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I've been keeping up with this post, and haven't chimed in because it had all the flavor of a flame war brewing.

First of, to LS1240Z, I'll apologize for the rude remarks made to you. Sadly, in our enjoyment of the Z, we tend to lambaste those owners who have chosen to modify their own vehicles past a certain level. Not to say that we don't eventually admire a good converted car, but that, because of the difficulty we have had in trying to restore our own vehicles to a more ~original~ state, we drool after these rare hidden treasures that are like time capsules. Then to discover that your intent was to ...ugh, shudder... modify her...... Can you understand why as a group we freaked?

Now, as to your original intent of changing the engine in order to make the car into a rocket.

That, in and of itself, is a worthy endeavour. It will take a lot of time, effort and money in order to pull it off properly. You mention that you want to insert a roll bar and other mods in order to strengthen the car to accept the new acceleration, torque and steering twist. All that will need some intense body work in order to tie in properly.

I just recently acquired a 72 240Z, AT that has a blown engine. One of the pistons has a hole in it, and the PO has removed the head, allowing the pistons and block to have rust on them. The rest of the car, is pristine. Yes, there are the door dinghies, a dash of rust on the passenger door rear and on the passenger rocker panel. If you are interested in a trade, I'm willing to discuss it. However, I am in the Portland, Oregon / Vancouver, Washington area and it might be difficult for us to exchange them, especially since both of them are non-driveable. But it CAN be done.

Lastly, with regards to our initial responses, and the "dare" from the other site.

That he got "dared" to post here is probably due more to the fact that we tend to be a bit fanatical regarding CLASSIC 240Z's. Whether it be because of our lack of knowledge regarding what tranny from what car and year or because the modifications are anathema to our mores. The truth of the matter is that usually when someone mentions that he wants to modify his Z, we instantly chime in to go to the Hybrid Z site. In this case, due to the unusualness of the find, and the fact that it is in extremely good condition, we reacted as we ALL knew the membership of this site would. With outrage, vehemence and, sadly, rudeness.

All of these are valid emotions and responses. However, we must take note that, as a group, in order to gain the recognition and respect of others, we must also offer them the same recognition and respect. That is to say, just because a person modifies his Z, does not make him an evil person. In fact, done properly, a modification can actually result in a very admireable car.

So, let's promote that e-Bay auction to everyone we know that is looking to buy a car, let's get his reserve met and we can bask in the knowledge that we saved a good time capsule car and that we also helped the seller to achieve his dream of a rocket Z.


Enrique Scanlon

That he got "dared" to post here is probably due more to the fact that we tend to be a bit fanatical regarding CLASSIC 240Z's.

To each, his own opinion, but Sorry Enrique...........

I strongly disagree. That he was "dared" and did post here has only to do with some clown wanting to see us react to something that is obviously not what we care about (chopping up a pristine Z) for his/their own enjoyment of our predictable reactions and ls1240Z accepting the dare for his/their amusement.

I've never seen anyone here send a person to HybridZ (or anywhere else) just to watch a flame war develop. When someone is refered to another site by our club, it is done to assist that person with a better resource for their needs. Clearly, that was not the purpose of the "dare" or the acceptance of it.

As for fanatical, have you ever seen how newbies are treated at HybridZ when they ask a question that is deemed unworthy of an answer? Many,many times they are treated like $hit. IMO, far worse than anyone gets treated here.

He got what he expected/wanted and I don't feel any apology is necessary.

I'd have to agree with Carl. In my post, I said, basically, do what you want, it's your car. But, by coming here on a dare, what did you expect, ls1240z? You asked for opinions and you got them. No need to be bitter or expect and apology. If you are so hell-bent to built this car then build it. You don't need our approval. If you would have done that in the first place, insead of coming here to start all of this, we'd be none the wiser, youd be well on your way to doing what you really wanted to do with the car and no ones feathers would be ruffled. But don't come here expecting praise or apologies. If you are looking for compassion you might find it on the site that dared you to come here. People try to force things on us like the 350Z, this V8z thing, and other non Classic Z stuff. Then they get an attitude when they get resistance. When you beat it to death like this thread has done (65 posts and counting), sooner or later it might even become personal. I try not to do that but it's human nature. After all, what is the name of THIS SITE?

To each, his own opinion, but Sorry Enrique...........

I strongly disagree. That he was "dared" and did post here has only to do with some clown wanting to see us react to something that is obviously not what we care about (chopping up a pristine Z) for his/their own enjoyment of our predictable reactions and ls1240Z accepting the dare for his/their amusement.


No argument here. If I didn't express it overtly was due more to my not wanting to add fuel to the fire than because I saw it differently.

I've never seen anyone here send a person to HybridZ (or anywhere else) just to watch a flame war develop. When someone is refered to another site by our club, it is done to assist that person with a better resource for their needs. Clearly, that was not the purpose of the "dare" or the acceptance of it.

Again, no argument. As what you mention is exactly what we do. Whether the troll was meant to be an intentional slur / insult.... I don't know, I'd rather give the benefit of the doubt and presume that it was benign.

As for fanatical, have you ever seen how newbies are treated at HybridZ when they ask a question that is deemed unworthy of an answer? Many,many times they are treated like $hit. IMO, far worse than anyone gets treated here.

He got what he expected/wanted and I don't feel any apology is necessary.

As for the treatment the folks at HybridZ shell out, I don't know and frankly, I don't care. I don't visit the site because I'm not interested in the details of modifying the Z, since I don't ever plan on doing that to either one of mine. That said, I respect their right to their opinion, no matter how different it is from mine.

As to whether an apology is necessary, like you stated we each have our own opinion. The reason I feel an apology was necessary is that he DID in fact reverse his position and has put the car up for auction as is. To me that says that we did in fact work with him and convinced him that it was the best thing to do. When you win an argument the best thing you can do, sometimes, is apologize. It allows both of you to put the sour feelings behind and grow a new friendship. He may, in time, decide to acquire a pristine ORIGINAL Z, and come back and be a regular member of this site.



I agree with you Enrique.

LS1240, I flamed when I really shouldn't have. I should have kept my opinion to myself. We are all different as you said and we all have different ideas of what the perfect Z is. There is no such thing as a wrong one, just a different one. Yes this car is a time capsule, but there are more out there (I hope). I really sound like a hipocrite now.

There are two things that I would like to point out as regards to this thread and my view on it:

1. You should not have come to this site on a dare, but you did and you got a mouthfull from many of us here. You should have expected it because many of the HybridZ members did.

2. It is your car and if you build it the way you say, then it will be a great custom car. Yes, it will not go with the style that many of us like, but many (all) can respect fine craftsmanship. However, it doesnt matter what I think because it is your car and you should be able to do what ever you want to it.

I hope you feel welcome when you come to this site because we still share a love for these great cars as you said.



In rereading my posts, I can see why you would get that impression.

I was an NCO in the U.S. Air Force, which required me to take various "Leadership" classes. The longest of those classes was a 30 day course which was a compressed 8 week course available to middle level managers at civilian companies.

Additionally, I have close to 30 years experience in Customer Service and Sales. You learn how to mediate and negotiate when trying to calm an irate customer.


I disagree with your third sentence. I don't think that you should have kept your opinion to yourself.

Without your interaction, especially because it was an opposing view is EXACTLY what this site is all about. Remember the fable about the Emperor's new clothes? Without criticism none of us would examine our motives nor our results, except for our internal "conscience" regarding peer acceptance. The key to criticizing is in your second sentence.


I like the way you think! :devious:


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