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i have a 71 240z i just insured my z after the long winter and went for a ride. it is still doing the same thing as last fall. the engine is buckling. its like the engine never warms up or something. it seems like the carb is messed up. any ideas. i cant enjoy her like this. boy she looks good thow.

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Originally posted by echocluster

i have a 71 240z .................... it seems like the carb is messed up............

Carb? Your car should have TWO carbS. In order to give you advice we need to know what you've got under the hood, and what you have or haven't done to the engine lately.

Has someone replaced the SU's with a 4BBL carb? Has one of the SU's just fallen off the car? Have you changed the fuel and air filters yet. Replaced the Distributor and Rotor? Done a tune-up lately?

Help us to help you.

Carb? Your car should have TWO carbS. In order to give you advice we need to know what you've got under the hood, and what you have or haven't done to the engine lately.

Has someone replaced the SU's with a 4BBL carb? Has one of the SU's just fallen off the car? Have you changed the fuel and air filters yet. Replaced the Distributor CAPand Rotor? Done a tune-up lately?

Help us to help you.

Step one would be the regular air filter and the fuel filter on the right side inner fender. The fuel filters in the banjo fittings of the carbs are "usually" less of a problem.

First things I'd do would be:

Replace the mentioned filters, change oil and oil filter, and do a complete tune-up including new spark plugs, points (if the car still has them) Dist cap and Rotor, and set the ignition timing to specs.

Also. set the choke (pull the choke lever) and then reach under the carb"s" (with the air filter removed) and spray some WD40 or other good lubricant on the choke nozzles (which should be extended from the bottom of the carbs when it has been activated by the choke lever).

Originally posted by echocluster

i am going to get on that right away thankyou

Doing those things will probably fix the issue with your car. If not, it will let you know that there is something that needs adjustment or replacemnt. Like the carbs themselves, or perhaps a weak fuel pump, or whatever.

Do Simple and Cheap things first, then more to more complicated things. Step, by step.

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