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On my 260z when i go out for school in the morning(choke is electric not manual) the car doesnt reallly want to start it keeps droping down to 0rpm's and sometimes you have to hold the gas down to keep rpm's up for a bit till it catches and then the car will not drive well at all(it jerks and tries to die) until it gets to

150 Degrees or right in the middle of the temp gague... how can i fix this?

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Originally posted by surfsnake2

What do they look like, where are they and how do i get rid of em?

I'm sorry - but if you have to ask that - you are most likely beyond any help you could get from this forum. You may need to ask instead for recommendations for local Z Car service shops in your area.



Carl Beck

Clearwater, FL USA


for a starters do you have one carburetor or two because no twin crabs on zeds have electric chokes unless someone has put a single crab off a 260 c or somthing on there either way you have to get your self some 240 carbs you tell the differance buy looking at the top of the carb the 240 ones are a round bell shape and the 260 ones have a flat bit on top and are poo and besides this what the **** are you doing driving your zed b4 it has warmed up any way (slapps him in the back of the head bad zed nube bad)

Sounds to me like you have a manual choke and you're simply not using it. As far as I know, no 240 or 260 ever had an electric choke. How did you decide that yours does? And the flat top carbs? If they work, keep them. Find that choke knob and pull it!

Snake2 where are you in oregon ? I live in Beaverton if I can help let me know. If the car is all stock you most likely have flat tops and yes they are junk. Send me a email and I might be able to put you on to a set of carbs . I think a guy in Gresham may still have a set he will sell.

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