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Hello all, this is my first post on this site though I have been reading for over a year. I would first like to thank everyone for the infinate amound of knowledge contained within this site. You have all made my Z car restoration so much fun.

I have a 1971 240z with 45k original miles. I bought the car from the 2nd owner but he had not done anything with it in the 2 years he had the car. She had been parked since around 1984. After going through the brakes, fuel lines and tank, carbs and spark plugs, she drove fine! i drove the car for about 6 months everday to work and never had one problem...unbelievable. I have since decided to buy a new car in order to restore my Z.

I put a 5 speed transmission in from a ZX (99% sure it is the later of the 2, not t5) and am looking to upgrade the rear end. I would like to put a LSD eventually and am looking just to get rid of the 3.36:1 right now.

I do not know if I have the early or late style 'moustache' (proper spelling, thanks kats) bar. i had to cut the tunnel to get the fifth gear to work. The bar appears to be straight but I don't know if there is a significan bend or just a few mm.

Are there such cars known to fit both series 1 and 2? I have found a few things that make me go back and forth on this one.

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Depends what you mean by early or late. I think there is a series 1 (early) bar where the diff is located further forward. Then theres the series 2 with a slight bend to move the diff back a little, to reduce the ange of the driveshafts. then theres the (series 3??) which is the R200 mustache bar.

The R200 bar looks similar to an R180 bar mounted the other way around.

sounds like I need to post a picture.....

I would like to eventually put a 300zx turbo lsd in it. My biggest concern is: if my car does have the earlier style mounting, does this interfere at all with the conversion to the r200.

From a slightly different view, were the body mounting holes changed/relocated at all as far as the series 1&2 goes or was the bar just bent to make the change?


Thanks Carl and Ed.

Pondering about this overnight has given me two more questions.

1) Would it be easier to just keep the CV shafts with the 300zx R200 and just buy the adapters from modern motorsports? I would like to go this route to keep from having to find another R200 to gut out, but if its not reccomended for some reason, I wont.

2) Will the moustache bar from a 280zX or 300zx work? My guess is no but there really arent any of the Pre ZX's in the yards near me to rob one from.

2) Will the moustache bar from a 280zX or 300zx work? My guess is no but there really arent any of the Pre ZX's in the yards near me to rob one from.

Use the moustache bar from a 280z. 280zx or 300zx bars wont work, as they are for a different chassis to the S30.

The R200 from a 300zx will bolt straight up to a 280z moustach bar.

If you have the straight transverse link, you will have to swap that for a later one also. And before you ask "Whats a straight transverse link?"

This is:


you need a curved one like this:


See how much bigger the R200 is compared with the R180.

If your car has the straight link, then you may also need to change the front crossmember too, but i dont know about that.

If there are none in your area, some one here will have one to sell you Just post an ad in the wanted section, or get one from eay.

thanks for the info mr.camo one of the local yards is having a 50% off sale next week. i am looking to go get everything needed for the r200 swap.

does anyone else know if i will need the front cross member as well??

finally made enough room in my garage to park the Z in there out of the cold....only for her to tell me that her tranny tail shaft seal isnt working too well.

oh well, could be worse

carl, i will have to post a pic of my exhaust. it is the factory system but all the hangers rotted away. bent wire hangers with a pep boys patch is all that holds it together

merry christmas guys

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