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Well the day started out pretty normal, it was pretty clear outside when I woke up and headed off to get things done. I went by work to get my check, found out that a deduction was made that shouldnt have been... lost 24$ (thats alot when you work part time and pay insurance and gas and work on your car etc...). I was ok with that though, wasnt gonna let it ruin my day... I proceeded to the Nissan dealership to pick up both of my AFM hoses I orderd... they weren't there of course, now I have to wait until tuesday..(My hoses are rotted and I have a vaccume leak that causes my air/fuel mixture to go zaney). I was even ok with that... so I thought to myself, oh its a clear day! I'll go home and drive the z for a little while (seeing as I havnt drove it in a few days).

I go home and get in the Z and headed out... everything was going great... I then decided to visit a local paint/body shop that my grandparents told me was reputal and was gonna get them to look over my Z, but lo and behold! it starts to rain(after raining constantly for the majority of a month)... seeing as I have two small leaks behind my fenders that drips into my floorboards, I tried to make it home... I was driving in the older part of town, very casually I might add... and there is someone stoped at a stop sign... they appear to be not moving, waiting for me to pass, but, haha! they begin to pull out in front of me just as I near them... great! i thought to myself, not only is it raining, but me and my Z are gonna hit a P.O.S. pontiac grand-am.... I braked and downshifted to 2nd from third and evaded him within a hairs distance... thankfully there was not impact and me and my Z were safe.... I figured I had hadled iit well, I made it home and coverd her up....

a few hours passed...

It stoped raining and cleard up! yay I said, maybe I can get something done, I work on the hatch abit, inspecting the half fuctioning lock and taking the tag light panel off and taking out the old bulbs... I got in my other vehicle and drove to the auto parts place... I find the right ones and bingo I head off again back to the house... and guess what happens! .. A freak rain/thunderstorm suddenly appears out of nowhere... I am like SH!T, I gotta go put the panel back on.... I get back and inspect the wires, they're dry thank god, I put in the new bulbs and and turn on my lights... and HAHA! the tag lights dont work!.. so I put everything up and slowly went inside.... and I am thinking to myself.... "damn apartments.."


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I've had days like that. A few months ago I went to visit my parents and some friends in Dallas for the weekend, it's about a 3.5hr drive up i-35. On Sunday one of my friends in Dallas wanted to go have lunch and she said she was going to drive out from about 10 miles away or so. She ended up taking forever as women commonly do (there goes your broad generalization for the day) and showed up about an hour and a half after she said she planned to.

Now generally this wouldn't be a big deal, but it was 4PM sunday afternoon, and I had class at 9am the next morning 200 miles away. I hit up weather.com while I was waiting and saw that we had a huge stormfront moving in on Dallas from the north with lots of rain. So as she pulled up and I said hello etc, it started to sprinkle a little bit. I had just spent about 4 hours that morning washing and putting on a fresh base coat of klasse and all that, so I started to freak out.

I remembered from seeing weather.com that it APPEARED to be totally clear to the south all the way to Austin. So I basically chatted with her for a few minutes then said I had to go (she understood why, but yeah, in retrospect im an asshole for that one). I hopped in my car and managed to get out of dallas without driving through any real rain, just a few water spots on the windshield that and on the body which promptly rolled off due to the klasse.

All was going well, and as I was getting closer to Austin I saw a single mass of dark clouds on the horizon. I thought to myself "No way could that possibly be centered over I-35 in front of me." I was wrong. It was about 10 miles north of the travis county line. That was by far the most localized and intense thunderstorm system I have ever experienced in Texas. I suppose it all comes down to karma in that situation. That is, if you believe in that sort of thing.

As a side note, klasse is really great stuff. The car was still really shiny by the time I got home, and was good as new after a little touchup.

..... I had to go (she understood why, but yeah, in retrospect im an asshole for that one)...........


You blew her off because it was going to rain?!!!!!!!

I wholeheartedly agree with your restrospective view and raise you to

:stupid: :geek: ============:stupid: :geek:


:stupid: :geek: ============:stupid: :geek:

Geez man, get out from underneath the car everyonce in a while. You can always re-wax your car and it won't be mad at you.

Besides, so WHAT that it would have gotten wet, dirty, etc., you had a female willing to drive out to see YOU, then you cop out because your car might get wet? Sorry, but that's one real lame excuse. What's next? A run in your sock?

If you really, REALLY think your car wax is good, then a simple old thunderstorm should not WASH off the wax!!!

Sorry Andrew, not to berate the point, but this move qualifies you for the HALL OF SHAME!!


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