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I am replacing the head on my 240z. The current engine is an 1983 L28. The old n47 head is currently off the car and the N42 is ready to go. I was going to order gaskets from MSA but the gasket on the car is a Felpro. What head gasket should I use with the N42. Will the compression be different? I also heard gaskets with metal are bad, is this true?


Ps, While the head is off, do I need a cam oiler with a robello cam? It was on the N47 with a crane cam.

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I bought a head gasket set from MSA and have not had any problems with any of the gaskets in it. Some people like Fel-Pro, others call them Fel-BLO and won't use them.

Metal head gaskets are used in some engines to adjust the combustion chamber cc'ing and or valve to piston clearances. They are usually available in 1 mm and 2 mm thicknesses. They generall aren't used unless you done some serious modifications to the combustion chamber. Also, the are VERY expensive compared to regular head gaskets, however there is nothing "wrong" with them.

If you have a cam from Dave Rebello, I'd call him and ask him what you need. You can also run your other questions by him.

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