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i am doing an oil change on my 71 z. i took off the oil cap, and the filter and waited for the oil to come out and nothing happend. i checked the dip stick and it said there was lots of oil in there. any reason why it does not come out? i tried turning the motor over and it did nothing. any ideas? i dont want top put more oil in there if it wont come out.

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i had a brain freeze and thought that the oil would come out when a took off the oil filter. i did have a thought isnt there something else i should be doing? na i said to myself.

so now i have another problem i changed the fuel filter and now no fuel comes out. i there is nothing coming out of the hose. is the fuel pump messed up somehow?

why is the web site so slow today? anyway i did all the things you said and i just got it running . it sounds terrible . i might have got the plug wires messed up does any one know which way they should go? or any thing else that might be the problem?

Echo , I have a really good piece of advise. Buy a repair manual ! The best is a Nissan shop manual but they are not cheep. You can find Chilton or Haynes on e-bay for about $9.00 . In there you will find the information you need. Fireing order how to adjust things and make repairs. To have your Z run in good order and keep it that way, there is basic knowledge needed that is specific to Z cars. Some times you can find these manuals in the used book stores. Here on this site is a good place to get information , but for reference get the books. Check out the Tec. pages there is a ton of good info there.

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