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Bill-you sound like a pretty well put together guy

Thats the first time ive ever been called that LOL. Thanks for the complement.

As far as saying God will come down a punish you or whatever. That is not right at all.

Soundes like she needed to do some soul searching of her own.

Originally posted by ZwolleY

A few years ago I witnessed a mother admonishing her daughter, around 5 or 6 years old. The mother told the child that if she did not behave, god was going to come down and hurt her. Now what kind of message is that?

In some cases verbal abuse is even more painful than physical:cry:


.............and without rules, consequences, and a firm guiding parental mind and hand in charge of them, all the sweet talking, reasoning, love, respect, and psycho mumbo-jumbo in the world won't do any good.

Some children are just plain monsters....created by parents who want to be their childrens "friend" and neglect to "parent" them. When children turn into monsters, it is usually the fault of their parents.

My turn on the soapbox!

As in most things, I think it is all about finding balance.

Everyone needs a little bit of all of it. I want to expose my son to MOST things(albeit in limited and controlled doses) so that he will have the tools to deal with less controlled encounters in later life. A young lady I dated in college was home schooled and heartily protected by her parrents until she got to college, then she had no idea how to read a situation to see where it might lead-consequently she ended up where she didn't want all too often because she was brought up under someone elses protective eye, and never developed one of her own.

One of the best lessons my parrents gave me was to ability to differentiate between right and wrong. When I do something stupid, I expect to be punished, but when I have done nothing wrong, I pitty the fool that tries to punish me wrongly.

I think God gave us the tools of discipline to use, that is NOT to say ABUSE. There were times I deserved a spanking growing up. I don't believe any speach or form of abscence of reward(depravation) therapy would have gotten the point accross. I do not believe that spanking a child is right, but on occasion I do believe it is necessary. That may be looked on by some as a shortcoming, but I suppose a machiavellian point could be made that reinforces the fact that all we are doing now is trying, and the fruit of our attempts is too far off for more than a supposition as justification today. I see too many people taking advantage of the fact they identify a punishment as less offensive than the value of the infraction that will result in it. They did not learn respect for others growing up, and evidently fines and speaches(threapy) will not correct that now, but I bet pain would. Check the number of habitual speeders in any local. Fines, increased insurance rates, drivers ed(therapy)-none of it works for them. They have not realized that their ability to drive fast is not necessarly the issue, it is also the ability of other drivers to deal with their driving fast. All drivers must share the road, and that is a part of why the speed limits are enforced-a speeder is (among other things)dis-respecting every other driver on the road By acting out that "What I want is more important than what you want.". Any argument against that has only one answer, how many injurred or dead drivers believed what they were doing at the time of their accident was safe for everyone, and how many people doing nothing wrong did their disrespect hurt or kill?

Ask those who lived, and what you invariably find is "it was an accident" No, you ment to disrespect the other drivers, you disconnected your actions from their possable consequence as a meaning-What is prescoius you will not normally risk, unless you were never tought the meaning of respect

As a parrent, I see my ultimate duty as preparing my child for life without me. I must use all of the tools at my disposal as effectively as possable, and pass the ability to my child for his use.

Please don't forget I will spend a large part of tomorrow having stones pulverized, and as such, I may not reply for a few days. Please also realize that I respect differing views, because without them I would be alone, and appear to always be right-and I do know better!


I have only made the wrong move when out with friends one time. And i swear that will never happen again. (No drugs or nothing).

Just something that led to me being gone all night. Nothing that bad exept breaking curfew.(spelling)

Kids are going to make mistakes, and there is nothing in this world that will stop that, But its the perents job to make sure they learn from there mistakes.

A good swift arse kicking would learn almost anyone! Then tell the kids once thier done crying we they got the beating! O yeah don't get caught doing whatever again! I so, I'll sell you into white slavery! ROFL

Child abuse is one thing, screwed up lazy arse good for nothing parents, can create some ugly monsters out of small child. But p**** arse yuppie new age love parenets that give this undeserving child(everybody is underserving untill you earn it yourself!) everything , can create just as ugly monsters. Then when they figure the do need to smack the kid around to bring the said child back down to earth, they can not. Because the kids holding all the cards, waiting to trump the parents with child abuse just by going to school! Screwed up system. If I need to slap my daughter(s) for lying or disrespecting their mother or me, it is my god given right as a father to reer my children as I see fit to the best of my limted ability to chose how and why. The legal system will hold ME accountable for the actions untill they are 18. So since they actually BELONG to ME how I reer them is my goddamn business! I do not do it for pleasure for they are my life, and I don't want the life my and their mother created out of love to turn to $^!# before our eyes. We expect more from them. Our parents expected more from us, and if one of my daughters gets a busted lip for lying to me so be it. At least next time I will know where she really is, because she won't tell that lie again. :angry:

It doesn't take much to bust someones lip. A kids bum isn't what was talking back or sassing. The spanking of the kids arse is for the bigger beatings, the butt can take more! When my father layed one across my face it only made me feel stupid for having put him and myself in the situation that deemed me a smack. Can't wait till your OLD and WISE enough to have your own little brats! LOL :devious:

Originally posted by frank13

It doesn't take much to bust someones lip. A kids bum isn't what was talking back or sassing. The spanking of the kids arse is for the bigger beatings, the butt can take more! When my father layed one across my face it only made me feel stupid for having put him and myself in the situation that deemed me a smack. Can't wait till your OLD and WISE enough to have your own little brats! LOL :devious:

WELL PUT!! I know we'll get disagreements with this point of view but to each his own! I was brought up that way and I brought up my kid that way. (He's 24) It's old school and I see nothing wrong with it. I turned out okay, my son is doing just fine and all those little panty-waist kids that have been coddled by their panty-waist parents are the ones with all the issues. There is no damn way my kid was going to raise his voice to me, do drugs, defy me, or any of that kind of crap while he was living under my roof. Like the old saying goes, "I brought him into this world and I can take him out!"

Well i have been punished for everything that i have deserved to be punished for.

And i do have a abusive father. When i was six he kicked me and broke two of my ribs.

Now he will not touch me. he will curse me and ground me, but he cant wip me and he knows it. I stay out of trouble dont get me wrong. But ill be damned if he going to bust my lip and get away with it. Ive taken so much crap off him untill i just dont care.

He used to hit my mother to. But he spent sometime in jail for and that and aperently he learned his lesson. Now im not claimng to know it all about perenting,heck im not claming to know anything. But some perents need to be tought more then the kids do.

Can't wait till your OLD and WISE enough to have your own little brats!

PS. I am old enough to make my own brats. Im just wise enough to wate.

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