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Originally posted by landmizzle

Hi all,

Well, here's my spin on the difference in percieved value of the early 240Z's.

Seems there is two schools of thought. The first school which is concerned with low vin#s will always look to the earliest of the '70 models and go absolutely "gaga" over the '69 registered Z's. Pretty straight forward. The second school looks towards the '72 240Z because it is the most refined. Numerous improvements were made to the Z by '72. Such things as:

Differential relocated.

Retractable lap seat belt.

Seat reclining mechanism changed.

Center cosole changed.

Vibration to the crank fixed.

Though changed doesn't necessarily mean "better", most folks who desire the '72 see it that way. The comprssion ratio was also lowered on the E88 versus the E31 head. Here's an example of changed not being better per say. However, the compression difference is so small as to be basically negligable. There were other small changes also but, I think you'll get the point with the included list.

A side issue is that the early 240Z were soon discoverd to rust even back "in the day". Hence many more '72 240Zs had rust protection put on by the owners and consequently, it appears that these later Z's may have weathered time a little better.

Had the '73's not been plagued with the terrible "flat top" carbs, it's likely they would fall into this 2nd school of thought and be considered desirable.

I personally prefer the '72 myself, mainly for the reason listed. If I had to put my order of prefence in a list it would break down like this.

1) '72; Most refined and consequently nicer to drive.

2) '69 to early '70. Most rare and has the E31 head.

3) '71; Has the E31 head but not much else going for it.

Again, this is just my opiinion, and it is being "nit picky". If I were in the market for a 240Z right now, I would be more than willing to buy any of the above. My primary concern would be condition and rust. No offense to anyone that doesn't own my top choices implied or intended.

Best Regards,

Landmizzle '72 240Z

:finger: That all depends on what we are talking about.

For a daily driver the 72 is a better choice.

For the collector the 72 is not as desirable.

I'll leave it at that.

wishihada240z, I'm glad you decided not but purchase that rust bucket. Take your time. The right car will come on the market.


Originally posted by lordbiotree

:finger: That all depends on what we are talking about.

For a daily driver the 72 is a better choice.

For the collector the 72 is not as desirable.

I'll leave it at that.


Ya know Brandon,

Emoticons are a great idea. They really help convey one's tone of voice or infliction across this voiceless medium we call the internet. Based you your's, let me leave at this; bugger off!

You certainly have every right to disagree or agree with me. But show a little maturity and try not to take little snip pot shots wrapped in airs of superiority.

I think I pretty well explained my point of view and took the time to expand upon it. I never said the '69 or 70 was less desirable than a '72 from an investment (or course you're not making the wisest "investment" if you put money in cars anyways.) point of view. Addtionally, while there would be some difference between two equal Z's, a '70 and a '72, from a collector's point of view, it wouldn't be as much as some people might suppose. It's not like were talking the difference between a 65/66 factory GT, K-code,fastback and that of a standard 2 barrel coupe. Not even close.

My problem with you is not your position but your agrogance and or attitude. Keep you wavering finger to yourself. I'm assuming you've had a bad day, and perhaps a cooler mind will prevail on another.

Best Regards,

Landmizzle '72 240Z (a '72 I'm so ashamed! <smirk>

Any Z is better than no Z, and a well maintained Z is worth more than a basket case-regardless of the years involved. If you think a 69 is better than a 72, or vice versa-that is an opinion, and it is valuable, but not necessarily correct to anyone but you. Lets keep the energy on the cars, and not on trying to make our opinion to be the only one that is right.

Nissan had the opinion the all of the S30s cars were lacking, or there would have been no changes other than those mandated by the government!

If we all did things the pureist way, Kats car would not be the rarity it is. I appreciate all of the work he has done to make his car as original as it is-that is truely an amazing thing.

I would not spend that much energy on originality. I want to spend a lot more time with my car under power, than sitting in the garage. That is my opinion, and it is right for me, but I fully appreciate the fact that Kats opinion is different, and leads him to a different, and very respectable end.

If you get the chance to own and enjoy a Z-any Z, I am glad that you got the opportunity, and more importantly, the enjoyment-especially when your goals for your car are different than mine. I could learn something from you, our ideas are not carbon copies of each other because our opinions lead us to spending time and money differently! I have certianly learned from Kats!


Another reason the 72's seem to be the most popular is the fact that there were more HLS30 -US models produced and imported in that one year than were imported into the US from the very first 69 up to the 71 model year combined.

One nice thing about the 240's is that there weren't a lot of major changes up to 72, at least not when compared to the differences between other manufacturers model years. No huge gains in the engine or drivetrain, or in the options available.

Take a Corvette for instance, where a new model may have 50+HP advantage over the previous years car simply due to an engine that wasn't available the previous year.

Personally I'd like to have one of each year up to 72...and by the end of the week I'm only going to be minus the elusive 69. :disappoin

have you even checked down at East Coast Z in Chesapeake? Last time I was there (5 wks ago) he had 3 240's back behind his workshop... I really didn't pay too much attention to them, as I was on a mission needin' a part to my A/C...

Their number is on the photo.... he is usually closed on the weekends :(



thanks for the heads up wal, i stopped by there today after work. he had only a handful of 240z's in the yard and all of them were good for parts cars at most, however the owner of the yard to let me know that he had around 8 L28 turbo motors out of 82-83 280zx's that he said he would sell for $1000 for everything, including motor,tranny, wiring harness and ecu. Also came across some beautiful 16" bronze with a polished lip mesh wheels but forgot to inquire about a price....still hunting for one

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