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Your kids must be different, over here, they take the food with them when they go!

My profile was 2 seconds of thought, and a bit of silliness!

I just like music-most kinds, though the lack of a melody cannot be made up for by turning up the bass, and shouting obsenities!

Strange that even that is clearer in a 280zx than in a Z!

I didn't mean to push he who will remain nameless as the National bird of Australia, He seems ok with a dingos breakfast, but from the sound of it, he is not Australias favorite son gone troppo!

Still, entertaining to watch, and better than some of the guys we have had as presidents!

He does appear to know what 'IS" means even without having graduated from Georgetown and Yale-(you know they are proud that someone could graduate and still not know what a one syllable, two letter word means, and have the strength of charactor to admit to it.) I would much rather toss a few XXXX back with Steve, than a morally defective, and character challenged moron at the top of Jerry Springer's most wanted guest list! I think he may be te reason you guys call us Ceptics, and the reason we can't really argue aginst that name!

He wouldn't know reality if it bit him in the old fella-or was that Monica... You Know Clinton would drive a 280ZX!

Ok, I feel the cross hairs and laser sights-start a new thread if it isn't about the difference between a Z and a ZX!


Originally posted by hls30.com

Still, entertaining to watch, and better than some of the guys we have had as presidents!

He does appear to know what 'IS" means even without having graduated from Georgetown and Yale-(you know they are proud that someone could graduate and still not know what a one syllable, two letter word means, and have the strength of charactor to admit to it.) I would much rather toss a few XXXX back with Steve, than a morally defective, and character challenged moron at the top of Jerry Springer's most wanted guest list! I think he may be te reason you guys call us Ceptics, and the reason we can't really argue aginst that name!

He wouldn't know reality if it bit him in the old fella-or was that Monica... You Know Clinton would drive a 280ZX!

LOLROFL. He also perfected the art of "smoking without inhaling". I think he'd have a Z33 to attract the younger chicks.

He'd make a great Springer PPV episode.

I'd also rather drink w/ Steve than Bill. Especially if Terry were serving the drinks.:cheeky:

I don't know, I wouldn't watch that episode, I have had enough embarrasment from his antics! Too bad he was treated unfairly-anybody else would have been imprisoned.

Maybe we could get him on The next Crock Hunter Movie as a nameless guy in a red shirt, and you know what that ment on Star Trek!

Kirk drove a Z as a young man, Scott still drives a Z-but with warp drive, and McCoy is a ZX man all the way through!

Spok walked to avoid the confusion between the Vulcan sensabilities of driving a Z, and the human call for the comfort of a ZX!


Not sure I understand. YOU get embarassed by Clinton's antics? Why? Obviously he's beyond being embrassed by his own shortcomings. So long as you didn't vote for him (I didn't either) we both can blame his election on the "other guy".

He ain't heavy, and he damn sure ain't MY President.:classic:

PS I like watching people prove they are fools.

Originally posted by 1 Bravo 6

:tapemouth :tapemouth

At least you blokes have the option of whether to vote or not.

If we don't we cop a hefty fine.


Hi Rick:

I think the Aussie way is the best in this case. Everyone should be required to vote. It is sad when the people who lead our country are chosen by 50% of the eligible, registered voters. No wonder we end up with some real wankers running the show.

Bill, unfortunately, those Americans that do have out voted those of us that don't! Interestingly enough, I have never seen a condidate riding the"Wanker" ticket in the box-I also never noticed the "Wanker" platform-on wait-I think I have, they were used on "an instructional film(porno)" I saw in college! It was mindless, plotless, and jam packed with-sounds like Clinton. I just never put 2 and 2 together to get "score"!

I bet his car had clear vinyl seat covers!

See if this makes for a good "living" translation?

The figjam comes from back of burke to bailup a young shiela, the bounce cracks a wee fat in front of the blowie, then, whith no thought of compo for the shiela-or his cook, he flicks like a dogs balls in front of the whole territory, and spit the drummy when the liars ticket is up!


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