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Can't pull off the crankshaft pullye with puller

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Well, folks, I just can't pull out the crankshaft pulley with the damper puller from the Kragen auto.




Have any advice, suggestion, or idea please.

wrong tool?, need a impact wrench?, or something?

jaynez31 :tapemouth

Looks like the right tool. Spray WD40 or other penetrating oil all over the inside of the pulley where the big bolt used to be?

What happens when you crank on the big wrench attached to the pulley puller tool?

I know this sounds dumb, but have you undone the centre bolt?

It's just that, from the photos, it looks like it might be still there.

Other than that, the only think I could suggest is a good soaking with WD40, and put some grease on the thread of the puller.

You could try some gentle heat (like from a heat gun), but only as a very last resort 'cause you don;t want to melt the rubber in the balancer

Good luck

Another thing you could try is to put tension on the puller by tightening the bolt as much as you can by hand, then line the bolts of the puller at 3 and 9 o'clock. Then, from underneath where you have a little room in front of the oil pan, using a rubber mallet, give the backside of the balancer a couple good whacks, then rotate the balancer 180 degrees and do it again, tightening the bolt of the puller in between taps with the mallet.

Since the puller is only pulling on either side, if the balancer is trying to come off a little off center due to you putting torque on the puller, it may just pop loose with a little tap on the backside. Kinda like the way you can pop a stubborn ball joint loose with tension on a puller.

Just be sure to use a good rubber mallet as you don't want to bend or damage the balancer.

Of that fails, try an impact set to a low torque setting as you don't want to pull the threads on the puller or snap off the bolts you are using to connect the puller either.

I used two small prybars on each side and GENTLY wiggled them back and forth and the pulley popped right off. I know some of you are thinking you could damage the front cover, but if you're careful and don't act like a bull in a china shop, you should get if loose. I have used a rubber mallet, not a composite with lead shot in it, a rubber mallet and with a few light hits to the pulley is enough to break the rust bond.

When you get it off, very lightly oil the crank nose before you put it back on.



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