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You have a dirty little mind Bill, but as Faye Dunaway said in The Thomas Crown Affair " it's a dirty little world" !

I'm saved 'cos she only arrived AFTER Cathy came home ! I'm just emptying my wine cellar, it seems to work for peace of mind with the in-laws !

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WRONG !!!! Sean,

The older they get, the more trouble they get into, but they make for good memories.

Don't forget to take lots of video footage so you can embarras hell out of him when he reaches his majority.


:devious: :devious: :devious:

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Oops, I forgot ! He, hee, the video footage started as he slipped outa mums' tum, still hooked up an' all ! The tapes are gonna cost him a fortune w to get hold of when he's older - a nez Z at least ! In fact, it's quite a good idea this baby making !

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