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My Z broke down today. I was driving on the freeway today and the engine was jolting and it was loosing power, then the engine stalled on the freeway. All my gauges read said that everything was normal. I pulled over, popped the hood, and looked for anything out of the ordinary, but everything looked okay on the surface.

I then started the car, and it started right up like a champ. About 10 miles later the car started jolting again and I had no power. I pulled over and called AAA. The only thing I can think of is the clutch, but I am not certain. What does this sound like to you guys? Oh well, she is in the hands of my mechanic now.

My Z has never broken down.:cry: I shouldn't complain, the head has never been off and I have not had any major problems before. I just hope it is nothing major, but I have a feeling that it is. By the way, I don't abuse it either. I warm the car up everytime I start it and I don't rev the engine high. I am still wondering what the problem was. I will tell you guys when I get it back. Hopefully that is soon.


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Hey Ben, When you restarted you Z did it cut out back at the same speed on the freeway that it cut out at the first time? If so it sorta sounds like a dirty/clogged fuel filter. If the filter is getting clogged it could run fine at lower speeds with less demand on the fuel system. But up at speed it'll starv itself till it stalls. Rather abrublty. Anybody else have this happen besides me? I have also had the battery relocate itself (read having too much fun) and not be aware of it tipped over leaking Acid on #5&6 spark plug leads. Which also did this when ever the wires moved just right to both ground out. come to think about it I think #4 was also eaten by acid. so three out of six were grounding. :devious:

Ben doesn't sound major most likely an electrical or fuel problem, not engine.

You didn't hear any horrid noises coming frm the engine did you?

It could be the distributor mine died recently in terms you mention but mine was electronic. The shafts in them wear out and the points also have a habbit of going bad in the non electronic ones. it's most likely a small thign if you ask me.

There was no loud noises or smoke. The wierd thing is, the car was boggging at 70mph. I pulled over, started the car, and drove a little farther. It was fine at 65mph, and then some time passed and it started bogging again and I lost power. I could not go over 40. It was quite scary when everyone was going 70+mph.

Thanks for your input guys.

Take care,


Hello and thanks for all of your replies. The mechanic replaced the spark plugs, the ignition wire, the distributor rotor, and the distributor cap. He also said that he lowered the idle. Now the car idles at about 750rpm. It used to idle at 1000rpm. Now when stopped if the engine gets to 500rpm it will then jump to around 750rpm and then it goes back to 500, and does the cycle over again. If it is really cold outside it will stall if not given some gas at a stop. Is this healthy? It seemed healthier when it idled a little higher. However, I took the car up hills on the freeway, through commute traffic, through town, and on the freeway at around 70-75mph in the heat and it seemed to run just as before. It does have a noticable increase in power than before too. Could a tune up really fix the problem that I described? I don't know a lot about engines, but I would like to. Thanks in advance.


Hey, it sounds like a fuel injector problem. The extra power is probably from the new plugs wires cap and roter. the wild idle is something going on with the FI. Im not much help with FI, if you through some SU carberators on there Im your man. good luck and keep us posted.


Your hood v12horse? My NOT stock L24, round tops, and a couple other little things still have the idle rock solid at 750 RPM's. Even in a state of distune for the SUs. When in perfect tune on order same thing. Whatcha' running under the hood? Why did your mechanic do an ignition tune up? Hell you could have done that yourself easy. How did he lower the idle? Is this guy and old school bad arse Nissan wrench? or just A mechanic? Even if he was a very good younger Technician he has to know Datsuns and the SU's. Any monkey can monkey around. I have 5 ASE's and I get my Su's done be a couple of brothers who used to race Datsuns with their father back when. These guys know how to tune my carbs flat out right the first time. I trust them. If you can,t trust your tech with at least a '96 and above lets say BMW, He shouldn't be laying hands on your Zed! Why didn't he sell the full tune up, Air cleaner, oil/filter change, fuel filter, PCV, Points(?), timing? Also hear any hissing around the top or any where theres vacum hoses? :devious:

It wasn't on the reciept, but he did relace a vaccum hose. When my Dad and I installed the roundtops we had them tuned by a Z specialist. I thought the car could run better than how it was running, so I took the car to a local mechanic that has always fixed my mom's car if needed. He must have some experience with these su's, but he is only in his late 20's. My Z is the only carburated one I have seen at his shop before. He did change the oil and and oil filter, but not the other items mentioned. i asked him about the fuel filter and he said that was not the problem.

I am running a stock L26 with roundtops out of a 72'.

I am going to take a drive to my nearest starbuck's and see how she drives.

Thanks everyone,


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