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I tried starting my car a week ago and the battery was not so good so I hooked it up to my truck to jump it...however I never did get it to turn over. But it was acting correct when trying to start.

I just tried again yesterday after replacing the plugs and having it on a charger 1/2 the day then switching the charger over from charge mode to start mode (a 50 amp output). All I got was a clicking noise. NO attempt to turn over on the car's part at all.

I once knew what this problem was several years ago but now I can't remember. Can anyone out there help be diagnose this problem so I can get it fixed ASAP. I have a few other things to do to it before a car show on 3/20 and don't have much time to do it all.

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Can you turn the engine over by hand with the dampner bolt? If so you might check the fusible link at the starter solenoid. Might be loose or burnt up. If a stick shift, have someone give you a push start. If engine wont turn over by hand I suggest pulling spark plugs, squirt in some light oil and let sit for a moment. Let the oil work into the top rings to break any bond to the cylinder wall. I bought a 72 once that had hydro locked due to bad head gasket. Took the plugs out and when I turned her over, water shot out 3 of the plugs holes. Keep us informed on your progress. Much luck.

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this maybe something you have already done but remove and clean the battery posts and then remove the leads off of the starter and clean those , if you haven't yet start with those , if no luck there try starting the car by bypassing the ignition from the positive battery post that way you know you have a good starter, good luck

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Originally posted by texasz

I just tried again yesterday after replacing the plugs and having it on a charger 1/2 the day then switching the charger over from charge mode to start mode (a 50 amp output). All I got was a clicking noise. NO attempt to turn over on the car's part at all.

Sounds like the battery has failed to me. I've had this same situation happen to me twice.

Try to start car, nothing but a clicking sound from starter.

Put battery on charger, same thing.

Jump battery from running car, same thing.

Sometimes when a battery looses a cell, then the battery will not take a charge. Even if you jump it, there is not enough current to make it through the cables.

Two things I'd try:

1) use two sets of cables at the same time. Double up. I know it sounds wierd, but I have done this on a battery that absolutely would not take a charge (after days on a charger) and was completely dead. The second set of cables decreases the amount of resistance for the current coming from the running vehicle.

2) Go get a known good battery or a new one.

Once you get it turning over, if it doesn't start, then you can look elsewhere to diagnose.

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Ok, I took the battery in to be tested and it tested out ok and took a charge at the shop. Came home, cleaned up the battery posts, cables etc and tried again. I get one click when I turn the key and nothing else! The battery gauge in the dash reads good and strong, but everytime I tried the key all I got was one click.

Any more ideas???

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Either your starter motor or your starter switch (solenoid) is faulty.

Check the wiring between the battery and the solenoid and Starter motor, if nothing is wrong there, remove the starter motor and check it on the ol' workbench.. you might want to hold it gently in a vice or something cause when you attach the 12V battery lines to it it'll jump a bit if it's not secured. :)

If you cant find anything wrong with the starter motor and solenoid, take it in somewhere for them to test it, they'll soon tell you if theres some problems.

Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I hate to post this because everyone will laugh and think I'm stupid (and believe me I feel like it) but I also want to try and help anyone else down the road.

I pulled the starter the other night and took it to be tested...it was good. I watched them hook it up and there were three wires, the + and - battery and another small one that went on a quick connector. We talked about what else the problem may be and they said it may be the ignition switch (not what the key goes into but there's a switch behind it on the steering column).

I came home and put the starter back in and realized that as I reconnected the wires I didn't remember removing the small one that goes on the quick connector. After I had it in I decided to try to start it again...wouldn't you know it, the damn thing started!

What was wrong you ask? I had the + and- wires but somehow the quick connect wire must have been pulled off (it was VERY loose when I put it back on so I fixed that). Problem solved!!

Now you can see why I feel so stupid. :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:

I hope this helps someone else down the road someday.

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Originally posted by texasz

What was wrong you ask? I had the + and- wires but somehow the quick connect wire must have been pulled off (it was VERY loose when I put it back on so I fixed that). Problem solved!!

That lone wire (the one separate from the battery cables) is your fusible link. If that is disconnected, you will no power to the car. This now makes sense on why when you turned the key, there was nothing happening.

I burned up my fusible link once and had this same senario. But you said you had heard a click when you turned the key, so I figured your link was still good. Must have been the mechanical click from the ignition switch...

Glad you got the car up and running again.

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That would have been the fusible link I mentioned in my post. I have bought Z cars that had the connector broken and the slightest bump would disconnect it. Hopefully you have a true fusible link there and not just a piece of wire. That could cause a fire.

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It sounds like you guys are talking about the b/y wire that connects to the press-on terminal on the solenoid. All that wire does is link the ignition switch with the starter. Without it the car won't start but it's not a fusible link just a wire. At least that's how it is on my 78Z and 79 810. It comes directly out of the wiring harness and neither car has been altered.

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The B/Y wire referred to is part of the starter interlock system that prevents starting the car when in gear (Automatic Trans.). In a Manual transmission, it hooks directly to the ignition circuit to complete the circuit to the solenoid.

The starter receives BOTH Positive and Negative terminals of the battery directly to it in order to allow for the massive cranking amps required.

The other wire to the solenoid (B), connects via a quick connect to the Fusible link. This Fusible link on the 70 and 71 Z's is the MAIN and ONLY connection for the rest of the car's circuitry. If this is broken or disconnected there simply is NO electricity anywhere else.

When you had posted that you had a "click" I also assumed that you were actuating the solenoid and therefore had electricity flowing. Since you did not post that you did not have electricity flowing to anything else I didn't post about your fusible link.

The battery gauge you refer to is an Ammeter and it registers whether you have a Positive Current (Charging) or Negative Current (Discharging). When NO power is flowing, it will rest at the "O" mark, or dead center. That's what fooled you into thinking you had a good charge and fooled the rest of us into thinking you did have the fusible link connected.

Glad it's running.

Keep us posted on your Car Show.

Enrique Scanlon

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