Everything posted by 1 tuff z
my good old ny plate
anyone seen this hood before?
they were offered by nissan-as said earlier as a 'fix' for the hotter running later model 240's and early 260's. i have seen them on ebay for over $100-believe it or not. i'm guessing there some z folks out there that hav that 'if nissan offered it i just gotta have it' bidding fever.
anyone seen this hood before?
they were offered by nissan-as said earlier as a 'fix' for the hotter running later model 240's and early 260's. i have seen them on ebay for over $100-believe it or not. i'm guessing there some z folks out there that hav that 'if nissan offered it i just gotta have it' bidding fever.
Supercharged 280Z :) hmm what a sound
hey all, i recently pulled my L28 SC from my z to begin my v8 swap. it's the jim cook racing / JCR supercharger setup i've been running since 1992! i'm selling the entire setup, intake [fits under stock hood] supercharger, drive pulley, driven pulleys [there are 3, 3lbs, 4.5 lbs and 5 lb boost], braided ss oil lines, custom fab'd alum polished air intake, holley projection 4 computer, fuel pump, serpentine belt, instruction manual, wiring harness. this engine made 173 rwhp and 173 rwtq on a mustang dyno at only 5 lbs boost [this means it's at least 200 at the wheels for most other dynos as the mustang's read low]. with more boost [ken believes it's good for at least 9 lbs] and a competent engine management system we estimate it could make 300 rwhp. i ran it at track day at watkins glen during the 05 z convention and many in attendence can attest to it's great sound and strong power curve. i'm finally ready to part with it, so if you're interested in a very unique approach to kicking it up a notch, let me know...pics of this setup in my gallery and on hybridz.org. feel free to email as i have more pics of this system on my z! david
2005 ZCCA National Convention
ed, the thumbnail on the right [coming down the front straight you're following my wife driving our "family z", silver 83 280zx turbo 2+2! can u email me that image please! thanks! david
2005 ZCCA National Convention
hey all, thanks for all the compliments-i can now see that it was worth the past 2 years work, all the weekends and hours stuffed into my regular workday [as well as all the other exec committee and all our volunteers] to make this happen. joe r, pete p, dave w and cygnus [i was trying to match screen names to real names & faces but didn't get them all, sorry], great to meet you all in person finally. sunday morning i had a real hard time draggin my butt out of bed-can't say i've been this tired in a looooooooooooooong time! weitz, hope the ls1 ran trouble free on the way home-thanks for the sneak preview drive for my own conversion! rags, glad the diff worked out and thanks for the help getting mine back on the road-funny, without the sc belt on i had some power-the boost gauge registered a max of -1psi [yes, neg 1]. made it home under it's own power. the worst part of the convention for me was not having any time to relax and hang. there were so many cars i wanted to see, take pics of, ask questions about, ride in or even drive, even more people i wanted to talk to. i guess it comes with being part of the host team. big thanks to dan baldwin for loaning me his crank pulley so i could get my z back home under power! running at wgi with the likes of mr. k, steve millen, bob bondurant as well as all the z cars was [as they advertised in the 80's] AWESOME! one of the best parts was when bondurant asked me if there were any changes to wgi since he was there last, he actually wanted me to give him a [verbal] run around the track! we had great success from our sponsors donations as well as the checks they wrote to support the event. for those of u who may not know, the track budget alone was over...$15,000! there were [from those i was able to briefly glimpse] some absolutely fantastic z cars there, i can't imagine the time it takes to prep a gold medallion or cup car, but they were there! for those of u who didn't get to order your photo cd's [they are a lo res photo cd that u can use to order prints from-we put together a special deal for discounted prints] here's the link [btw-our photographers-steve rossini & ange lussuso are friends of mine, how have documented car & driver's one lap of america for the past 2 years; http://www.highlanddesignstudio.com/order/products05Zcon.html#Anchor-NEW-35882 and we were able to have a videographer there as well, here's his info-call him directly for purchase of the dvd's he's putting together; [left field house productions] eric luhowey at 208.412.4884 or LFH-productions@cableone.net [i'm sure it will take a bit before he has all 5 days worth of vid edited]. thank you to everyone who attended, without you all it would NOT have been possible! sincerely, david palermo president, z car club of rochester [www.zccr.net] zcon 2005 sponsor chair and motorsports co-chair 1tuffz car, parked and awaiting it's new ls1 heart-trusty old supercharged heart now for sale!
05 convention-the great northeast z adventure!
hmmm, sure i'll broker you my friends new 350 for...let's say...hmm, ahh, how about, well.... sorry, i couldn't resist. anyway, i don't know of any local rental companies that even rent the 350z. i'd suggest that you do a search for a syracuse [i'm in rochester, about 1.5 hours away] for sports car rental companies and see if you can locate anyone. david bummer that the 26th Z won't be able to make it!!
280zx door lock module location-help!
THANKS-got it!!
280zx door lock module location-help!
does anyone know where the door lock module resides in the zx's? i have an 83 and can't seem to locate it. help always appreciated!!
05 convention-the great northeast z adventure!
hey all, this weekend we [the z convention board] decided to create an incentive to continue to drive registration! here's how it works; the club that has the greatest total number of registrants between the time registration opened [back about 2 months ago] until july 15th will win $250 cash for their club!! no strings, catches or anything-EXCEPT this is NOT open for the NY clubs! so, what's my point here...i think u know-get to the website, print the forms, fill them out, write that check [yes, we'll have paypal access...soon!] and send it in-BEFORE July 15Th!! david
back of ls1 engine shows white powder
05 convention-the great northeast z adventure!
a quick update on the events calendar. for both the track day [hot lappers] and autocross events we have a limited number of spots available. track hot lap can accomodate 80, we have approximately 58 remaining. auto-x max is 60, about 50 left there. warm or parade laps at watkins glen, we can accomodate whomever would like to participate-so come on up. i wanted to, as track day co-chair, give everyone ample notice of the limits. i'd register early so you can guarantee your spot! yes, i already have mine...
05 convention-the great northeast z adventure!
hey all, we're ready and geared up for the 2005 international z car convention. we've appropriately named it the "great northeast z adventure!" full details and registration forms are now available at: www.zccaconvention.com highlights: great upstate ny wine country and the finger lakes area, peoples choice and nationally judged car show, hot and warm lapping at the famous watkins glen international [wgi], autocross, lining up historic z cars [working on z cars #6 & #8 to show as well as carl beck's bre rallye car-currently under restoration], and much more! spots are limited for both the hot laps [drivers school] and auto-x, so don't delay or you may not get in. i personally look forward to zeeing everyone here in upstate ny this august. by the way, if you know of a z related business that would benefit by partnering with us to sponsor this event, please let me know! thanks, david _________________ David A. Palermo President, ZCCR Z Car Club of Rochester 2005 ZCCA Convention Sponsor & Track Day Co-Chair www.zccaconvention.com Phone: 585.272.0080 x13 Fax: 585.272.0096
Source for 16/17/18 inch billet wheels 4 Z
i had the same opinion about dwyane until i began to put myself in the producer/directors seat. hmm, i'd want to create a show that had; good talented guy, bad guy, quiet guy, loudmouth we all boo at, etc. i always wonder about these so called "reality" shows. they only let us see [the show] what they want which can ultimately twist the story into whatever the producer/writer/director wants. the rest winds up as they say on the editing room floor. i purchased my compomotive wheels from www.usacomp.com. compete custom fit in a nice 17 x 8.5" size, no spacers, no flares, tucked under the stock fenders with my coilovers.
need info. installing fuel inj. in 240z
i'd also look to swap in a 74.5-76 fi fuel baffled fuel tank. hate to have your newly fi'd z fuel starve, get some air into the lines and lean out, possibly cooking the engine. the above listed tank will fit perfectly into the 240z's. most of the v8 swap guys are doing the same thing to avoid engine damage.
I am making a Zcar slideshow movie, pic submitions welcomed!
thanks for the kind words...the video was at least as much fun to do as it is to watch!
I am making a Zcar slideshow movie, pic submitions welcomed!
here are 2 links to pics & vid clips of my z's. http://www.zccr.net/site/modules.php?set_albumName=album26&op=modload&name=Gallery&file=index&include=view_album.php [3 pages worth] http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=1750 [2 pages worth] there are some dups between both sites... :{)
Introduce yourself to the class?
my turn-i've always loved cars and lusted after the z at first sight. david palermo, married [happily!] 14 years, age 43, 2 kids-7 & 9, 2 mistresses in the garage. my first love-the 73 [1tuffz] which is awaiting an ls1/t56 transplant and the 83 [the kids call it the family z] zx 2+2 turbo 5spd. i'm prez of the z car club of rochester, ny and keep busy as a certified financial planner [cfp]. spent time in the army as a helo mech, uh1h medevac helo pilot then in the corps as a kc130 driver. i've been autocrossing since i bought my first z in 84 and have enjoyed numerous track days as well-at my home track of watkins glen. side note-my personal invite to all you track enthusiasts-come on up for the 05 convention, i'm track day co-chair and i personally guarantee our track day at watkins glen is going to be a blast! i've run through a total of 14 z cars, some drivers, some parts cars-loved them all. i enjoy working out [want to look good in the casket], it seems now days to mostly keep up with the kids! my wife ann is extremely tolerant of my z habit as our garage attic and what the kids named "the locked room" downstairs, house many old z parts. but as a friend mother-in-law told his wife once; "men need toys, if they don't have toys they have mistresses...you choose"! heck, instead of surfin' z stuff or in the garage [when the temperature allows-only 5 below zero currently] wrenchin' on the mistresses [see above] i could be out on the town...
72 uncracked dash on ebay-ends saturday
here's a link to where i have the dash listed. selling some of my old z parts to support my habit [the z!]. feel free to pm or email me with any questions.'' thanks, david http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2487647798&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT
72 uncracked dash on ebay-ends saturday
here's a link to where i have the dash listed. selling old parts to support my habit [the z!]. feel free to pm or email me with any questions.'' thanks, david http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2487647798&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT
Gorge-ous Z Fall Festival-GZFF
hey all, the countdown has begun and we're closing in fast on our [save some bucks] early registration for the gzff. we realize august 15th is a sunday and the snail mail doesn't do their thing then so we're moving early registration by 1 day to monday august 16th [postmarked by that date]. so, save a few bucks, but only until this coming monday!!! our biggest event of the year is of course, the gzfff [gorge-ous z fall festival]. if u haven't been, it's a bi-annual [for those of u like me, that's every 2 years] weekend long event that benefits camp good days & special times. our crew has been planning this one for the past 8 months and boy have we got a great one in store for you! we have z car nutz driving in from; new jersey [ethan's crew], canada-both our toronto & kingston friends, across new york, pennsylvania and hoping to see some ohio, mass, connecticut, virginia & new hampshire friends as well!! we have a friday evening reception to welcome our out of town[see above!] z friends, saturday is the 'cruize' visiting the 'grand canyon of the east' among other great scenery, followed by a nice wine & cheese reception leading into the crown jewel of the day-the sit down dinner & live charity auction. we've had great fortune this year and have quite a cache' of donated items up for auction-and they're not all car related! sunday, we cap the weekend with our people's choice car show with lunch provided for all participants. early registration runs until august 16th, thereafter the prices go up. please help us with our planning of the event and register early if possible [save yourself a few bucks as well!]. all the details, registration form and info are posted on the web at: www.zccr.net we hope you can join us for this great and worthy event zinzerely, david _________________ David A. Palermo President, ZCCR Z Car Club of Rochester www.zccr.net -
RacingHart wheel tire combo for sale!
hey all, a few bites but...no takers yet! ok, price now $1600. if they don't sell in 2 weeks they're going on ebay... oh, still offering free shipping for first taker at lower price of $1600! thanks, david
RacingHart wheel tire combo for sale!
hey all, i'm now offering free shipping within the 48 continental us states on the racing hart wheel tire combo!
RacingHart wheel tire combo for sale!
I have a complete set of RacingHart M5 wheels for sale. They are a forged modular 3 piece design. Fronts are 17x8.5" and rears 17x9.5, the polished lips are approximately 2.5" front and 3" rear. Almost new, Nitto Extreme NT555's-245.45.zr17's front, 275.40zr17's rear. There is absolutely no curb rash on any of the 4 wheels and they are in like new condition. Bad-one [the one shown in pic] of the wheels has 2 small scratches in the silver paint on 2 of the spokes. This package is off a friends 1990 300zx twin turbo. I am confident that this wheel tire combo will fit Nissan 300zx Turbo Z31, 300zx Twin Turbo and non-Turbo Z31 and 350z Z33’s from 1984-2005 5 lug setup and they'll also fit the Toyota Supra Twin Turbo. This package cost over $3,000 shipped when new and the RacingHart M5 wheels are no longer available! I'm asking $1800 or best offer for them, estimated shipping about $150, maybe less depending on your location! I have more pics available if you want-just email me or call. Wheels & tires located in Rochester, NY. http://www.ec-securehost.com/OnlineTires.com/images/RacingHartM5MultiPiece_lg.jpg
summer envy
pic of our 2 z's. the 240 hiding in the garage while the 280zxt is stuck outside with the snowpile. ahh, to be in southern california.