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MSA sells those same floor pans and frame rails as their premium brand. Since you're in CA, you might want to see if it's cheaper to go through them, since the stuff from Zedd Findings comes from Canada, and has customs fees, etc. Charlie is a good guy to work with directly, though. He'll get the $$ either way, though :).


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I used the MSA pans, but would make my own if I had to do it again. My car had rust in areas not covered by the replacement pans. I had to re-weld the frame rails on the replacement pans because their welds just popped off (poor penetration). If you have good metal around the replacement pans, they might work better for you.

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Zedd findings they are the best you can get. They come with the center strut support and are thicker than stock. Pritty much drop in replacement . I only neded to make two small cuts to relieve the metal to make a bend. I have pictures if you want. I dont have a digital camera but are on CDs . get me a email address to send them to you through our pvt mail and I will forward what you want Gary I can talk you through it if needed . The floors must be welded in as the floor on these cars acts as part of the frame. Gary:classic: One thing do not do any cutting untill you have the floors in hand so you can see what the limits of the pans are. The edges extend up the sides about 2" and extend up the front slant about the same and extend to the rear past the rear seat support and up the same ammt from the floor level. If the frame rails are too rusted to weld to they should be replace also and if this is the case the car is likely a parts car that is being driven, sorry . Vary costly to repair if done correctly unless you are a tig welder your self.

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