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Hey guys, i tryed to take my 280zx (79) out for a spin but it feels like i am always in 4'th or 5'th gear, even though i am in 1'st. Also my brake light wont go out, i check the button that turnes it off but its fine, i even tryed disconnecting the wire but it stays on. Please help! thanks alot.

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Or even more critical, a disbalance between the front and the rear hydraulic systems of the car. Check your fluid levels, you'll note that they are in two containers above the Master Cylinder. If uneven, you'll get that response. It's the system telling you that the brakes aren't balanced front to rear.



jack up the front end, put the car on jack stands, spin the front tires. If they spin easily, and you'll know if the brakes are dragging cuz the wheel wont turn easy, then do the same for the rear of the car. Make sure you block the wheels that are on the ground so it wont roll of course. If you find a wheel thats dragging you'll have to get to the brakes and get the caliper pistons to release by pressing them in with a C-clamp. If the pistons are rusted to the bore of the caliper you'll have to either replace the caliper assembly or rebuild it. Easier to replace the whole thing and not as messy but more expensive. You'll also have to bleed the system after doing either repair.

Enrique I think is refering to the proportioning valve thats plumbed in below your master cylinder (where the fluid is). I am not 100% on its function but I believe it regulates how much brake fluid goes to the front and rear brakes when you press the pedal.

Also, check the brake pedal in the car to make sure it is not stuck down. There is a spring that makes it swing back towards the seat. If that spring is bad the pedal will drop towards the engine possibly applying the brakes on its own. Much luck Fever!!!

If you are talking about gunk in the front container of the master cylinder w/no fluid, you have a problem!

If this is true it is time for a major flush of the brake system front and rear and hope that this will fix it. In the master cylinder there are screens you can pull out which hopefully have trapped a majority of the gunk, pull them out and clean them in brake fluid before you begin flushing the system, no need driving more crap into the system.

The best way to flush it is to get some clear 3/16" tubing and some empty cans, break the bleaders loose on all of the brakes and attach a piece of the tubing to the bleeder and stick the end into a can. Get a quart or two of brake fluid and start pumping the brake pedal slowly, keeping an eye on the fluid level of the master cylinder. Fill about every 5-6 pumps of the pedal or so, you'll see as you go how often you need to fill. Do this until the fluid in the hoses is clear, and you should be fixed. That is unless you have other problems, like a moisture buildup in the fluid that has rusted the pistons in the calipers and on and on...

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