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I just put a new distributor on my car. I had some problems getting it running... I out the plug on the #1 cylinder, and waited for it to get to the top of the stroke and hooked everything up acordingly. I forgot that it could be at the top of the exhaust stroke, instead of the compression. So I took the head cover off and looked at the cam. I finally got it all hooked up, but now when I put my timing light on the #1 cylinder to time it ( one closest to radiator) I cant even find the little timing marks in the crank pulley... but the #2 (second from radiator)I can barely see the timing marks and it gets fairly "lopey" when I set it on them... My idle screws may be a little low though, so that might be why it sounds too "lopey".

If I am setting the car by ear, just untill I figure this out, what do I want to listen for? I thought I would just turn it untill the idle was the highest and not "lopey", and still revved well.

Thanks guys

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First thing, remove all the plugs. Use a socket on the crank pully and turn the engine over while holding your finger over the s plug hold . Y ou will feel when the piston comes up on the compression storke. Then remove the dist cap and where the rotor is now pointing this where #1 plugwire goes. adjust the rest of the wires to the fireing order. Start the engine and set the timing. Then ballance and adjust the carbs . Then check the timing after the carbs are set . To do all this right check the valves for correct adjustment and adjust as necassary , then the timing then the carbs then check the timing again . When you are tuning the engine to save yourself a hell of a lot of grief , work on one thing at a time ! This way when the engine is acting up you know what it is the thing you are working on. :sleepy:

Originally posted by Tourniqet

how do you know its the compression stroke and not the exhaust stroke when the cylinder is coming up?

The # 1 piston is at the top of it's stroke AND the Timing mark on the crankshaft dampner is at the correct "pointer" or "Zero" mark on the Timing scale (depends on what your car has) AND the rotor of the Distributor is pointing to the #1 contact of the Distributor Cap.

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