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I am getting close to the final body prep for painting my 240z project.

Unsure of which way to go in regards to painting it.

I have some experience with Dulux Dulon acrylic and Wattyl acrylic paint systems (Australian brands).

The Dulon came up nice but not excellent, while the Wattyl system performed not well at all.

Now, I am wondering of options for a more durable solution.

Has anybody any experience with iso-free topcoats?

For cost reasons I am needing to do this at home.

Has anybody survived spraying iso 2 packs at home, then please comment whether this is a real alternative DIY style.

Any prefered paint systems/brands (Australia)?

General advice appreciated.

Am I kidding myself expecting a high quality job at home, should I rather get it done professionally and suffer the high cost?

Thanks for your time.


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If you can wait till Monday, I'll give you an up to date report on my re-spray, picking up the zed on Sunday.....

My FIL won't devulge the paint system he used at the moment, apart from saying it was state of the art! God, the mind boggles when you let a 70yo loose with a spray gun..........

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Can't wait is probably an understatement, I've been driving the 260 around for the past 2 months and certainly miss the zip of the 240.

There is just so much difference between these to cars that unless you own and drive both you would probably never notice!

Ah yes, the paint system, I have no idea. I mentioned the new PPg Acrylic Urathane to him, however was expecting it to come back just in Acrylic until I spoke to hime last week when he sealed his lips and said it's the latest and was extremly surprised with the ease it went on.

All that I can add at this stage is that he needed to hire a heater!

Cost so far is [you won't believe it} $250 for paint, primer materials he has used. I suspect that a lot has been scrounged up from other jobs and is being done as repayment of a favour that I did for him some years ago. Although a slab every now and again was appreciated.

Unfortunately, he lives in Central Victoria so it won't be of any use to you. Now we await another 2 days, if you don't see any reply that would be because I'm speachless about the job.

I'm hoping it comes out half reasonable as the 2nd 260 is heading his way in July.


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i have survived painting two pack at home would recomend good breathing filters and extraction fan to suck paint out as soon as possible

my suggestion would be to do all the prep work at home if full respray or colour change do inside doors hatch and engine bay then organise a body works to spray top coat on outside of car in a spray booth thats the way i did my car much cheaper the top coat really is the easy part once everything is ready best to talk to who you want to paint top coat find out what paint they recomend then use the primer to match

i have found no matter how hard you try spraying any where but in a booth or oven ends up with bits of duat or other stuff in paint

thats why i reckon your best to pay a little more and get top coat done in a booth or oven

i have painted my rally cars and ute at home but for a job you care about the booth really makes it that much better

2 pack can vary huge in price from cheap to expensive depending on quality the paint on my zed is now $150 litre last time i asked where the two pack i got for the rally car was $40 litre


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i would let a professional paint your car because 2 pack iso paints are poisonous and can damage your lungs after prolonged use unless using air fed equipment when painting as for which paint, cheaper paints can be alright but they do not look as good or last as long as more expensive paint.i used PPG on my 240Z

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