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Does anyone know if there is a difference in the throttle linkage for a 70-71 and 72-73? I received a new chromed linkage from a 72 model and it doesn't exactly match my 71. I thought 70-73 would be the same since all had SUs. Thanks for your input............Keith

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Chris, this is the linkage from the firewall to the carb closest to the firewall. This isn't the linkage between the two carbs. The angle on one of ends where it connects is not the same. The other end is the same, as well as the length. My intake isn't on the head so I not sure if it will work. Thanks Keith

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You are refering to the linkage from the firewall to the bracket on the balance tube, not the lnkage between the two carbs, right?

Linkages for 73 are different from 71, I know that much. Su's v.s. Flat-Tops.

I never had the chance to compare 71 v.s. 72 linkages. (but I would expect them to be the same)

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