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Electrical Problems....

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after my car got left out in the rain for the 1st time (seriously) the car wouldnt start so i got out and noticed that the covers for my fusable links were letting alot of water in, so i replaced them with the ones out of a friends datsun,jumped it and drove it home


sometimes if i have any electrical stuff on, i.e. lights, turn signal, dash lights, and i slow down the car will just die.. i loose tach,the door open alarm goes off and my fasten seatbelts light turns on and i just coast.. most of the time i can just let off the clutch and it will pop back on. my volt gauge shows about 13 volts most of the time but it noticably goes down w. each electrical thing turned on.. it also bounces up and down as i rev the engine while stopped...

any ideas.. im going right now to get the battery tested and tom. i am taking the alternator out and going to try that..

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