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Ignition problem.. (I think)

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Hey everyone,

I have a big electrical problem.... after I change my radio my car dont start annymore... (thatz not funny)

I have cheked al wires but found nothing that was wrong....

but at the same time my dash-clock dont work annymore,

my volt-meter dont work annymore and

ive got no sprank.

I've rebuilt my old radio, but still nothing will work....

i cheked the fuse's, but they are all OK....

can it be a relay ? what do you think ?

Ive got a 280 z from 76...

Can annybody help me please ?

I'ts driving my crazy and i hate it to take the bike to my work..

Greetz Jeffrey (from the netherlands...)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Get yourself a volt meter or tester and find out where the break is. Did you check all your fuses? Did you check the fused links under the hood? Sounds like you may have blown a fuse or a fused link. Also, double check you stereo, or better yet, just disconnect it until you get the car started.


Sounds like you may have blown a fuse or a fused link. Also, double check you stereo, or better yet, just disconnect it until you get the car started.


I totaly agree, disconnect the stereo, start the car, while the engine is running hook up one wire at a time to see which wire is your problem.

Hey guy's

thanks for the reply's

I forgot to tell, the radio is disconected and i have cheked al fuses (the black box by the passenger side on the right and also the 4 under the hood) and i have a volt-meter and cheked all wires and found nothing strange.

btw: startmotor turns, fuelpump is OK, but i have no sprank)

(motor is not posible to run)

I'm asking myself: how is it possible that one little problem ****ed up my hole car..... :stupid:


See if there is power at the coil. Try running a hot lead from the batteries (+) terminal to the (+) terminal on the coil then try to start it.

If it starts, Then you might have a problem under the fuse box. Fuse will show to be "ok" but wire is disconnected or burnt under there somewhere.

Could'nt hurt to try.


Sounds to me like someone boobooed :ermm:. Let me get this stright

you installed a radio and now your car does not start?........???????????

As mentioned before disconnect the radio.trace all your wires that you installed to give power and ground to the unit.just to make sure you did'nt

cross anything[it's happend to the best of us]while checking those wires

check any wire and connection on the way.[double checking the whole way]

check the fuse box,check the EFI/Ignition relay on the drivers side just above your left knee it's about 3x1x1 in size make sure you have a good connection[no green stuff],check the under hood fuse links.I've seen these blow and not break there skins.so check'em good.What really bothers me is that you don't have spark due to this.It sounds like something was shorted.

don't forget to check that wonderful ignition box by the fuse box.

I'ts always hard to diag something you can not see.good luck.


hey Dave,

thanks for the sugestion, I have connect the + from the coil to the battery and then started my car...but the engine dont run. to bad....

the coil is okay, ik have tryed 2 others (1 from 240 z and 1 from a 300 zx tt, and both also dont work, and my 280-coil works on the 240 z car)

I cheked al wires on the backside of the fuse box and al the wires are also okay.


Jep it's true, i conected my radio and the car don't start anymore. (and the radio also dont work). my volt-meter on the dashboard dont work, but the red-led at the right site works when i turn the key to the startpoint.

ive marked all wires before i disconect them but maybe i have something shorted (yeah, i forgot to disconect the battery.) but how much dammage can i make?, its only a radio and the fuse have done his work (it was melted)

I go now chek the EFI/Ignition relay and after that i go chek the igniton box near my fuse box. but only one thing... how to chek ? i have dont open it yet, (I look at it and think: wow, to many wires :eek: )

If someone have more suggestions i like to hear it. I realy dont no where i must look annymore :rolleyes:

Greetz Jeffrey

(but i am still a proud Z-owner)

  • 3 weeks later...

I was looking through the wiring on my 280 and was double checking the fuseable link on the passenger side strut tower and surprise. no radio, no volt meter, no start. You might look at these carefully, check for continuity,corrosion, signs of getting hot, bubbled insulation. Good Luck

Hey jwc4248

Thanks for the suggestion.

I've only checked the wires a thousand times

and still nothing found. there is only

one good thing: i know a lot more

of the electrical stuff in my car :)

By the way. do someone knows where the ignition

Pick up is located ?

i am now checking the Distributor and electronic

module and the Red and Green wire must go to

the ignition pick up, but i dont know what it is :)

GreetZ Jeffrey

Thanks, that was where i am looking for,

now i am know thats also not the problem....

1 little question, do someone know what

the output must be for the ignition coil ?

when i turn the key in the 'on" stand,

the voltmeter say's: 5 volt. (thats going

to the distributor) and when i cheking

after the distributor i have 1 volt left...

thats not much isnt it ?

can it be that my battery is bad ?

the start motor turns around...

so realy weak is the accu not..

Greetz Jeffrey

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