Everything posted by 1 tuff z
fender,light set up, and steering stuff for 73 240Z
mike, i don't have the fender-but i do have [i believe] everything else you're looking for. i'm in rochester... david email me at work; david.a.palermo@aexp.com
Compomotive wheel
17x8.5" zero offset 3 piece Compomotive wheels on my 73 240z. Currently running a yokohama a520 215.40.17 tire, will go a step wider once they are worn out [have another 1" clearance to work with!].
jcr blower setup
heater hose replacement
anyone ever replaced the heater hoses [from the heater core to the engine] and not used the factory stuff. i wanted to get see if someone has already done this and the install works well and looks clean. figured the original [nearly 30 years old] hoses are due.
WooHooo! 4.11 R200 Torsen unit!
i didn't think that subaru ever used anything larger than the r160. i haven't been able to look under a subaru svx [their last sports car with a 6 cyl] to see if that used the 160 or something larger. subaru also now makes the outback with a 6cyl and i believe that runs an r160 as well. i'm not sure though. anyone else??!
WooHooo! 4.11 R200 Torsen unit!
to all of those whom are fortunate enuf to have the gleason-torsen units...be thankful. i know a number of racers who also have these units and swear by them. a few years ago, i went thru a friend of mine [35+ years senior engineer at gleason works here in rochester] and we searched for months to try to find a "leftover" unit [even contacted one of his coworkers in japan] with no luck. he then put me in touch with the senior engineer at zexel-torsen [zt/also here in rochester], i struck out there as well. i did speak to the r&d person about a group buy-but it seemed that we'd have to purchase 250+ units and then find a supplier who would b willing to 'guarantee' another 50 in sales per year, to absorb the tool up costs. zt still manufactures the units, gm, subaru, toyota, hummer, etc.-just not for our z cars. this was of course prior to the resurgance in z popularity. i'd b happy to contact them to see if they make a unit for the z32, but i have no idea if the "guts" of a z32 diff would work in the r200 many of us are running. anyone know?? dreaming of finding that elusive torsen diff...
thermostat sticking??!!
i have been having a problem when the car is cold. once it is started and begins to come up to temp-the gauge continues past 180 and goes to around 210 before settling back to 180. it doesn't do it all the time and usually just when the car is completely cold. i have done the following to troubleshoot; replaced the t-stat [twice], ensured that i don't have air in the system [letting come up to temp-once antifeeze starts to circulate, then top off]. i have also run w/o the t-stat [temp seems to stabilize around 145-150, and don't experience the problem. i don't want to damage the head by seeing this temp spike each time i drive. does anyone run w/o a t-stat? if i do this, any problems? also, i run a 4 row rad, oil cooler and elec. fan, L28, p90 head, jcr supercharger setup. any help/feedback would be greatly appreciated! thanks...
ZCCR Fall Country Wine Tour '02
hey all, go to our home page and click in the "rainbow text" to get full details on our Fall Country Wine Tour September 20-22nd, 2002. It is a 3 day event-our 3rd annual! Wine, fall leaf colors, rallye and car show. The event is limited to 75 cars total, we also have early registration pricing. The Tour benefits Camp Good Days & Special Times [for kids with cancer]. check it out at; www.zccr.net and hope to z u there!
Turn signal Malfunction
i had the same prob w/my z. what i did: checked all bulbs to insure correct bulbs in place, removed/lubricated and reinstalled signal actuator on column, finally-bought a new flasher unit. problem solved and signals work great. hope this helps...
- No caption
- Rear quarter shot
Twisted Z
We need some custom picts!
We need some custom picts!
i have many shots of the rear of my z which i am attaching in fairly small size. if there are any u like, let me know and i'll get u them in larger size. thanks!