upgrading turbo or injectors is not my plan right now . My opinion and you guys tell me if Im wrong , but the car weights around 2100 LB , the engine itsealf comes with 250 hp , and remember these engine come underrating from Japan because the regulation in Japan , I already have the turbo upgrade , but I am not going to install it til the car drive perfect . Injector I don't really need it because MegaSquirt it's a bath fire system where you dont need as much fuel , as it is the car runs reach . I hace a wide band o2 and at 4200 RPM where the torque pick is , the duty cycle it's at 39% . My gold is about 400 HP so the injectors that I have will do the job ..
Well up to now I've spend around 10k , and that's doing the job my sealf , I am a mechanic so I guees it help , It involved a lot of work , I've been doing it for the las 6 month and it's not finish yet , there's little or minus stuff to be done but it's still work to do , so if you have the time and money I think it's worth it . And if you need any help , I'll be happy to guide you ..peace..
Hi , I almost finish with my Z , I wanted to post to see the people opinions , It's been 8 project , from the engine , to the engine mount to the drive shaft to the ECU(Megasquirt) is still to going , I hope by the next 2 weeks I'll be driving my car on the street . Opinions and Question will be apreciated so check this photos and let me know what you think...
Steve driven