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Yeah and i supose abortion and gay marage is a good thing, atleast that apears to be what ur claiming.

I guess values dont matter anymore.

You could look at Clinton. If he haddnt of gotten in office the whole 9/11 thing may not have ever happened.

He is the one that band FBI and CIA sharing information. That information each of the two had clearly when put together told us somthing was going to happen. Gee We owe old Bill a thanks for that one.

Then you have kerry,who claims to be a war hero. Hell i bet he pissed his pants.

But sence this war is such i bad thing i guess we all should right a thank you letter to osama for what he did huh.

Hell Its a bad thing for us to defend ourselves nowadays.

Give me a break.

you wanna break? well im not done with you yet, that statement about banning the fbi and cia from collaborating with each other is completely false. you would make a good foxs news anchor one day. it is true that the intelligence agencies weren't working with eachother but it had nothing to do with clinton. in fact 911 most likely would NOT have occured if the supreme court would have given democracy a chance and let gore hold his place in office. read this report published in TIME magazine 2 years ago. please actually read it before calling it bullshit. bill, the $^!# has hit the fan. WAKE UP! and much more has been revealed since that report, like clarke's testimony infront of the commission and powell reporting that 911 and iraq had no connection though cheney still likes to believe so, and that report telling w that bin laden was eager to attack inside the u.s. while w was on vacation. and whats that about kerry pissing his pants? w didnt even serve. AWOL.. no DESERTER. let me remind you that the taliban was funded by the u.s. to fight the soviets. you cant blame clinton for that. and what do you mean by "Hell Its a bad thing for us to defend ourselves nowadays." are you saying that attacking iraq was for defense? are you kidding? did you know that for the first time in history the shi'ites and sunnis (two groups in iraq that hate eachother and have been destroying eachother) have united to fight against the enemy invaders? that might not mean anything to an average person but anyone who knows the history of that country and the middle east see it as a horrible sign. and where did bush get all of his prewar intelligence? chalabi, yes the man who is now going to be arrested on fraud charges in iraq. that shows you to do business with americans. dont insult my intelligence, you give ME a break

Somebody call a truck the bull shits rolling in.

Ill give u a break.

If gore would have won the election he wouldve been in office.

Dont take ur sore losing $^!# out on me mister.

If you could run it anybetter why arnt you running?

excuses are like arse holes everybodys got one.

Debating Politics Are Stupid..... There Is No Wrong Side. This Country Is Made Up Of Morals And Beliefs, The Beauty Of This Country Is That Everyone Is Entitled To Their Own Morals And Beliefs. I Personally Believe That Gwb Is An Idiot And One Of The Worst (if Not #1) Presidents Ever In Office...... But I Also Feel That No President From Either Party Is Perfect Because They All Have Their Own Agendas And Can't Please Everyone.

I Will Say That I Believe In The Right To Choose, I Believe Church Should Be Separate From Politics, I Believe The War On Iraq Was Unjust And Illegal, I Believe That The Name Calling And Mudslinging Between Both Parties Show How Young Our Country Is, And I Also Believe From Personal Experience That The World Shuns The Us And Global Hospitality Towards The Us Is At A All Time Low!

Hes doing a better job then Gore wouldve done. Or Kerry for that matter.

You have no clue what kind of job Gore would have done or Kerry would do. Niether do I for that matter. How in the Hell does a thread about a Z car for sale turn into this? If I wanted political debate (and I don't) I would go to that type of site. But not here. Like PROJOCTRB240SX said, debating politics is stupid. It's even more stupid on a car site. :disappoin

You have no clue what kind of job Gore would have done or Kerry would do. Niether do I for that matter. How in the Hell does a thread about a Z car for sale turn into this? If I wanted political debate (and I don't) I would go to that type of site. But not here. Like PROJOCTRB240SX said, debating politics is stupid. It's even more stupid on a car site. :disappoin

Someone said Texas or Texans and that lead to Bush and it went (off track) down hill from there. :dead:


Not to start this up again, but..........

Debating Politics Are Stupid..... There Is No Wrong Side. This Country Is Made Up Of Morals And Beliefs, The Beauty Of This Country Is That Everyone Is Entitled To Their Own Morals And Beliefs. I Personally Believe That Gwb Is An Idiot And One Of The Worst (if Not #1) Presidents Ever In Office...... But I Also Feel That No President From Either Party Is Perfect Because They All Have Their Own Agendas And Can't Please Everyone.

I Will Say That I Believe In The Right To Choose, I Believe Church Should Be Separate From Politics, I Believe The War On Iraq Was Unjust And Illegal, I Believe That The Name Calling And Mudslinging Between Both Parties Show How Young Our Country Is, And I Also Believe From Personal Experience That The World Shuns The Us And Global Hospitality Towards The Us Is At A All Time Low!

I agree with everything you say except the first part of the first sentence. That there isn't a right or wrong side in a discussion (that's what we had going) doesn't matter at all. It is through discussion that people actually learn things (any & all people can do this), if/when they "listen" to other, differing views, and use an open mind to think about them.

Stephen and I disagree on whether discussion like this belong here. I feel that there is more to each of our lives than Z's. We are all affected by the politics of our government, & it is natural for this subject to be of concern to some people. People in local (brick & morter?) car clubs discuss more that Chebbies, and Fords, engines, and bodywork. Discussions like this exist on other websites and do not detract from the site specific content (Z content). Friends talk about a lot of subjects. Are we to be seen and valued ONLY as "Z information sources" and nothing else? I thought we were friends here.

Perhaps the thread should have been split to make it easier for the people who do not wish to partisipate to avoid it.

People post about the birth of a child, the illness of a loved one, the passing of a pet without folks bitching and whining about "non Z content", and I think that is fine. I 100% approve of that.

As long as there is no name calling, or personal threats, and a modicum of respect afforded to all, I see no reason that discussions like the above should not be allowed to exist (separate forum?) here. Those that don't wish to partisipate should simply choose to not read the posts, & avoid the thread like most of us do the ZX (or "Boob") threads. It should not be expected that every thread is going to please you (or me, or Bill, or Phred, or Will, or Stephen). Pick and Choose.

Ahhh, the right to choose, what a concept!

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