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Where is accessory relay for 77 280z?

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I have a fuel pump proplem and I have went through every thing but still can't get it working. I have no power to it and no fuel gets to my injectors even when I hot wire the pump. I have replaced the computor and fuel pump relay and went through all the steps that my manuals say to go through. I just found out that there is a accessory relay some where on the car that in its info says it controls the fuel pump. I bought it and now I can't find where the dang thing goes. I need to fix this asap if anyone knows where it is PLEASE let me know. Thhanx alot. This is a 77 datsun 280z

where is eccessory relay on any 280 z? I need to figure this out real quick I need to go to work this week. I bought this relay and now I can't figure out where it is at on my car, Nissan couldn't even figure it out. If anyone knows please help me.

I have a fuel pump proplem and I have went through every thing but still can't get it working. I have no power to it and no fuel gets to my injectors even when I hot wire the pump. I have replaced the computor and fuel pump relay and went through all the steps that my manuals say to go through. I just found out that there is a accessory relay some where on the car that in its info says it controls the fuel pump. I bought it and now I can't find where the dang thing goes. I need to fix this asap if anyone knows where it is PLEASE let me know. Thhanx alot. This is a 77 datsun 280z

Can you describe the relay you purchased for this? Part Mfr, Part number, physical description....

Last question... what manual are you using for troubleshooting?

To my recollection, an ACCESSORY relay is for accessories (i.e. radio, interior lamps) and not a major component in vehicle operation.

To the best of my knowledge, the '77 did NOT have such a device.

Either you have been sold an incorrect part or it has been described incorrectly by your manual. Who was the publisher of your manual again?

I have skimmed through the FSM by Nissan, Haynes, Chilton, Clymer and Motorbooks Internationals and cannot see where an accessory relay is called out in the fuel pump circuit.

Is the fuel pump connected properly?

With the key in the on position, and the flap to the air flow meter (AFM) opened, does the fuel pump operate?

This site has more than enough to offer, use the search key for your benefit.

Electronic Fuel Injection Relay is underneath driver's side 'left knee'

Other relays located on relay panel near passenger side panel and under relay bracket in engine compartment.


Here are two scans of the two relay locations for a 77-78. I don't know of one called specifically the 'accessory' relay. Might you be referring to the ignition relay? The only other relays not show here are the floor temp sensor relay and the brake warning lamp check relay. What is the number on the side of the relay you bought? If it's 25230-89958 that's the ign relay.



The part I bought at Napa and they told me that it was an accessory relay. The book that showed the part that I looked at(Napa Book) said that it was for air conditioning fuel pump and a few other things. the part number is 2523089977 It is about one inch by one inch by one and a half inch. it has 4 prongs and what looks like and alignment stud. This is the best I can do for showing how the prongs look. the + is where the alignment stud is



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I looked in my chilton and hanes manuals and found nothing about an accessory relay but when I went to napa and they told me about this part I bought it because it was my last hope. I have no Idea whats wrong with it if it isn't this relay. I replaced my ECU and my fuel pump relay and went through all the tests as far as testing my air flow unit and some other things. I get no power to my fuel pump and no fuel through my injectors. I know my fuel pump works when I hot wire it and I know the engine runs when I prime it so what am I doing wrong? I guess it could be that the fuel pump relay is bad because I took it off a junk yard Z but that was the last one in town and I don't have enough money to spend 100 dollars on a brand new part if I don't know that its the problem. Do you know how to test a fuel pump relay? Or a ECU? Thanx for the help so far.

The part I bought at Napa and they told me that it was an accessory relay. The book that showed the part that I looked at(Napa Book) said that it was for air conditioning fuel pump and a few other things. the part number is 2523089977 It is about one inch by one inch by one and a half inch. it has 4 prongs and what looks like and alignment stud. This is the best I can do for showing how the prongs look. the + is where the alignment stud is



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I looked in my chilton and hanes manuals and found nothing about an accessory relay but when I went to napa and they told me about this part I bought it because it was my last hope. I have no Idea whats wrong with it if it isn't this relay. I replaced my ECU and my fuel pump relay and went through all the tests as far as testing my air flow unit and some other things. I get no power to my fuel pump and no fuel through my injectors. I know my fuel pump works when I hot wire it and I know the engine runs when I prime it so what am I doing wrong? I guess it could be that the fuel pump relay is bad because I took it off a junk yard Z but that was the last one in town and I don't have enough money to spend 100 dollars on a brand new part if I don't know that its the problem. Do you know how to test a fuel pump relay? Or a ECU? Thanx for the help so far.

What NAPA sold you was a generic relay, someone who plugs in the information to the computers and books said this might fit.

I looked up the part number and it is listed as you say, among other applications, power window relay, cruise control relay, fuel pump relay and on and on...

Please, take this part back and get your money back.

I have studied my wiring harness up and down and there is no connector that mates to that relay. To use that relay, you would need to splice into your wiring harness. No need to do that.

You stated in your first post that you replaced the ECU and the fuel pump relays, apparently from a junker. Do you still have the original parts to test?

If nothing changed upon replacement of those items, there is a chance they are still good.

Have you downloaded the EFI 'Bible', courtesy of Cardinal Zen? It is for the '75 model, but does carry over through the '78 model.

Have you downloaded the colorized wiring diagram specifically for the '77?

You didn't answer my earlier question regarding the fuel pump operation with the key in the "ON" position and the AFM flap opened. You should hear the fuel pump 'whine'.

Did you also switch out AFM's while you were at the junkyard?

Stephen, if you can confirm, I think the '78 does not have the fuel pump switch in the AFM, but is controlled by oil pressure. Can you confirm?


No I have not downloaded either of them but I will now thanx. I have tried to do as you said with the afm flap open and key on and still don't get any juice to my pump. I still do have the ecu and relay and no I did not replace the afm but I tested it with an ohm meter like my chilton manual sais to do but did not notice a problem. I do not know how to test the air sensor its self the ecu or the relay. If anyone knows how that would be greatly apprieciated. Once again thanx for the info.

Two items:

The earlier Z's didn't have an Ignition Relay, they had an Accessory Relay. It could be as simple as the old name sticking. The Acc Relay on the 71 controls most of the electrical items that need to be disconnected when the starter is engaged.

The Blue/White wire coming from the Ignition Relay on the color wiring diagram (nice job!) connects directly to the ACC connection on the Fuse Box.

One note on the wiring diagram, a very nice job, but for future reference, the "basket weave" of the wires, although artistic, is hard to use.



Which leads me back to my original post (#4) in this thread. I kind of thought that you were referring to the ignition relay, #3 in the second attachment. A bad one could keep those electrical items Enrique mentioned disconnected (i.e. fuel pump) when the ignition is in the on position.

Which leads me back to my original post (#4) in this thread. I kind of thought that you were referring to the ignition relay, #3 in the second attachment. A bad one could keep those electrical items Enrique mentioned disconnected (i.e. fuel pump) when the ignition is in the on position.

  • 3 years later...
Wayne, the 78 280 does have the fuel pump input and output contact points in the AFM.
Looking back at this 3+ year old post while searching for something else, I saw this statement I made back then. I have since learned, about three years ago, that I was wrong!:stupid: 75-77 has the contact points, 78 and beyond doesn't.

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