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you are right

Everyone else obeys the speed limit.

Everyone else obeys the 2 second rule between cars.

Everyone else uses their turn signal to change lanes.

Anyway. I'm done with this thread. I see your point in a way, but I just don't agree with it I guess. I'm not here to argue anyway, especially with people I know nothing about. That doesn't get any of us anywhere.

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Originally posted by Corganx33

you are right

Everyone else obeys the speed limit.

Everyone else obeys the 2 second rule between cars.

Everyone else uses their turn signal to change lanes.

Anyway. I'm done with this thread. I see your point in a way, but I just don't agree with it I guess. I'm not here to argue anyway, especially with people I know nothing about. That doesn't get any of us anywhere.

No, not everyone obeys the rules, but everyone understands the penalty for not doing so. It isn't "my" point, it's the law. When we don't obey (myself included) we pay and we know why. We grumble to ourselves about misfortune or bad luck, pay the fine and move on to the important stuff like fixing our car, or learning to watch more carefully for other cars or cops. I'm not a special case, neither is CrashNBurn, or you. None of us can change the law, for better or worse we are stuck with it. That is all my posted point ever was meant to state.

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Originally posted by Bambikiller240

No, not everyone obeys the rules, but everyone understands the penalty for not doing so. It isn't "my" point, it's the law. When we don't obey (myself included) we pay and we know why. We grumble to ourselves about misfortune or bad luck, pay the fine and move on to the important stuff like fixing our car, or learning to watch more carefully for other cars or cops. I'm not a special case, neither is CrashNBurn, or you. None of us can change the law, for better or worse we are stuck with it. That is all my posted point ever was meant to state.

Well said Carl. I appreciate everyone's input thus far, but don't let it get out of hand.

Update on my car. Things are looking up! I start work at a local garage, Ellison's Body Shop, this Thursday. The shop owner, my dad, and myself all refer to my new job as an "indentured servitude". While I won't be compensated monetarily, I will gain an education and knowledge in body repair and painting, experience, and access to equipment as needed. Additionally, the owner agreed to assist me in the wreck repair, replacing rusty floor pans (they are ugly) and other miscellaneous rust issues, and touching-up or repainting of the Zed. I'm partial to a black car, but I love the metallic blue that is on the Zed right now....Any thoughts? Now all I need to do is hunt down some parts. Wahoo, shopping for my 240 Z!


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Hobby and career. :love: (Ask me about my post-secondary plans) Yes, that is correct, career. I am working my way, slowly but surely, towards one or both of the following:

a) racing cars for a living

B) building/working on race cars for a living

Either way, this is something that I am very pysched about. I don't mind working for free, because I'm desperate to learn and acquire as much experience as possible. I want to learn so much that it's undeniably worth it to me!


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Didn't this guy say he was gone and not coming back?

It does not appear that his word means anything-even to him.

Everyone has potential-even you. You are what you make yourself, we have no way of drawing a conclusion about you other than the communication you send.

I guess when you aren't wanted anywhere because of your attitude, you find it easier to blame and try to punish everyone else, rather than accept that you are the cause of the reactions you recieve, and adapt your behavior appropriately.

We would like to welcome you to the club, but you choose to make that problematic. Why?


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Originally posted by Bambikiller240

I didn't attack anyones opinion, I pointed out the LAW. If you do not obey the law, you pay the price. Simple! Welcome to the real world! Don't like the law? Change it, or don't drive. Just stop the whining! Some day, when you grow up you'll understand how the world works.


Sorry, I just had a moment.


I just can't stop chuckling.

-- Mike

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