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whats up with all the arse kissing. i looked in mperdue's recent posts and the last 12 started out

"Hello everyone! I'd like to preface this post with a big 'shout-out' and thanks to the illustrious admin of this beloved site, without whom this discussion wouldn't even be possible. I think we...

I think Mperdue might be winding Mike up somewhat. I have seen some fairly heated messages recently, but I don't what the root cause of it is.

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  • 3 months later...
I'm sure that all of us fortunate z owners that live in snowy climates go through zpression in the winter. Salt, the ultimate enemy of the z, keeps my love off the road untill at least two good salt washing rains into the spring. Waiting for the the rain to do it's job is terriable as well. Battery acid being the second worst enemy, while off topic had to be mentioned. Still looking for anyone out there that will cut up a doner tray area for me....anyone?

I have a 73 parts car, I have not looked at the battery area. I will try to do so tomorrow, (its under 2' of snow), and let you know. JLP

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I'm sure that all of us fortunate z owners that live in snowy climates go through zpression in the winter. Salt, the ultimate enemy of the z, keeps my love off the road untill at least two good salt washing rains into the spring. Waiting for the the rain to do it's job is terriable as well. Battery acid being the second worst enemy, while off topic had to be mentioned. Still looking for anyone out there that will cut up a doner tray area for me....anyone?
Talk with Roger at the Z Barn. $100 + shipping. www.zbarn.com He is out of Tenn. Check out my gallery for some pics of the before and after battery tray fix.
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Zpression. I guess that's what made me want another one after going twenty years without one. Except now it's a 280Z. It's kind of like the reverse of that episode of the 'Twilight Zone' where the airliner hits some kind of turbulence and goes back to prehistoric time. When they try to reverse the process, they are only able to return to 1939. In the 70s I had a 70 and then a 72. Now I have a 78 so I guess I didn't get all the way back.

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  • 7 months later...

It seems part two has arrived.

It's August 2nd, and I've now been home from school for almost three months.

In that three months, I have spent MAYBE a collective six days in the garage.

Of those six, two have been on the Z.

It's so aggravating! I worked hard this Spring to pay off all my debt (I couldn't find work last Fall semester) and save up a little so I could afford to not work as intensely and spend some quality time with my car. I got home, went on a weeklong trip to Maine (In the rain, mind you), and spent about a week being a zombie to reverse my sleep schedule (during Finals it was 7am-5pm!). Around the first week of June my Dad noticed he complained often about very sore legs and went to the Dr. to check it out. He called and said "So I'm in the ER..." He had a resting heartbeat of 165bpm and nobody could figure out why. We own a family business (Cafe and bookshop) in Annapolis (super busy tourist town) and suddenly, my comfortable part-time 20-25 a week became about 50-60 to compensate for his relative dissapearance. This is only on the clock hours, not counting any ordering, picking up product, etc.

That's just the beginning of it, too. Temple sent me my aid package mid-June, which may well just have been a picture of someone's arse, with "KISS IT" written across the cheeks. I was cut about 9 thousand dollars of aid due to inflated numbers on the parent's FAFSA, due to business insurance claims from Hurricane Isabel that couldn't be rerouted (numerically) back into the business (which is right where it went). So I spent from then until about five days ago begging, pleading, applying and finally securing enough money to go to school and pay rent.

Which brings us to another issue...I have 27 days until classes begin and I have nowhere to live! Thus my days off (which are sparse) seem to be booked with phone calls, internet browsing, and the occasional LONG daytrip to and from Philadelphia. That's where I'm going tomorrow, depending if my Starter is at Nissan or not...the daily driver I bought for the summer and school year ('93 Sentra SE-R) has been a handful of work, and is now wrapping up this week...

What's a guy to do? It pains me so to just let it....SIT there like this. I can get out and tinker for a half hour, hour at most sometimes. I plan afternoons to spend with it and inevitably, something comes up.

Any suggestions? I needed to vent to a crowd that would sympathize, and I'm sure many of you have had worse situations.

Zpression is the worst.

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I understand zpression. When I was away at school my mom asked me to come home for the summer. I didn't want to but did. When I got back there my brother and parents did nothing but fight. I rolled my Datsun and spent the rest of the summer trying to get the car put back together. Fighting with the insurance people ( I put a curse on state farm) trying to make some money doing anything that paid. Finding parts, most coming from a wrecking yard run by the biggest a$$hole in the world. I finally made it back to school to find out my student aid was being reduced rent was going up etc etc. Then some arse t-boned me a lttle while later and ruined my new quarter panel. there was the break up with my girlfriend and some other stuff that went on. The entire time my z was begging for a rebuild. It has been a few years but I am finally getting to the rebuild. The only advice I can offer is be patient. Time and money will come around sooner or later.

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