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it's a little obsessive...

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but I am getting ready to prep and paint the undercarriage of my car, and need some expertise. What are the proper paint colors for the floorpans, wheelwells, suspension parts? I apologize, but I don't know of any restored Zs nearby I can use as a guide.

I figure I will paint the suspension parts flat black (POR Chassis Black), clearcoat the brake calipers, and put a flat black finish on the floorpans and wheelwells (POR-15). The exhaust will remain unpainted.

Any suggestions?



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I just stripped my '72, and the pans and wheel wells were the same color as the car(Orange) under the undercoat. The suspension parts were all satin black, and the cast parts were unfinished. As such, it sounds like you are on the right track-depending on the year.

There are several members with beautiful cars near in Atlanta-check with the Georgia (Atlanta) Z Car Club.



Your choice of finish simply depends on how you want to use and present your car. "As delivered" was a chassis (unibody) painted as the body with variants of black for the suspension and other bolted on components. The black finish ranges between satin and gloss. There are certain areas of the chassis painted black. Three that come to mind are the front of the radiator support, seat brackets, and the vent behind the quarter emblem - satin.

Hello everyone! I'd like to preface this post with a big 'shout-out' and thanks to the illustrious admin of this beloved site, without whom this discussion wouldn't even be possible. I think we should each take a few moments each day to turn our thoughts to the guy behind the curtain as they say, the one who makes it happen, the MAN WITH THE PLAN - of course I'm referring to Mike - the PHP wizard of classiczcars.com. Not only does he keep this site going, but without Mike's watchful eye and vigilant editing skills members would be at the mercy of their own wits and opinions. Thanks Mike for keeping us in line and supressing our overzealous personalities, and thanks for making this all happen for us members and the thousands of guests whose lives are geared up a notch each time they visit this place that some of us may even call home.

If you want to go the full-on obsessive route you should consider when and where to overspray as well. Of course overspray is somewhat random but there are certain places where a restorer may want to reproduce factory overspray. I think it's silly myself... Sorry I don't know where and what colors should overspray onto what but someone else here may know. I'm not sure if anyone here really has a completely unrestored gem but I could be wrong. Have fun


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