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Mike no offence but Anit Leech code is only gonna stop the naive computer user. If it can be viewed it can be saved. It becomes a bit harder if it's encoded inside something like a flash file or director file etc.

I know that Adobe Photoshop has a option to mark your image as copyright but i haven't played with it myself.

However i understand the point you are making :)

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Wow! Thanks for the "better than I received at UMCP" education :-) ...and I had to pay for those classes! I can sympathize as I have been on both sides the fence (Alan you know to which I refer) as recently I have been doing business with the friendly folks at :


and to my surprise a photo of the interior of my '82 280ZX appeared one afternoon on that website. When questioned the web designer apologized and politely offered to remove the pic if necessary; like most police officers because of the cooperative nature I didn't take offense and nor did the photographer (that's you 240ztt).

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So the individual who took the photo of my car from my gallery on this site is using it on clock faces he is selling on EBay at $25.00 a wack. He air brushed around the outline but my regristration plate is clearly visable and readable. I'm sure he is making a tidy profit,,,,,,I have seen it affered many times. Best bet is don't post any photo's on this site you do not want to see posted any where else........................................................................

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Other than keeping all of your images to yourself, there is no way to control how they are ultimately used by other members. But, that wouldn't be any fun now, would it? (I can just see a few of you hoarding your photos like lonely trolls under a bridge saying, "Mine, mine, mine!")

We have done all we can to protect your photos. But, ultimately the responsibility is up to you once the photo has been posted.

Which was my point from the very beginning of this thread.

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Most copyright legislation around the developed world makes a differentiation between the "Author" and the "Owner" of the copyright work.

The author is generally entitled to any copyright subsisting in the work (subject to a few exceptions). The owner can be anyone, if the author has assigned ownership etc.

Copyright protection comes into effect when the original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work (in this case photos) is published (i.e. issued to the public) - e.g. by inclusion on this website.

It is essential that the work be ORIGINAL. So, I do not have Copyrights in RB-30ZED's photos because I am the nasty boy that reproduced them without his authorisation. Whereas RB-30ZED is the author (presuming he took the photos).

Many jurisdictions also recognise "Moral Rights" in relation to Copyright works - e.g. the right of "attribution" (being named as the author), the right of "integrity" (e.g. not having your photo reproduced on a donkey's butt), etc.

Moral Rights are relevant here, as RB-30ZED wants to be attributed as the author of those photos. Similarly, most people who post photos on this site (and complain in this thread!) seem to want to be identified as the author.

Copyright infringement occurs if anyone other than the copyright owner does any of the things which a copyright owner is exclusively entitled to do in respect of the copyright work - e.g. copying, publishing, performing, broadcasting, adapting...

Thus, right-clicking on a photo published in this site is probably copyright infringement, provided the photo is original and constitutes a "copyright work" and the author/owner has not authorised it. :nervous:

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Best bet is don't post any photo's on this site you do not want to see posted any where else

Yes, hoard all of your photos and never share them with anyone. This is divine wisdom.

By the way, do you have a link to that Ebay auction so we can report the offender?

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So the individual who took the photo of my car from my gallery on this site is using it on clock faces he is selling on EBay at $25.00 a wack. He air brushed around the outline but my regristration plate is clearly visable and readable. I'm sure he is making a tidy profit,,,,,,I have seen it affered many times. Best bet is don't post any photo's on this site you do not want to see posted any where else........................................................................

Excellent - once he's made some money, you could probably sue him for an account of profits! Get a lawyer dude :geek:

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I only posted that statement because I got flack for stating that position earlier in the thread.

You don't seem to have noticed ( or remembered ) that you were giving flack to people for discussing the subject in the first place. Didn't you say this was "off topic"?

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Seems a lot of people learned from the thread, too. That's got to be a bonus! This is a subject that I'm glad was discussed - thanks to Alan, Enrique, Mr. Camo, Moyest (ironic isn't it!) and everyone else who contributed I hope everyone is clear now about their rights!

In my opinion, it's a very relevant topic.

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